Secagem de Jambo Vermelho em Camada de Espuma
Secagem de Jambo Vermelho em Camada de Espuma
Secagem de Jambo Vermelho em Camada de Espuma
3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
Influência da temperatura de secagem de jambo vermelho (Syzygium malaccense) em
camada de espuma
Influence of foam-mat drying temperature of red jambo (Syzygium malaccense)
Influencia de la temperatura de secado del jambo rojo (Syzygium malaccense) en la
capa de espuma
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
University of Passo Fundo, Brazil
E-mail: [email protected]
O cerrado brasileiro constitui um dos biomas mais ricos do mundo, com espécies frutíferas
nativas e exóticas, no entanto pouco exploradas. Diante dessa diversidade, destaca-se o jambo
vermelho, um fruto exótico com características sensoriais marcantes, porém altamente
perecível, com vida de prateleira reduzida. A secagem em camada de espuma é uma técnica
que auxilia na conservação dos frutos, originando um produto em pó com características
desejáveis, como elevada porosidade e capacidade de reidratação. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho
objetivou analisar a influência da temperatura de secagem, além de avaliar a cinética e
modelagem matemática dos dados experimentais. Ainda, foram determinadas as propriedades
físico-químicas da polpa de jambo in natura e pós o processo de secagem em camada de
espuma. A secagem foi realizada em estufa de circulação de ar nas temperaturas de 50, 60,
70ºC, empregando uma concentração de 4,5% (m/m) de emulsificante. Os modelos matemáticos
Lewis, Midilli e Kucuk e Page foram ajustados aos dados experimentais, sendo o melhor ajuste
obtido utilizando os modelos de Midilli e Kucuk e Page. Os pós da fruta apresentaram pH ácido
(em torno de 3,5), o teor de vitamina C diminuiu conforme o aumento da temperatura (108,16;
88,58 e 62,16 mg, para as temperaturas de 50, 60 e 70 ºC, respectivamente) e o teor de cinzas
aumentou significativamente nas amostras secas em pó devido a adição de agentes espumantes.
Palavras-chave: Frutas do cerrado; Modelagem matemática; Vitamina C.
The Brazilian cerrado is one of the richest biomes in the world, with native and exotic fruit
species, but little explored. Given this diversity, stands out the red jambo, an exotic fruit with
remarkable sensory characteristics, but highly perishable, with reduced shelf life. Foam-mat
drying (FMD) is a technique that aids in the preservation of fruits, resulting in a powder product
with desirable characteristics such as high porosity and rehydration capacity. In this sense, this
work aimed to analyze the influence of drying temperature, besides evaluating the kinetics and
mathematical modeling of experimental data. In addition, the physicochemical properties of
fresh jambo pulp were determined and after the foam layer drying process. Drying was
performed in an air circulation oven at 50, 60, 70ºC, using a concentration of 4.5% (w/w)
emulsifier. The Lewis, Midilli and Kucuk and Page mathematical models were adjusted to the
experimental data, being the best fit obtained using the Midilli and Kucuk and Page models.
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
The fruit powders presented acidic pH (throne of 3.5), the vitamin C content decreased as the
temperature increased (108.16; 88.58 and 62,16 mg at 50, 60 and 70ºC , respectively) and ash
content increased significantly in dry powder samples due to the addition of foaming agents.
Keywords: Cerrado fruits; Mathematical modeling; Vitamin C.
El cerrado brasileño es uno de los biomas más ricos del mundo, con especies de frutas nativas
y exóticas, pero poco explorado. Dada esta diversidad, destaca el jambo rojo, una fruta exótica
con características sensoriales notables, pero altamente perecedera, con una vida útil reducida.
El secado de la capa de espuma es una técnica que ayuda a preservar las frutas, lo que da como
resultado un producto en polvo con características deseables, tales como alta porosidad y
capacidad de rehidratación. En este sentido, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la
influencia de la temperatura de secado, además de evaluar la cinética y el modelado matemático
de datos experimentales. Además, se determinaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas de la pulpa
de jambo fresca y después del proceso de secado de la capa de espuma. El secado se realizó en
un horno de circulación de aire a 50, 60, 70ºC, utilizando una concentración de emulsionante
de 4,5% (p/p). Los modelos matemáticos Lewis, Midilli y Kucuk y Page se ajustaron a los datos
experimentales, siendo el mejor ajuste obtenido utilizando los modelos Midilli y Kucuk y Page.
