Eng10 Evaluation Test2 Versiona

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Test specifics

Conteúdos temáticos /
Tipologia de itens Cotação Critérios de classificação
Domínios de referência


A) de seleção 16 2 pontos: escolha certa

0 pontos: escolha
– Foreign languages errada
– English as a
B) de seleção: 12 12 pontos: ordenação correta
global language
ordenação de frases 6 pontos: ordenação incompleta ou parcialmente correta
– Teen brain
0 pontos: ordenação incorreta
C) de construção 12 3 pontos: resposta correta
0 pontos: resposta
Reading and Use of English

A) de seleção: 12 3 pontos: correspondência certa

correspondência 0 pontos: correspondência
B) de seleção: True / 12 3 pontos: indicação correta / correção certa
False / Doesn’t Say 1 ponto: indicação correta / correção
e correção das errada 0 pontos: indicação incorreta
C) de seleção: sinónimos 8 2 pontos: resposta certa
ou antónimos 0 pontos: resposta
– Past perfect simple D) de construção: 18 6 pontos: explicação certa, sem erros (gr. ou ort.)
or continuous explicação de 3 pontos: explicação certa com muitos erros (gr. ou
– Double comparative expressões ort.) 0 pontos: explicação errada
structures E) de seleção: escolha 12 2 pontos: resposta certa
– Future tenses múltipla 0 pontos: resposta
– Conditional clauses: types errada
1 and 2 F) de seleção: exercício 12 3 pontos: resposta certa
de completamento 0 pontos: resposta
G) de seleção: exercício 12 3 pontos: resposta certa
de completamento 0 pontos: resposta
H) de seleção: exercício 12 3 pontos: resposta certa
de completamento 0 pontos: resposta
I) de construção: 21 7 pontos: estrutura correta
exercício de reescrita de 3-6 pontos: alguns erros de estrutura e
frases ortografia 1-2 pontos: muitos erros de ortografia
0 pontos: estrutura incorreta

Vocabulário relacionado Writing

#English, 10.º ano –

De construção: resposta 41 30-41 pontos: articula as ideias de forma adequada num texto
extensa (cerca de 100– claro e coerente; bom domínio das estruturas e formas
120 palavras) sobre gramaticais, vocabulário variado e adequado; erros ortográficos e
uma das unidades gramaticais pouco frequentes e não impeditivos de compreensão;
temáticas. respeita os limites de palavras.
14-29 pontos: texto pouco organizado, mas coerente;
vocabulário pouco variado, mas adequado; erros ortográficos e
gramaticais frequentes e não impeditivos de compreensão; pode
não respeitar os limites de palavras.
5-13 pontos: texto desorganizado e simples, abordando o tema
com os temas
de forma genérica e recorrendo a repetições e pormenores
pouco relevantes; vocabulário pouco adequado; erros
ortográficos e gramaticais frequentes; pode não respeitar os
limites de palavras.
1-4 pontos: texto muito desorganizado e simples; erros
ortográficos e gramaticais sistemáticos, vocabulário pobre e
frases sem sentido; não respeita limites de palavras; conteúdo
pode afastar-se do que é pedido.
0 pontos: texto sem sentido; estrutura elementar e desajustada;
conteúdo não corresponde ao que é pedido.

