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iel a sua missão de interiorizar o ensino superior no estado Ceará, a UECE,
como uma instituição que participa do Sistema Universidade Aberta do

Brasil, vem ampliando a oferta de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação

Inglês Instrumental
na modalidade de educação a distância, e gerando experiências e possibili-
dades inovadoras com uso das novas plataformas tecnológicas decorren-
tes da popularização da internet, funcionamento do cinturão digital e
massificação dos computadores pessoais.

Inglês Intrumental
Comprometida com a formação de professores em todos os níveis e
a qualificação dos servidores públicos para bem servir ao Estado,
os cursos da UAB/UECE atendem aos padrões de qualidade
estabelecidos pelos normativos legais do Governo Fede-
ral e se articulam com as demandas de desenvolvi-
mento das regiões do Ceará.

Universidade Estadual do Ceará - Universidade Aberta do Brasil

Mauro Luiz Pinheiro

Ciências Artes
Química Biologicas Plásticas Computação Física Matemática Pedagogia
Inglês Instrumental

Mauro Luiz Pinheiro

3ª edição
Fortaleza - Ceará


Ciências Artes
Química Biológicas Plásticas Computação Física Matemática Pedagogia
Copyright © 2015. Todos os direitos reservados desta edição à UAB/UECE. Nenhuma parte deste
material poderá ser reproduzida, transmitida e gravada, por qualquer meio eletrônico, por fotocópia
e outros, sem a prévia autorização, por escrito, dos autores.
Editora Filiada à

Presidenta da República Conselho Editorial

Dilma Vana Rousseff
Antônio Luciano Pontes
Ministro da Educação
Renato Janine Ribeiro Eduardo Diatahy Bezerra de Menezes
Presidente da CAPES Emanuel Ângelo da Rocha Fragoso
Carlos Afonso Nobre Francisco Horácio da Silva Frota
Diretor de Educação a Distância da CAPES Francisco Josênio Camelo Parente
Jean Marc Georges Mutzig
Gisafran Nazareno Mota Jucá
Governador do Estado do Ceará
Camilo Sobreira de Santana José Ferreira Nunes
Reitor da Universidade Estadual do Ceará Liduina Farias Almeida da Costa
José Jackson Coelho Sampaio
Lucili Grangeiro Cortez
Hidelbrando dos Santos Soares Luiz Cruz Lima
Pró-Reitora de Graduação Manfredo Ramos
Marcília Chagas Barreto Marcelo Gurgel Carlos da Silva
Coordenador da SATE e UAB/UECE Marcony Silva Cunha
Francisco Fábio Castelo Branco
Maria do Socorro Ferreira Osterne
Coordenadora Adjunta UAB/UECE
Eloísa Maia Vidal Maria Salete Bessa Jorge
Diretor do CCT/UECE Silvia Maria Nóbrega-Therrien
Luciano Moura Cavalcante
Coordenador da Licenciatura em Informática Conselho Consultivo
Francisco Assis Amaral Bastos Antônio Torres Montenegro (UFPE)
Coordenadora de Tutoria e Docência em Informática Eliane P. Zamith Brito (FGV)
Maria Wilda Fernandes
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Editor da EdUECE
Erasmo Miessa Ruiz Ieda Maria Alves (USP)
Coordenadora Editorial Manuel Domingos Neto (UFF)
Rocylânia Isidio de Oliveira Maria do Socorro Silva Aragão (UFC)
Projeto Gráfico e Capa
Maria Lírida Callou de Araújo e Mendonça (UNIFOR)
Roberto Santos
Diagramador Pierre Salama (Universidade de Paris VIII)
Francisco José da Silva Saraiva Romeu Gomes (FIOCRUZ)
Túlio Batista Franco (UFF)

Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará – EdUECE

Av. Dr. Silas Munguba, 1700 – Campus do Itaperi – Reitoria – Fortaleza – Ceará
CEP: 60714-903 – Fone: (85) 3101-9893
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Secretaria de Apoio às Tecnologias Educacionais
Fone: (85) 3101-9962