Los polvos de fruta mostraron un pH ácido (trono 3.5), el contenido de vitamina C disminuyó
a medida que aumentó la temperatura (108.16; 88.58 y 62.16 mg a 50, 60 y 70 ºC,
respectivamente) y El contenido de cenizas aumentó significativamente en muestras de polvo
seco debido a la adición de agentes espumantes.
Palabras clave: Frutos del Cerrado; Modelado matemático; Vitamina C.
1. Introduction
The Brazilian cerrado is one of the richest biomes in the world, with vast renewable
natural resources, yet many native and exotic fruit species with nutritional potential and striking
sensory attributes are still unexplored. These characteristics make these fruits promising for the
development of healthy and innovative food products (Morzelle et al., 2015; Souza et al., 2012).
Faced with such diversity, stands out the red Jambo (Syzygium malaccense), also known
as Malay apple, Malay rose, nakavita, jambu merah, jambu bol, jambo, otaheite cashew,
mountain apple and pommerac, is an obovoid fruit of red and smooth skin and white and juicy
pulp, with similar flavor the green grapes. In Brazil, its harvest season usually occurs during
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
spring and fall flowering, the fruit is highly perishable and its shelflife shortened, ranging from
3 to 6 days after harvest (Fernandes & Rodrigues, 2018).
In this sense, drying is a technique that helps in the conservation of fruits, preserving
nutrients and active and antioxidants compounds (Sogi et al., 2015). Among the drying
methods, foam-mat drying (FMD) stands out, which consists of mixing the pulp or fruit or
vegetable juice with a stabilizing agent in order to obtain a stable foam, dried at temperatures
ranging from 50 to 80ºC. The dried product is ground at the end of the process originating a
powder product. As main advantages, FMD provides a higher drying rate compared to
conventional drying, due to its larger surface area exposed to the heated air, reducing the energy
expenditure of the process, adding value to the product, as it increases its porosity and
rehydration capacity. Thus, it is essential to study the proper conditions to obtain a quality final
product. (Abbasi & Azizpour, 2016).
Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze the influence of temperature and drying
kinetics, as well as the physicochemical properties of jambo pulp after the foam-mat drying
2. Methodology
For the development of this work were used as raw materials the fruits of jambo, from
the local market of Colíder, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Fruit processing and analysis were performed
at the Chemistry Laboratory of the Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT), Barra do Bugres,
Mato Grosso, Brazil.
The fruits were selected according to the ripening stage, being cleaned in running water,
manually pulped, and then stored under freezing at -18ºC in a commercial freezer for 24h.
Subsequently, the jambo pulp was ground and homogenized and for the preparation of foam
were tested 4.0, 4.5 and 5% (w/w) of emulsifier, with the aid of a commercial mixer, for 8
minutes at full speed. The concentration of 4.5% (w/w) emulsifier was selected because it has
better stability. The foam formed was distributed in Petri dishes and taken to a forced-air oven
for drying under controlled temperatures.
Samples of 10g of foam were carefully spread in Petri dishes and placed in a forced-air
oven (CienLab, CE-480, Brazil) at 50, 60 and 70 ° C. The dried pulp foams were removed from
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
the Petri dishes with the aid of a spatula, stored and identified according to material type, date
and experimental conditions.
Drying curves were established for the samples subjected to the described conditions,
by following up the moisture loss recorded by varying the mass of the samples at time intervals
of 15 minutes. Mass losses during drying were obtained with the aid of a semi-analytical
balance (Shimadzu, AY220, Japan) accurate to 0.0001 g. The tests were prolonged until they
reached equilibrium conditions (constant mass). The moisture ratio (MR) was determined
according to Equation 1.
(𝑀− 𝑀 )
𝑀𝑅 = (𝑀 − 𝑀𝑒 ) (1)
𝑖 𝑒
M: product water content (decimal d.b.); Mi: initial water content of product (decimal d.b.); Me: product
equilibrium water content (decimal d.b.)
To evaluate the behavior of moisture loss over time, semi-empirical models were used.
Considering the equilibrium humidity as the humidity reached when the drying rate is canceled,
the moisture ratios (MR) were calculated. Therefore, the Excel program was used to perform
the calculations and modeling. To represent the drying kinetics of jambo pulps dried by FMD,
the mathematical models of Lewis (1921), Midilli and Kucuk (2002) and Page (1949) were
used, as shown in Table 1.
