A Vida Intelectual - Considerações Ortodoxas Sobre o Perenialismo
A Vida Intelectual - Considerações Ortodoxas Sobre o Perenialismo
A Vida Intelectual - Considerações Ortodoxas Sobre o Perenialismo
A Vida Intelectual
mesmo assim, apenas para reforçar a um perenialista interessado na Igreja Andrei Pleșu (1)
que o Cristianismo Ortodoxo contém a Verdade plena e profundamente, de Arcebispo Leôncio do Chile
uma maneira que as demais tradições, sejam as antigas, dos tempos em que
os homens estavam mais próximos a Deus, sejam as humanas, a partir de Aristóteles (14)
esforços filosóficos, não contêm -- René Guénon não deve acorrentar o Arquimandrita Seraphim
Aleksiev (3)
leitor, levando-o a imaginar que as tradições sejam equivalentes
esotericamente falando, mas apenas ajudá-lo, como o fez ao Pe. Seraphim Arquimandrita Touma Bitar
Rose, a encontrar a Verdade. A carta é interessante, mas sua brevidade às
Astrologia (1)
vezes a torna alvo de especulações e tergiversações que ali não se poderiam
Benedetto Croce (1)
encontrar. É o caso de James Cutsinger aqui e aqui.
Bispo Irenei (Steenberg) (1)
*** C. S. Lewis (7)
Cosmologia (3)
Conta-se que Frithjof Schuon encontrou-se certa vez com o Ancião Sofrônio Cultura (35)
(Sakharov), de abençoada memória, e que teria dito que o ancião estaria Dialética (7)
"enredado na doutrina ortodoxa". Não se sabe, porém, o que o Dr. Clark Carlton (6)
Arquimandrita Sofrônio pensou de Schuon. Talvez uma dica esteja em We Dr. Constantine Cavarnos (3)
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Shall See Him As He Is, na qual o ancião conta como entendeu que o Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet (2)
Princípio Absoluto não é impessoal, como havia sido treinado a pensar em Edmund Husserl (1)
seus anos budistas, mas que é Pessoal. O Deus impessoal está aquém, e não Eduardo Gianetti (1)
além, do Deus pessoal. Educação (17)
Émile Boutroux (1)
Eric Voegelin (2)
Escolasticismo (7)
O Metropolita Kallistos (Ware) de Diokleia também tem grande interesse
pelo perenialismo, mas, pelo que me consta, nunca escreveu explicitamente Estética (2)
a respeito. Talvez a mais interessante de suas intervenções no meio Evágrio Pôntico (2)
perenialista tenha sido um simpósio no qual estavam presentes algumas Filosofia (56)
autoridades perenialistas, como Seyyed Hossein Nasr, James Cutsinger e Frederica Mathewes-Green
Vincent Rossi, além do próprio Metropolita Kallistos (aqui e aqui). Na (1)
sessão de perguntas e respostas conduzida por James Cutsinger algumas Frithjof Schuon (1)
questões resvalaram nos temas da Trindade, apofaticismo etc. Em suma, o Fulton Sheen (1)
Metropolita reforça o entendimento cristão ortodoxo a respeito de Cristo e Gabriel Wyner (2)
da Trindade, negando implicitamente o neoplatonismo típico das descrições Gestão empresarial (2)
metafísicas perenialistas -- isso ficará mais claro no próximo trecho, sobre Giovanni Reale (1)
Philip Sherrard. Essa descrição pode ser encontrada em inúmeros textos Idade Média (1)
perenialistas, e a própria explicação de Cutsinger está em seu excelente
Igreja Ortodoxa (122)
Advice to the Serious Seeker.