Apresentação.......................................................................................... 5
Parte 1 – Introdução............................................................................... 7
Capítulo 1 – Introdução.......................................................................... 9
1. Diferenças entre Tradução, Compreensão e Interpretação...................9
1.1. Tradução.........................................................................................9
1.2. Compreensão...............................................................................10
1.3. Interpretação.................................................................................10
1.4.Uso do dicionário...........................................................................10
2. Estratégias de leitura básicas: Parte 1.................................................10
2.1. Palavras cognatas........................................................................10
2.2. Palavras repetidas........................................................................10
2.3. Marcas tipográficas.......................................................................10

Capítulo 2 – Skimming & Scanning.................................................... 15

1. Skimming..............................................................................................15
2. Scanning..............................................................................................15

Parte 2 – Uso do Contexto e Grupos Nominais................................. 19

Capítulo 3 – Uso do Contexto............................................................. 21
Capítulo 4 – Grupos Nominais............................................................ 23
Capítulo 5 – Formação de Palavras.................................................... 25
1. Formação de palavras – o uso dos afixos (prefixos e sufixos)............25

Parte 3 – Seletividade e Tópico Frasal............................................... 27

Capítulo 6 – Seletividade..................................................................... 29
Capítulo 7 – Tópico Frasal................................................................... 33
Parte 4 – Coerência e a Função Retórica........................................... 35
Capítulo 8 – Coerência......................................................................... 37
Capítulo 9 – Função Retórica.............................................................. 39
Parte 5 – Gramática Básica................................................................. 43
Capítulo 10 – Verbo To Be................................................................... 45
1. Verbo To Be (Presente simples)...........................................................45
1.1. Negativa........................................................................................45
1.2. Interrogativa..................................................................................46
1.3. Interrogativa negativa....................................................................46
1.4. Verbo To Be: Ser ou Estar.............................................................46
1.5. Descrever o estado físico ou mental.............................................46
1.6. Falar sobre profissões...................................................................47
1.7. Falar sobre a idade.......................................................................47
1.8. Falar sobre posses........................................................................47

Capítulo 11 – There To Be.................................................................... 49

1. There To Be..........................................................................................49
1.1. Afirmativa......................................................................................49
1.2. Interrogativa..................................................................................49
1.3. Interrogativa negativa....................................................................49

Capítulo 12 – Presente Simples.......................................................... 53

1.1. Exemplo com o verbo trabalhar (work).............................................53
1.2. Na afirmativa.....................................................................................53
1.3. Na negativa.......................................................................................54
1.4. Na interrogativa.................................................................................54
1.5. Na interrogativa negativa..................................................................54
1.6. Na interrogativa e negativa do present simple..................................54

Capítulo 13 – Presente Contínuo........................................................ 57

1.1. Na afirmativa.....................................................................................57
1.2. Na negativa.......................................................................................57
1.3. Na interrogativa.................................................................................58
1.4. Na interrogativa negativa..................................................................58

Capítulo 14 – Verbos Irregulares......................................................... 61

Capítulo 15 – Artigos Definidos e Indefinidos................................... 75
Capítulo 16 – Textos Complementares............................................... 79
Sobre o autor........................................................................................ 86
A informação é ferramenta de trabalho indispensável no mundo em que
vivemos atualmente e o conhecimento de outro idioma, em especial a língua
inglesa, se tornou fundamental para o acesso a informações diversificadas,
principalmente no meio acadêmico. É notório que embora exista uma boa
quantidade de material para pesquisa em português, não há como negar que
a disponibilidade é muito maior em língua inglesa.
Este livro visa desenvolver no aluno habilidades de leitura e interpreta-
ção de textos em língua inglesa, de forma rápida e eficiente, através da aplica-
ção de estratégias de leitura para uma melhor compreensão das informações
contidas nos textos. Está dividido em seis unidades, das quais as quatro pri-
meiras conscientizam os alunos sobre as estratégias de leitura e oferecerem
textos, em sua grande maioria, na área de informática para que as estratégias
aprendidas sejam aplicadas na intenção de facilitar a compreensão do leitor.
A unidade cinco oferece uma revisão gramatical básica, mas essencial
para que o leitor torne-se capaz de reconhecer algumas estruturas da língua
inglesa nos textos. O livro traz ainda uma sexta unidade contendo textos mais
complexos que demandam do leitor o domínio de todas as estratégias estuda-
das para que se possa obter a maior quantidade de informações possíveis.
O autor
Parte 1
Capítulo 1