Model Equation
Lewis 𝑋𝑎𝑑 = exp(−𝑘𝑡) (2)
Midilli and Kucuk 𝑋𝑎𝑑 = 𝑎 exp(−𝑘𝑡 𝑛 ) + 𝑏𝑡 (3)
Page 𝑋𝑎𝑑 = exp(−𝑘𝑡 𝑛 ) (4)
𝑋𝑎𝑑 : moisture content (dimensionless); t: drying time (min); k: drying coefficient (min-¹); a, b, n: model
constants (dimensionless)
Fresh Pulp and dried jambo powder were subjected to analyzes of gravity moisture
content (method 014/IV), acidity content (method 310/IV), pH (method 014/IV) and ash
content (method 364/IV) and vitamin C content (method 364/IV) according to the Adolf Lutz
Institute handbook (2008). All analyzes were performed in triplicate.
The comparison of the means obtained in the physicochemical analysis was performed
by applying the Tukey test (p <0.05) using the Statistica software, version 7.0.
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
The drying curves of the jambo pulp are shown in Figure 1 in the dimensionless form
of moisture content (MR versus time). The dried jambo foams at 50, 60 and 70 ° C the time
required to reduce the water content was 435, 345 and 270 min, respectively. Also, according
to Brooker et al. (1992) the external conditions of air velocity, temperature and relative
humidity directly affect the drying process.
As expected, drying time was shorter when higher temperatures were applied, behavior
caused by increased drying rate in view of the higher temperature gradient between air and
foam, resulting in steeper curves due to higher heat transfer from air to material (Akpinar et al.,
2003). Such temperature effect was also observed in the drying of banana foam (Falade &
Okocha, 2012) yacon juice (Franco et al., 2015), uvaia (Branco et al., 2016; Rigueto et al.,
2018) and mango (Lobo et al., 2017).
Table 2 shows the parameters of the Lewis, Midilli and Kucuk and Page mathematical
models, adjusted to the experimental data of the drying of the jambo foams, as well as the
correlation coefficients and mean errors.
As can be seen in Table 2, the Page and Midilli and Kucuk models presented the best
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
adjustments in relation to the models employed. Still, the Midilli and Kucuk model presented
the best correlation and the lowest estimated average error in most of the studied conditions.
The Lewis model presented the lowest correlation and highest error in all the studied conditions
in relation to the other models.
Table 2 - Parameters of mathematical models adjusted for drying kinetics of fresh jambo pulp
and dried powders at 50 ºC, 60 ºC and 70 °C
Models Parameters 50 ºC 60 ºC 70 ºC
k (min ¹) - 0.003928 0.007501 0.016327
Lewis R2 0.934508 0.952302 0.936698
Error 10.10511 8.320634 6.389394
a 1.027480 1.021589 1.044937
b 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Midilli and k (min-¹) 0.000008 0.000019 0.000454
Kucuk n 2.136168 2.166661 1.738084
R2 0.988761 0.995288 0.990215
Error 1.810217 0.856110 0.875622
k (min-¹) 0.000016 0.000035 0.000076
n 1.993566 2.044333 2.123105
R2 0.985063 0.992539 0.993460
Error 2.101454 1.017440 0.561332
According to Samapundo et al. (2007) values below 10% of relative mean error indicate
good suitability for practical purposes, therefore, it is found that the proposed models are
appropriate to describe the phenomenon of foam-mat drying of jambo pulp and also to
determine the transition point between the constant and decreasing drying period.
Figures 2 (a), (b) and (c) shows the curves adjusted according to the models of Lewis,
Midilli and Kucuk and Page, under the conditions of 50, 60 and 70 °C, respectively, to the
experimental data of jambo dried by FMD.
The profiles of the drying curves confirm that the models that best fit the experimental
data were Midilli and Kucuk and Page. The good adjust of the Midilli and Kucuk and Page
models to the experimental drying data of jambo was also verified by Pereira (2018), who
evaluated three mathematical models to describe the drying kinetics of jambo, obtaining
adjustments (R²) of 0.9966, 0.9950 and 0.9790 for the Midilli and Kucuk, Page and Lewis
models, respectively.