#English, 10.º ano –

Answer key and Scripts
Listening Some studies have apparently identified a link between being multilingual
A. 1. second language; 2. foreign country; 3. express yourself clearly; 4. and fending off the onset of dementia. Others indicate that being able to speak
language and cultural; 5. all-round cognitive ability; 6. soft skills; 7. more than one language can help you become better at multitasking in
mastery; 8. mother tongue other aspects of your daily life, too.
B. 4 / 2 / 5 / 1 / 6 / 3
C. 1. Number of languages that are growing in popularity in the UK. Script B:
2. Percentage of people who use English online. Deciding on which additional language or languages to learn is often a
3. Percentage of people who use Chinese online. matter of chance and personal preference. Maybe you have a parent or
4. Percentage of people who use Spanish online. grandparent who is a native of another country, so you were brought up being
able to speak their language. Perhaps your family regularly went on holiday
Reading and Use of English to a particular foreign country when you were a child and that sparked your
A. 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. a interest. Or it could just be that you had a very engaging teacher who
B. 1. F – They believed that the brain couldn’t repair itself.; 2. T; 3. DS; 4. T instilled in you a love for languages.
C. 1. S; 2. S; 3. A; 4. S But deciding whether to learn any language at all would appear to be
D. 1. begin to vanish; 2. reorganise zones; 3. doing many things at the same determined more by your mother language than anything else. In short,
time native-born English speakers are far less likely to learn a second language
E. 1. prefrontal; 2. puberty; 3. forehead; 4. mood; 5. impulses; 6. judgments than many other people.
F. 1. had been waiting; 2. had eaten; 3. had texted; 4. had been shopping
G. 1. stronger and stronger; 2. less and less; 3. more adaptable, easier; 4.
more, better
Script C:
In the UK, fewer school students are studying languages to exam levels at
H. 1. is going to have; 2. leaves; 3. will fully understand; 4. is going to start
ages 16 or 18. Since 2013, the numbers of studying a language at GCSE
/ is starting
level – the end of secondary schooling examination taken by most 16-year-olds
I. 1. …you exercise your brain, it will develop better compensatory
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – have fallen between 30% and
50%. Scotland has its own exam system but the drop off in language study
2. …you learn a second language, you may regret it later.
is comparable.
3. …you spoke a foreign language, your brain wouldn’t lose its plasticity.
The UK has a long-standing tradition of teaching French and German at
secondary school level, although not always with tremendous success: Brits are
Script A: not famed for their multilingual skills. However, the popularity of both those
There are many advantages to learning a second language. Some are fairly languages has plummeted in UK schools. Less than 20 years ago, just 2,500
obvious. If you find yourself lost in a foreign country, being able to express students were taking a language other than French, German, Spanish or
yourself clearly could help lead you to your destination. Similarly, if your job Welsh – which is a mandatory curriculum requirement in Wales. But by 2017,
requires you to travel, you may find it easier to overcome language and according to numbers acquired by the BBC, that had shot up to 9,400.
cultural barriers. Two languages that are growing in popularity in the UK are Spanish and
But there are other benefits that are not so immediately apparent. For Chinese, the BBC found. Chinese, of course, is the most widely spoken
example, learning another language can improve your all-round cognitive ability. language in the world. However, in the online sphere it’s a close second to
It may help you sharpen your soft skills, and even increase your mastery of English. Online, English is used by 25.4% of people. For Chinese, it’s 19.3%.
your mother tongue, too. Both are way ahead of third-placed Spanish which is used by 8.1% of
internet users.
ENG10TRF © Porto Editora

#English, 10.º ano –

Name No. Class Date Mark Teacher Parent ©

A Listen to the first part of a podcast about languages and fill in the gaps. 8×2=16

Learning a 1 has many advantages. Let’s imagine that you find yourself lost in a
2 , being able to 3 could help you get to your destination. The
same happens when your job requires you to travel. It is easier for you to overcome 4
But there are other benefits that aren’t so obvious. For instance, learning a foreign language can improve
your 5 . It may also help you sharpen 6
or even increase your
7 of your 8 .

B Listen to the second part and order the sentences. 6×2=12

1. You could have a teacher who instilled a love for languages in you.

2. Perhaps your ancestors are natives of another country and that encouraged you to speak
their language.

3. Learning a second language is less probable in native English speakers.

4. Your preferences and chance may decide what foreign language you will learn.

5. Your interest in a language could be sparked by a country where you went on holiday.

6. Your mother tongue may determine whether to learn a foreign language or not.

C Now listen to the last part and say what these numbers refer to. 4×3=12

1. 2

2. 25.4%

3. 19.3%

4. 8.1%

#English, 10.º ano –

Reading and Use of English
Read the following text.

The brain is plastic, it’s fantastic!

For a very long time, scientists didn’t believe it was possible for the brain to change throughout life. The
overall assumption was that the brain would develop up until a certain point, from which its connections
would become fixed and then eventually start to fade. It was also believed that there was no way to repair
the brain after it suffered injury. However, recent studies proved the exact opposite: that the brain, in fact,
5 never stops changing as a response to different experiences.
This is explained by the concept of neuroplasticity. In neuroscience, “plastic” refers to the capacity that
materials have to change and be moulded into different shapes. It is the brain’s ability to adjust its
physical structure and, in this way, repair damaged regions, grow new neurons, rezone regions to
perform new tasks and build networks of neurons that allow us to remember, feel and dream things. It
is, furthermore,
10 what allows us to explain how the brain is able to mould itself following second language acquisition.
Neuroplasticity generally decreases as we grow older, which is why it’s easier for children to become
fluent in a second language than adults. The infant brain is more plastic, making it more easily adaptable
and able to deal with the challenges of speaking two languages, like having to switch between one and the
other in different contexts. This doesn’t mean that adults should give up learning a new language all
15 together, on the contrary. The benefits associated with brain changes due to learning have been observed
in sequential bilinguals (people who learn their second language later on in life) as well.
The changes to the brain aren’t felt like other changes in the body, such as growing pains, but
translate into cognitive advantages. Learning a second language is, as mentioned before, a complex
process that involves different brain regions and puts them to work. On top of that, once other
languages are mastered,
20 switching back and forth between them is more demanding on the brain. This mental gymnastics of sorts

