Como nos anos anteriores, caberá à Diretoria, caso as condições econômicas e o valor da cotação
das ações da Companhia na B3 assim o recomendem, efetivar (ou não) a aquisição em quantidade e
preços adequados, nos seguintes termos e condições:
9. Indicar a destinação dos recursos auferidos, se for o caso: A decisão quanto à manutenção
das ações eventualmente adquiridas em tesouraria, cancelamento, alienação e/ou vinculação ao plano
de remuneração em ações da Companhia, será tomada oportunamente pela Diretoria da Companhia,
sem necessidade de aprovações adicionais pelo Conselho de Administração durante o prazo deste Plano
de Recompra, e comunicada ao mercado. Eventuais recursos auferidos pela Companhia serão utilizados
no desenvolvimento de suas atividades sociais.
10. Indicar o prazo máximo para a liquidação das operações autorizadas: o prazo máximo
para liquidação das operações com ações emitidas pela Companhia no âmbito deste Plano de Recompra
é de 1 (um) ano, com início em 08 de fevereiro de 2023 e término em 07 de fevereiro de 2024.
11. Identificar instituições que atuarão como intermediárias, se houver: Itaú Corretora de
Valores S.A., com sede na Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, nº 3.500, 3º Andar, Parte, Itaim Bibi – São
Paulo - SP, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº 61.194.353/0001-64.
12. Especificar os recursos disponíveis a serem utilizados, na forma do art. 8º, § 1º, da
Resolução CVM nº 77, de 29 de março de 2022: A recompra de ações será realizada por meio da
utilização de quaisquer recursos disponíveis na data de aquisição, incluindo reservas de lucros e
resultados do exercício nos termos e nos limites permitidos pelas normas legais e regulatórias aplicáveis.
PORTO SEGURO S.A. (B3: PSSA3), pursuant to applicable regulation, hereby informs its
shareholders and the market that the Company’s Board of Directors, at a meeting held on February
8, 2023, approved the renewal of the share buyback program (“Buyback Program”).
Similarly to previous years, the Board of Executive Officers will have the option, if permitted by
economic conditions and the price of the Company’s shares at B3, to acquire (or not) Company shares
at appropriate quantity and prices, under the following terms and conditions:
1. Justify in detail the objective and economic effects expected from the transaction: The
Share Buyback Program, carried out by means of acquisition of Company shares to be held in
treasury, cancelled or sold, without reducing the capital stock, and/or bound to the Company’s share-
based plan, under the right conditions, aims to create an additional alternative to generate value for
2. State the number of (i) outstanding and (ii) treasury shares: (i) As defined in article 1º,
single paragraph, “I” of CVM Resolution 77/22, there are 188,553,221 outstanding common shares;
and (ii) 8,562,548 Company shares held in treasury.
3. State the number of shares that may be acquired or sold: The acquisition will respect the
limit of up to 18,855,322 common shares, representing 10% (ten percent) of the total outstanding
shares. The effective repurchase of the total number of shares approved herein will depend, among
other aspects, on the number of treasury shares held by the Company at the time of negotiation and
the balance of available funds, under the terms and within the limits allowed by legal and regulatory
rules applicable. All shares eventually repurchased may be sold within the scope of the Buyback
4. Describe the main characteristics of the derivative instruments used by the Company,
if applicable: The Company will not use derivative instruments.
8. Identify the other parties, if applicable, and, in case of a party related to the Company,
as defined by the accounting rules governing this matter, provide the information
required by article 9 of CVM Resolution 81, of March 29, 2022: The Buyback Program applies
indiscriminately to all Company shareholders.
9. Indicate the allocation of the proceeds, if applicable: The decision on whether to hold
shares in treasury, cancel, sell and/or bind them to the Company’s share-based compensation plan
willbe taken at an opportune time by the Company’s Board of Executive Officers, with no need of
additional approvals by the Board of Directors during the term of this Buyback Plan, and informed to
the market. Any proceeds earned by the Company will be used in the development of its social
10. Indicate the maximum term to settle authorized transactions: the maximum term
to settle Company share transactions within the scope of this Buyback Plan is one (1) year, from
February 8, 2023 to February 7, 2024.
11. Identify the financial institutions that will act as intermediaries, if applicable: Itaú
Corretora de Valores S.A., headquartered at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, nº 3.500, 3º andar, Parte,
Itaim Bibi, São Paulo-SP, inscribed in the roll of corporate taxpayers (CNPJ/ME) under number
12. Specify the funds available to be used, pursuant to article 8, paragraph 1 of CVM
Instruction 77, of March 29, 2022: The repurchase of shares will be carried out through the use
of any available funds for use, profit reserves and results for the year under the terms and limits
permitted by laws and regulations.
13. Specify why the Board of Directors’ members believe that the share buyback will
notjeopardize compliance with the obligations assumed with creditors or the payment of
fixed or minimum mandatory dividends: The decision on whether or not to acquire shares is the
exclusive responsibility of the Board of Executive Officers, who, at the time of the eventual acquisition,
are responsible for assessing whether the Company's financial situation, market conditions and other
relevant factors are compatible with the intended transaction. Based on the Interim Financial
Statements on the base date of September 30, 2022, the balance of sufficient capital available to the
Company is significantly higher than what would be necessary for the eventual repurchase of all the
common shares that are the object of the Buyback Program. For these reasons, the members of the
Board of Directors understand that the repurchase of shares will not affect the fulfillment of the
obligations assumed with creditors. Additionally, the members of the Board of Directors clarify that
the shares issued by the Company do not entitle their holders to receive fixed or minimum dividends.