O estudo instrumental e sua abordagem surgiram em nosso país em mea-

dos dos anos 70, a partir da oferta da disciplina ESP -English For Specific
Purposes (Inglês para fins específicos) no curso de Mestrado em lingüística
aplicada na PUC de São Paulo (GADELHA, 2000).
Os cursos universitários em geral exigem do aluno um vasto conheci-
mento técnico e científico em diversas áreas. A língua inglesa notadamente
passou a ser a língua franca (VIEIRA, 2008) em inúmeros textos acadêmi-
cos. Portanto a compreensão dos textos em inglês passou a ser necessida-
de prioritária principalmente em cursos técnicos. A abordagem instrumental
geralmente enfoca a habilidade de leitura, mas dependendo da necessidade
a escrita pode ser desenvolvida (VIEIRA, 2001).
O trabalho a seguir adota a proposta de Michael Scott, 1980 que divide
a compreensão em três níveis. A compreensão de um texto em língua inglesa
está diretamente ligada ao propósito, conhecimento do tópico e ao conheci-
mento geral que o leitor possa ter.
1. Compreensão geral – reconhecimento da ideia geral.
2. Compreensão dos pontos principais – reconhecimento da idéia geral e
as ideias secundárias.
3. Compreensão detalhada – os pontos principais e os detalhes.

1. Diferenças entre Tradução, Compreensão

e Interpretação
1.1. Tradução
A técnica já foi bastante utilizada no ensino de inglês em geral. Porém, a tradu-
ção ainda é bastante útil pois há casos em que a tradução se faz necessária.

1.2. Compreensão
Entender o que o autor quis dizer com esforço e manuseio do texto.

1.3. Interpretação
Adicionar. à palavra do autor, aquilo em que acreditamos ou que estamos
acostumados a lidar.

1.4.Uso do dicionário
O dicionário é um livro de referência útil e necessário. Porém, deve se obser-
var que não precisa conhecer o significado de todas as palavras para compre-
ender a mensagem do texto (VIEIRA, 2008).

2. Estratégias de leitura básicas: Parte 1

2.1. Palavras cognatas
É muito importante o estudo das palavras cognatas na disciplina de inglês
instrumental. Existem palavras de fácil reconhecimento formal e semântico.
Alguns autores as chamam de palavras transparentes por terem a grafia muito
semelhante ao nosso vernáculo (VIEIRA, 2001). Essencialmente são palavras
de origem latina ou do idioma grego cuja semelhança nos remete ao português.
Exemplos: color, state, protect, radio, kilogram, biology, number.

2.2. Palavras repetidas

As palavras repetidas são importantes por aparecerem muitas vezes no texto.
Nem sempre essas palavras são cognatas e geralmente são palavras de con-
teúdo e significado como verbos, substantivos, adjetivos (Vieira, 2008).

2.3. Marcas tipográficas

Todos os recursos visuais que são utilizados nos textos são considerados
marcas tipográficas com o objetivo de chamar a atenção do leitor e facilitar
a compreensão. As marcas tipográficas podem ser números, símbolos de
várias maneiras, letras maiúsculas, títulos, gráficos, divisão de parágrafos,
tabelas e gravuras.
As marcas tipográficas estão sempre presentes em textos técnicos,
científicos e didáticos e muitas vezes as informações pedidas podem ser co-
letadas utilizando este recurso. (AGUIAR, 2001)
Inglês Instrumental 11

Texto 1
Classic Chianti vs. Brunello
For those who appreciate enogastronomy, good wines are plentiful in Tuscany.
Between Florence and Siena, there are hundreds of local wineries which produce
Chianti Classico - which must be made from at least 80% local Sangiovese grapes – as
well as Brunello de Montalcino, a rare and difficult to obtain wine. Both are denomi-
nated by controlled origins (like almost everything else which is emblematic of Italy)
and bring joy to those who like to drink well.
(Adaptado de TAM nas nuvens, agosto 2009)

1) Leia o texto e circule as palavras repetidas e as marcas tipográficas.

Escreva-as abaixo.

2) Do que se trata o texto 1?