provides the brain with better compensatory mechanisms. The executive control center of the brain is
what manages this dual or multiple language system, so as we learn how to use the right language at the
right time, we are exercising the regions of the brain responsible for our executive function through
25 A stronger executive function means bilingual or multilingual individuals are generally better at analysing
their surroundings, multitasking, and problem solving. There’s also evidence of them having a larger
working memory even if the task at hand is not related to language. The biggest benefit, however, is the
increased ability to cope with degenerative diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s, as demonstrated in
several studies like the one mentioned in the beginning. This doesn’t mean that the brains of
30 are not susceptible to cognitive degeneration, but they are better able to cope with the damage, thanks to
the compensatory mechanisms arising from knowing, and using, a second language.
ENG10TRF © Porto Editora

#English, 10.º ano –


Match the information in each column to build correct sentences according to the text. 4×3=12
1. For a very long time, it was believed a) have more working memory than ©

monolingual people.
2. “Plastic” in neuroscience means b) that the brain didn’t change
throughout life.
3. The infant brain c) that the brain can adjust its
physical structure.
4. Bilingual or multilingual people d) is more plastic than the adult one.

B Say whether the following sentences are true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS). 4×3=12
Correct the false ones.
1. In the past, scientists believed that the brain could repair itself after an accident.
2. Neuroplasticity explains how the brain can mould itself after learning a second language.
3. It also explains teens’ behaviour in adolescence.
4. Bilingual or multilingual individuals are more capable of dealing with diseases such as dementia.

C Are the pairs of words synonyms (S) or antonyms (A)? 4×2=8

1. overall – global
2. allows – enables
3. benefits – disadvantages
4. provides – gives

D Explain the meaning of the following expressions. 3×6=18

1. “start to fade” (line 3)

2. “rezone regions” (line 8)
3. “multitasking” (line 26)

E Complete the paragraph with the words below. 6×2=12

impulses • forehead • puberty • prefrontal • judgments • mood

Scientists found out that in an area of the brain called the 1 cortex, the brain appeared
to be growing again just before 2 . The prefrontal cortex sits just behind the
3 . It is particularly interesting to scientists because it acts as the CEO of the brain,
controlling planning, working memory, organization, and modulating 4 . As the
prefrontal cortex matures, teenagers can reason better, develop more control over 5
and make 6 better. In fact, this part of the brain has been dubbed “the area of sober
second thought.”
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/teenbrain/work/adolescent.html (Abridged)

F Complete using the past perfect simple or continuous. 4×3=12

1. I (wait) for the doctor for more than two hours when he finally arrived.
2. Tom (eat) by the time they called.
3. My friend (text) me six times before I answered.
4. We (shop) for about two hours when they announced the shopping centre was
going to close.
#English, 10.º ano – Evaluation
GComplete the sentences using parallel or gradual increase structures. 4×3=12
1. As the teenage brain grows, it develops more self-control.
As the teenage brain grows, the self-control becomes (strong).
2. As we grow older, we lose neuroplasticity.
As we grow older, we have (little) neuroplasticity.
3. The brain is adaptable. It is easy to deal with language acquisition.
The the brain is, the it is to deal with language acquisition.
4. She speaks many languages. She is able to deal with mental issues well.
The languages she speaks, the her brain deals with mental

H Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the future. 4×3=12

1. Look how much he is studying! He (have) a good mark.

2. Our plane to the neuroscience congress (leave) at 9 a.m.
3. I think that one day we (fully / understand) the human brain.
4. Come on! The webinar about neuroplasticity (start).

I Build conditional sentences (types 1 or 2) starting as suggested. 3×7=21

1. You exercise your brain. It develops better compensatory mechanisms.

If .
2. If you don’t learn a second language, you may regret it later.
Unless .
3. You don’t speak a foreign language. Your brain loses its plasticity.
If .

Choose A or B and write about 100-120 words. 41

A Write an opinion text about the following statement.

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they
are going.”
Rita Mae Brown

B Read Sarah’s dilemma:

“My parents don’t let me use the internet anymore. They tell me that I spend most of my time
playing video games. I think they are wrong because it has benefits, too.”
How would you help her solve her problem and think differently?
ENG10TRF © Porto Editora

Listening Reading Use of English Writing Your score

40 50 69 41 200

#English, 10.º ano –


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