Império Bizantino (4)
Ivan Ilyin (1)
Eis os trechos de interesse:
Ivan Kireyevsky (5)
(1) Nasr repete a tese perenialista de que, no plano metafísico, a Unidade James Cutsinger (1)
islâmica e a Trindade cristã estão "perfeitamente de acordo". James L. Kelley (1)
James Schall (1)
Cutsinger: Must a Muslim transcend the exclusive emphasis on the Unity of Jaroslav Pelikan (1)
God, adopting a somewhat Trinitarian view, in order to account of how the John Tavener (2)
Nameless One, who is without qualification, can be seen talking with Adam? José Ortega y Gasset (1)
Joseph P. Farrell (1)
Nasr: No. First of all, the Nameless One qua the "Nameless" would never
Kevin FitzMaurice (7)
speak to Adam. To have spoken to Adam means that the Nameless must
Konstantin Leontiev (1)
have chosen a Name; in other words, It must have become involved in
speech, and so there is already a paradox, a metaphysical paradox, in what is Leo Trese (3)
stated. But the point that I think the question is trying to bring out is Literatura (4)
whether Islam has to give up its absolute view of the Absolute, that is, the Louis Lavelle (1)
oneness of God as the center and axis of all of its belief, in order to Mary Naumenko (1)
understand the Christian perspective on God, man, and the universe. And Medicina (4)
my answer is no. I would apply in reverse what Vincent Rossi, my old friend, Metafísica (13)
has said from the other side, from the Christian side. There are many people Metropolita Gregório de São
in the Christian world today who think that in order to have a deep dialogue Petersburgo (1)
with Judaism and Islam, the Christians have to put aside the dogmas of the Metropolita Hieroteu de
Incarnation and the Trinity. I have been involved in religious dialogue for Náfpaktos (10)
over forty years, and this has often happened. And I have asked what good Metropolita Kallistos Ware
this understanding does if the person I am talking to no longer represents (2)
traditional Christianity? The reverse also holds true for Islam. It would be Michael Frede (1)
really senseless for the sake of human understanding to undo God's Michael S. Heiser (1)
message. I am totally opposed to any kind of ecumenism that is based on the Mitrofan Lodyzhensky (3)
reduction of the Divine forms and ways in which God has revealed Himself. Mortimer J. Adler (13)
The premise of this entire conference has been that Christians should accept Música (6)
the Trinitarian doctrine in a serious fashion while Muslims must cling to the Pascal (1)
doctrine of tawhîd or Unity, and that they then should try to understand
Patriarca Pavle da Sérvia (1)
each other on the spiritual plane. This is very different from a diluting on
Pe. Alexey Young (1)
either side. In any case, the Muslim mind has no possibility of moving
Pe. Alexis Trader (1)
towards a Trinitarian doctrine. It is easier for the Christian mind, in which
there is already the element of unity, although it is not much emphasized, to Pe. Damascene Christensen
move towards a doctrine of Unity than for a Muslim to move towards the
Pe. Dmitrii Dudko (1)
doctrine of a Trinity, which is incomprehensible to it on a popular or
Pe. Dumitru Staniloae (2)
exoteric plane. On the metaphysical plane, of course, this has all been
explained in the writings of the traditionalists, especially Frithjof Schuon. Pe. Gabriel Bunge (2)
The doctrine of the Trinity, on a metaphysical plane, is in perfect accord Pe. George Metallinos (3)
with the doctrine of tawhîd, of Unity, and I for one have no qualm or Pe. John Romanides (12)
difficulty about that whatsoever. But this agreement does not involve a Pe. Lazarus Moore (1)
Pe. Michael Azkoul (1)
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change of perspective on the theological level, as this question seems to Pe. Nicolae Steinhardt (1)
imply. Pe. Seraphim Rose (11)
Pe. Stephen Freeman (4)
(2) O Metropolita Kallistos, por sua vez, não aceita a descrição de Cristo Philip Sherrard (2)
dada pelo Corão.