Texto 2
What is a Computer?
Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has an idea about what a
computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know
how to use one or not. But does everyone really know how a computer works inside?
A computer is an electronic machine which processes data and provides the results
of the processing as information. There are three basic steps in the computing process.
The first one is input, which consists of feeding data into the computer´s memory. Then
comes the processing: the program is run and the computer processes the data by per-
forming a set of instructions. The third and final step is the output furnished by the com-
puter, which allows the user to see the results either in printed form or on the screen.
The world of computers has created a specific language of its own. English words such
as software and hardware are used worldwide and have been borrowed by many diffe-
rent languages. Software is information in the form of data and programs, and hardware
refers to the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system.
Despite the constant presence of computers in most modern societies, it is a gre-
at mistake to believe that everybody in the world is computer-literate, i.e., is familiar

with computers and knows how to use them properly. In some contemporary socie-
ties, many peolple still have no idea about the existence of computers, and even in
the so-called developed countries, there are lots of people who do not know or do
not care about what a computer is.
(Adaptado de TORRES, 2001, p. 25)

1) Leia o texto e circule as palavras repetidas e as marcas tipográficas.

Escreva-as abaixo.

2) Do que se trata o texto 2?

Texto 3
Precious Primate
A new species of primate, the Ka'apor Capuchin, has been discovered in Mara-
nhão state in the Amazon basin.
The animal is similar to the weeping capuchin, which lives in the same region,
says Helder Queiroz, the biologist who discovered the monkey. But differences in the
cranial bones persuaded him that they are separate species. The Ka'apor capuchin is
a silvery-grey color, while the weeping capuchin is brown. The Ka'apor is about 50 cm
tall with a 50 cm tail, and weighs around 3 kg.
Much of the region where the capuchin lives is protected land, but the number of
animals seem to be declining every year.
(Adaptado de VIEIRA, 2008, p. 32)

1) Leia o texto e circule as palavras repetidas e as marcas tipográficas.

Escreva-as abaixo.

Inglês Instrumental 13

2) De que se trata o texto 3?

Síntese do Capítulo
A importância da abordagem instrumental é amplamente utilizada no meio
acadêmico para a compreensão de textos em língua estrangeira notadamen-
te a língua inglesa. As estratégias básicas são o primeiro contato do leitor com
a prática instrumental.
Capítulo 21
Skimming & Scanning

1. Skimming
Leitura rápida e superficial com o objetivo de captar a ideia central do texto.

2. Scanning
Localização de uma informação específica dentro do texto.

Texto 4
The Modern age of computers
It was in the period after World War ll that major developments in computer tech-
nology and industry took place. Dr.John von Neumann developed the stored program
concept near the end of the war. This concept revolutioned the computer industry
because now the computer was controlled by a program kept inside the machine
instead of being controlled manually with the changing of wires. Maurice V. Wilkes,
a student at the University of Pennsylvania during the time von Neumann, Eckert and
Mauchly developed their work, took the idea of the stored program computer, the
EDAC. Two years later, in 1951, Mauchly and Eckert completed another stored pro-
gram computer, the EDVAC. They formed their own company, the Remington-Rand
Corporation, and developed the first commercial computer, the UNIVAC, which was
delivered to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, by 1956, IBM, had replaced their
company as the leading computer manufacturer.
These early computers are known as the first generation of computers. They used va-
cuum tubes to control their operations. These tubes were large, and the computer needed
lots of them. Consequently, these computers occupied a large area and consumed a lot
of power. They generated a great deal of heat and needed very good air conditioning.
Furthermore, they were too slow, and their memory capacity was small. On top of these
problems, they broke down frequently and required constant maintenance and repair.
The second generation of computers began in 1947 at Bell Laboratories. J.Bardeen,
W.H.Brattain, and W.Shockley solved the problems of vacuum tubes by developing the
transistor, which won them the Nobel Prize. These computers were smaller, faster, and
more reliable than the first generation's. Besides, they cost less power, and generated
less heat. These computers were programmed with high-level programming languages

Around 1965, the third generation of computers appeared on the market. Thus, tran-
sistors were replaced by integrated circuits. These tiny integrated were smaller and more
dependable than the second generation´s transistors. Microchips (tiny boards that contain
these circuits) were less than 1/8 of an inch square. Third generation computers were
smaller, faster, more powerful, and more reliable than the previous generations´. In addi-
tion to their advantages, they were also less expensive.
Microminiaturization greatly reduced the size of the integrated circuits of four-
th generation computers. Thousands of tiny circuits now fit onto a single chip, a
rectangular or square piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to ¼ inch. Several layers
of an integrated circuit are etched or imprinted upon this silicon piece, the chip.
These computers can complete approximately 1,000,000 instructions per second
and are 50 times faster than third generation computers.
Based on these facts, we can predict that today´s computers will soon be obso-
lete. Japanese and American scientists are working on the “fifth generation project”.
Not only will these “supercomputers” be faster, cheaper, more powerful and more
reliable than the one we use today, but it is also expected that they will be able to
reason and communicate with humans in natural language. Although the prediction
that these computers would be ready before the year 2000 was not fulfilled, advan-
ces in computer technology proceed so quickly that very soon we will be considering
our present state-of-the-art technology totally outdated.
(Adaptado de TORRES, 2001)