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
The use of alternative pretreatments to optimize the drying process has been objectified
in several studies, as in Oliveira et al. (2010), who evaluated the influence of ultrasonic
pretreatment before air drying to promote dehydration of jambo. The authors observed that
during the ultrasonic treatment in distilled water, the fruit lost sugar. In addition, effective water
diffusivity increased by about 28% after ultrasound, reducing total drying time by more than
Figure 2 - Adjustments of the Lewis, Midilli and Kucuk and Page models for foam-mat
drying of jambo pulp at a) 50 ºC, b) 60 ° C and c) 70 ° C
a) b)
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
Table 3 - Physicochemical characterization of fresh jambo pulp and after foam-mat drying
Dried pulps
Analyze Fresh pulp
50 ºC 60 ºC 70 ºC
a b bc
Moisture (%) 88.9±0.09 15.37±0.19 11.86±3.29 10.34±0.42c
* Means followed by the same letters on the lines do not differ significantly by the Tukey test (p<0.05)
Augusta et al. (2010) physically and chemically characterized the peel and pulp of red
jambo, highlighting the importance of physicochemical characterization to evaluate fruit quality
and provide reliable information on its nutritional value, yield and shelf life.
The moisture, pH, ash and vitamin C parameters obtained for the fresh pulp of jambo
(Table 3) approximate the characterization performed by Augusta et al. (2010). However, the
application of heat commonly used in traditional dehydration processes was expected to cause
changes in the physical and structural properties of dry products (Barbosa-Cánovas et al., 2005),
which was observed in virtually all parameters determined for jambo dried pulp, except for the
Moisture reduction achieved through the foam layer drying method is critical to hamper
microbial growth and the development of physicochemical reactions (Zotarelli, 2014). Table 3
further shows that the drying process increased the total titratable acidity of the dried pulp
compared to the fresh sample, which may be explained by the almost complete removal of the
aqueous part of the pulp, causing the concentration of acids present in the fruit. Such
phenomenon was also observed by Rigueto et al. (2018), using the same method for drying
uvaia in the same temperature range as the present study.
The pH values ranged from 3.52 (fresh pulp) to 3.47 (drying at 70 °C), with values
progressively regressing with increasing drying temperature. Also, it is noted (Table 3) that the
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
pH of fresh jambo and the powder obtained at 50ºC showed no significant difference (p>0.05),
such difference was observed from the dry powders at 60 and 70 ºC.
Ash contents did not differ statistically (p>0.05) between the three temperatures studied,
there was only difference between fresh pulp (0.46%) and the powders (≅ 3%). This increase
may be related to the presence emulsifier in powder samples obtained after foam-mat drying
(Rigueto et al., 2018).
All the pulps submitted to the foam drying process presented higher vitamin C content
than the fresh pulp, being observed an inversely proportional relation with the increase of the
drying air temperature with the retention of vitamin C. Thus, 50 °C is the most suitable
temperature for dehydration of jambo, aiming at higher levels of vitamin C.
Chambers et al. (1996) explain that fruits subjected to low drying temperatures may
favor the stabilization of ascorbic acid and, consequently, increase its vitamin content, while
increased warming and luminosity may lead to the reduction of vitamins, as already reported
by other authors who studied vegetables different (Fernandes et al., 2014; Mehta et al., 2007;
Kadam; Lata; Pandey, 2005). Azevêdo (2010) related the lower pigment concentration of
dehydrated jambo samples to the thermal effect associated with a possible oxidation generated
by the drying process.
Vitamin C content was one of the parameters evaluated by Vega-Gálvez et al. (2009),
when studying the effect of hot air on under the red pepper constituents (Capsicum annuum L.
var. Hungarian). The authors found that vitamin C content also decreased with increasing
temperature (from 50 ° C to 90 °C), but in contrast to the present study, fresh red pepper had a
higher amount of vitamin C than red pepper submitted drying at 50 °C.
4. Conclusions
According to the obtained data, it is concluded that the increase of the drying
temperature favored the reduction in the drying time of the jambo foams. Regarding
mathematical modeling, the Page and Midilli and Kucuk models provided the best adjustments
to the experimental drying data at the three temperatures studied.
In physicochemical analysis, the fresh jambo pulp showed acid character, with increase
of acidity and ash after foam-mat drying. In addition, dried 50 °C jambo pulp showed higher
vitamin C retention due to lower foam exposure temperature.
Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n. 3, e40932382, 2020
(CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525-3409 | DOI:
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