Phótios Kóntoglou (1)
Platão (12)
Cutsinger: The Quran implicitly recognizes Christ's uniqueness by calling
Política (3)
Him, Him alone among all of the Prophets, the "Spirit of God" and in saying
that He and His mother alone were born perfect and that He will come again Psicologia (29)
at the end of time. Is this understanding of uniqueness, the uniqueness of Raymond DiGiuseppe (1)
Christ, sufficient for Christians who wish also to emphasize Christ's Religião (21)
uniqueness? René Girard (1)
René Guénon (4)
Ware: The uniqueness of Christ, for me as a Christian, consists in the fact Roger Scruton (1)
that He is the only begotten Son of God. Therefore the uniqueness refers Santa Elizabeth (1)
first of all and fundamentally to the incarnation. Only once, according to
Santa Julia (2)
Christian belief—only once in all the history of the human race—has God
Santa Maria Madalena (1)
become man, in the sense that the second person of the Trinity was born
Santa Tatiana (1)
according to the flesh from the Virgin Mary. That is a unique event, so the
uniqueness of Christ refers first of all to the fact of the incarnation. Of Santo Agostinho (3)
course, there is another sense in which the word of God may be born in the Santo Aquiles (1)
soul of every believer, but this does not diminish the uniqueness of the event Santo Eduardo (1)
of Christ's birth in Bethlehem. Only once has God been born from a woman. Santo Ignácio Brianchaninov
So there, to me, is the uniqueness of Christ. (1)
Santo Isaque o Sírio (2)
(3) Cutsinger tenta neutralizar a Trindade e as definições doutrinárias São Dionísio o Areopagita (3)
apelando para o apofaticismo. O Metropolita não morde a isca. São Fócio o Grande (1)
São Gregório de Nissa (1)
Cutsinger: Your Grace, this next question comes directly for you, and it is São Gregório do Sinai (2)
related to what you were just saying. Although, as Christians, we are always São Gregório o Teólogo (2)
in the presence of the reality of the Trinity, must not an apophatic approach
São Gregório Palamás (7)
be applied to our formulations of the doctrine of this ever present reality?
São João (Maximovitch) de
And, if so, will this apophatic approach not have some bearing on our Xangai e San Francisco (1)
interpretation of the Islamic insistence on the precedence of the Divine São João Clímaco (1)
São João Crisóstomo (5)
São João Damasceno (3)
Ware: On our Christian understanding, the dogmas of the faith, as defined
São João Mosco (1)
by the seven Ecumenical Councils, are indeed true, but of course the eternal
Truth of the transcendent God cannot be expressed in verbal formulae in an São Justino Filósofo (1)
exhaustive fashion. The word "definition" means setting limits and is linked São Justino Popovich (1)
with the Latin word finis, meaning a limit or frontier, and the Greek term for São Macário de Optina (1)
a definition is horos, which is linked with our word "horizon", the limit São Máximo o Confessor (5)
beyond which you cannot see. So the definitions of the Church exclude São Nazário de Valaam (1)
certain false ways of thinking about God or Christ. They set a boundary in Sâo Nectário de Égina (1)
the sense of saying, Do not wander outside this fence. But as for the Mystery São Nicolau o Taumaturgo
that lies within the boundaries, that can never be totally expressed in words. (1)
Therefore, it is true that for me as a Christian God is three in one, and São Nicolau Velimirovich (9)
therefore, for me as a Christian, it would be false to say that God is one and São Paísio Velichkovsky (2)
not three. And it would be false to say that God is four in one or five in one. São Simeão o Novo Teólogo
These things are excluded. But what is meant by the Mystery of God as (1)
"three in one" cannot be fully expressed in words and can be discovered only São Sisoé o Grande (1)
through prayer. The fact, however, that definitions do not express the total São Teodoro o Santificado (1)
truth does not mean that we lay them aside as provisional and transcend
São Teófano o Recluso (3)
them. We never go beyond the definitions, but we never fully understand the
São Tikhon (1)
Mystery which those definitions are safeguarding.
Theodore Dalrymple (4)
(4) Cutsginer tenta de novo, desta vez insinuando que a eliminação dos Theotokos (2)
logismoi na qual o hesicasta deve se esforçar implicaria em eliminar a Titus Burckhardt (1)
descrição da Trindade. O Metropolita, novamente, não aceita a insinuação e Vida de santos (16)
explica que eliminar pensamentos não significa eliminar convicções e Vida espiritual (72)
doutrinas. Se me lembro bem, no áudio desse simpósio, ao ouvirem seu Viktor Frankl (1)
"No" inicial, alguns palestrantes riem contidamente. Vladimir Lossky (1)
William Blake (1)
Cutsinger: When the Hesychasts are taught to lay aside all "thoughts", are Wolfgang Smith (2)
they not being taught that in some sense they must lay aside "definitions" as
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Ware: No, definitely not. But you can believe something without thinking Arquivo do blog
about it all the time. So, the Hesychasts are taught that, when praying, they
should have simply a sense of the presence of Christ. They do not formulate ► 2020 (8)
in their minds what precise remarks were made concerning the relation ► 2019 (5)
between hypostasis and ousia, and how these things are to be interpreted
► 2018 (11)
philosophically. They are not using their discursive reasoning to grasp these
► 2017 (9)
mysteries so far as they can be expressed philosophically. But you can
believe something without thinking about it through your discursive reason, ► 2016 (10)
so the fact that you are not thinking about something does not mean that ► 2015 (6)
you have ceased to believe in it or that you think you have transcended it.
