Jeep Willys

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Pattern for personal use only.

Original Post by ZenziWerken

Modification by IbadAsrof
Material plywood thick 9mm

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Material plywood thick 9mm

6mm 6mm

6mm 6mm

front lights rear bumper

front bumper

page 3
Material plywood thick 9mm

5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm


Material plywood thick 4mm


- stick wheel diameter 5mm

- stick steer diameter 3mm
- length adjust as needed

this pattern I added a little modification so it might look a little different from my video on youtube.
pola ini saya tambah sedikit modifikasi jadi mungkin terlihat sedikit berbeda dengan video saya di youtube.

when doing a clamp try not too strong, because the plywood material can shrink,
it causes the front or back of the body to be not right. do enough.

saat melakukan clamp usahakan tidak terlalu kuat, karena material triplek dapat menyusut,
itu mengakibatkan bagian depan atau belakang body menjadi tidak pas. lakukan secukupnya.

Let’s work and happy fun...!!!

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