► 2014 (13)
(5) Por fim, creio que Vincent Rossi expressou razoavelmente bem a questão ► 2013 (8)
some of our discussions. Professor Cutsinger poses the question, If you are Cristo é nosso Logos e
nossa Lógica
asked to go beyond thought, then where is the Trinity? Well, according to St
Maximus, the Trinity is beyond thought to begin with, and so there is no Considerações ortodoxas
sobre o perenialismo
problem there; you are already beyond thought—thought simply does not
work in that context. Furthermore, I would not be quite honest in this C.S. Lewis sobre o
ecumenical setting if I failed to point out that in the Orthodox Hesychast
tradition, going from the Cappadocians through Dionysius through O desenvolvimento
emocional da alma
Maximus through John of Damascus through Simeon to Gregory Palamas,
there is a very clear sense that the Trinity functions as the basis, in part, for O monge que não julgava
a criticism of the doctrine of Unity. One of the things that Dionysius and
► Fevereiro (1)
Maximus are doing when they teach the doctrine of the Trinity is being
critical of Unity as a thought, or as a concept. Maximus insists that the Unity ► Janeiro (4)
of God and the Trinity of God are on the same plane because he knows that ► 2009 (5)
as soon as you put them on different planes, you are in the realm of thought.
► 2008 (28)
But if you keep them on the same plane, you are messing up all thought—
there is no way you can think that. There is, though, a way to enter into the ► 2007 (17)
Reality devotionally: with your mind and your heart enduring the ► 2006 (8)
remembrance of God in a spirit of devotion, keeping the Unity and the
► 2005 (16)
Trinity on the same plane, regardless of what you want to think about,
regardless of how much your metaphysically oriented mind wants to put a
Quem sou eu
hierarchy there. If you keep them on the same plane in a spirit of devotion,
you may actually be able to remember God, and I think that this is what Edward Wolff
Maximus is all about. Visualizar meu perfil completo
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Absoluto. Isso seria, para eles, extrapolar os limites aos quais se aplicam as
leis da lógica. Não é competência da dialética definir o Absoluto, mas da
revelação direta ou da inspiração profética. A ratio precisa de um ponto de
partida, por definição, e não poderia, portanto, fornecer seu próprio ponto
de partida. A ratio é finita e relativa, afinal de contas.
Uma solução para esse dilema seria adotar justamente a postura apofática
radical da Ortodoxia, uma agnosia radical, ou seja, um Absoluto que não
seja nem determinado nem indeterminado, nem Ser nem Não-Ser, nem
pessoal nem impessoal, nem Um nem Três, que esteja além de toda
afirmação e de toda negação. Em suma, um Absoluto que só possa ser
expressado de maneira antinômica e paradóxica.
formado nessa mesma escola neoplatônica. Ora, como São Dionísio pôde
inserir a multiplicidade no âmbito do Sobre-Ser?
Isso explica por que a Trindade confunde a ânsia natural humana em querer
encontrar a pura unidade, e isso também explica por que pessoas cultas e de
grande fé rejeitam a revelação cristã, apegando-se a velhas suposições e
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Se o Uno plotiniano deve efetivar seu bem auto-difusor, então ele deve
"criar", isto é, ele deve produzir algo em um nível de realidade inferior a si
próprio. Do lado cristão, a autodifusão do bem enraizada no Pai resulta em
duas Pessoas que têm o mesmo nível de realidade do Pai. A perfeita
autodifusão do Pai relega os atos menos perfeitos de difusão como sendo
atos supérfluos. Vemos, assim, que a criação é necessária para o Uno
neoplatônico, mas desnecessária para a Trindade cristã. É apropriado que
Deus crie, mas, em última instância, é desnecessário que Deus o faça, uma
vez que a autodifusão ("amor") já é perfeita na Trindade.
No entanto, cabe salientar que essas duas Verdades só podem ser melhor
assimiladas mediante uma gnose transformadora. Metafísica não é um
conjunto de proposições sobre a estrutura da realidade. Metafísica é o tipo
de conhecimento mencionado por São Pedro: Visto como o seu divino poder
nos deu tudo o que diz respeito à vida e piedade, pelo conhecimento
(epignoseos) daquele que nos chamou pela sua glória e virtude; pelas quais
ele nos tem dado grandíssimas e preciosas promessas, para que por elas
fiqueis participantes da natureza divina, havendo escapado da corrupção,
que pela concupiscência há no mundo. (II Pedro 1:3-4).
Por fim, uma breve crítica de James Cutsinger ao Metropolita Kallistos (aqui
e aqui) também revela, indiretamente, o que este pensa das invocações não-
cristãs: elas não estão no mesmo nível da invocação cristã. É compreensível
que Cutsginer discorde.
One well known authority on the spirituality of the Christian East has
written that "the Jesus Prayer is fundamentally Christocentric. We are not
simply invoking God, but our words are addressed specifically to Jesus
Christ—to God incarnate, the Word made flesh, the second Person of the
Holy Trinity who was born in Bethlehem, truly crucified on Golgotha, and
truly raised from the dead". This same writer adds, with specific reference to
the Sufi practice of dhikr, that "a religion such as Islam which rejects the
incarnation cannot be invoking God in the same way as Hesychasm does",
and he suggests that we should compare the invocatory method of prayer to
a picture frame, while the specific name that one invokes in any given prayer
may be likened to the image within that frame. "Despite the resemblances
between the 'frame' of the Jesus Prayer and certain non-Christian 'frames',"
he concludes, "we should never underestimate the uniqueness of the portrait
within the 'frame'. Techniques are subsidiary; it is our encounter face to
face, through the prayer, with the living person of Jesus that alone has
primary value". [Kallistos Ware, "Praying with the Body", 31]
But is this really true? Is it thus, and thus only, that one may engage in this
prayer? The teachings to which I have been calling your attention in this
paper suggest otherwise, and I therefore find that I must respectfully
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disagree with this author. The inner emptiness which the Christian aspirant
is encouraged to seek and the inner plenitude of the Name which he is
taught to invoke prove, if anything, that Hesychasm and Sufism are all but
identical. Indeed, it is precisely because of the often remarkable parallels
between the teachings of certain Eastern Fathers and their counterparts in
other religious traditions that Christian exoterists, including those of the
East, are sometimes mistrustful of the Hesychast writers. The Orthodox
scholar John Meyendorff, for example, voices his concern about what he
calls the "individualistic and spiritualized tendency" of St Gregory of Sinai,
and much the same reservation is expressed, more forcefully, by the Catholic
theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, who complains that "the mystical
teaching of Evagrius in its fully developed consistency stands closer to
Buddhism than to Christianity". The criticism of Protestant writers often
goes even further, of course, extending to the via negativa as such and thus
to one of the distinguishing marks of the Eastern perspective in general.
Luther was doubtless speaking for many others when he wrote that
"Dionysius is most pernicious; he Platonizes more than he Christianizes".
(2) Outras tradições podem ser salvíficas, mas não significa que elas levem
ao mesmo grau de glorificação que o Cristianismo leva. A iluminação fora do
Corpo de Cristo não implica necessariamente em prelest (cf. a iluminação
dos profetas do Velho Testamento), mas a iluminação dentro do Corpo, cuja
Luz advém das energias divinas em comunhão com a natureza humana do
Cristo, é superior àquela.
(4) O perenialismo pode ser perigoso pois pode, para além de levar as
pessoas à tradição cristã, substituir a própria tradição cristã por si próprio.
Marcadores: Frithjof Schuon, Igreja Ortodoxa, Metafísica, Metropolita Kallistos Ware, Pe.
Seraphim Rose, René Guénon
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