Com base no texto acima responda as seguintes perguntas propostas:

1) Quando aconteceram os principais avanços tecnológicos dos computadores?

2) Qual foi conceito desenvolvido por John von Neumann?

3) Qual a empresa líder na fabricação de computadores em 1956?

Inglês Instrumental 17

4) Quando começou a segunda geração de computadores?

Texto 5
Living in the Future
Our life in the future will be changed forever by multimedia. The way we live,
work, and play will be totally different from what it is now. Bert C. Roberts, Jr. states
in an article that soon we will probably be answering our televisions and watching
our phones! Our interactive TVs will actually be some combination of television, te-
lephone, and computer through which we will have access to shopping, movies and
other types of information whenever we want them.
(Adaptado de Torres, 2001)

1) Qual o assunto geral do texto?

2) Quais as tecnologias citadas no texto que já são consideradas uma realida-
de nos dias de hoje?

Parte 2
Uso do Contexto e
Grupos Nominais
Capítulo 3
Uso do Contexto

Com base no conhecimento prévio da estratégias básicas de leitura devere-

mos agora observar a importância do uso do contexto para a compreensão
das palavras desconhecidas. Observando, em um texto, as palavras próximas 1
Uso da predição -
daquelas que não sem tem o significado pode-se inferir1 o significado sem o
inferir o conteúdo de um
uso do dicionário. texto através do título
ou outros elementos.
Marcas tipográficas e o
Texto 6 conhecimento prévio do
ZIP leitor facilitam a predição.
Zip was stopped during the war and only after the war did it become popular. What
a difference it has made to our lives. It keeps people at home much more. It has
made the remote parts of the world more real to us. Photographs show a country,
but only Zip makes us feel that a foreign country is real. Also we can see scenes in
the street; big occasions are zipped, such as the Coronation in 1953 and the Opening
of Parliament.
(Adaptado de Aguiar, 2001)

1) Qual o significado da palavra ZIP no texto 6?

Texto 7
In the heart of computers
The core of a computer is the CPU(Central Processing Unit). This electronic unit at
the center of the computer system is where the actual work of the computer takes
place. The processor does all the processing and controls all the other devices in the
computer system. Because the processor does not have a large internal data storage
area, information must be stored somewhere. The main memory (RAM and ROM) is

part of the computer where programs and data being used by the processor can be
(Adaptado de Torres, 2001)

Após ler o texto 7 dê o significado das palavras grifadas no texto.

a) Devices

b) Storage

Capítulo 4
Grupos Nominais

Grupo Nominal: Conjunto de um ou mais modificadores2 e uma palavra nú- 2

Modificadores: adjetivos,
cleo3. O conhecimento da estrutura do grupo nominal facilita a compreensão substantivos, advérbios
do texto. Em inglês a ordem normal do grupo nominal é adjetivo – substantivo 3
Núcleo ou modificado:
(exemplo: White House = Casa Branca) Substantivo
O grupo nominal pode ser o sujeito da oração (vem antes do verbo) ou
pode ser objeto direto ou indireto.
Alguns exemplos de grupos nominais:
•• A common market
•• The control unit
•• The arithmetic logic unit
•• The instruction register
•• Conductive channels
•• Electronic components
•• A law degree
Use o espaço abaixo e escreva a melhor tradução para os grupos
nominais, acima.


Leia o texto abaixo e marque alguns grupos nominais.

Texto 8
A laptop is no longer just a fashion statement or a luxury that is enjoyed only by the
well-to-do community of computer users. In fact, recent market surveys have reve-
aled that laptops are one of the topmost selling electronic products. Present laptop
sales are at a much higher level as compared to those of desktop computers. There
is one catch though. Laptops do pose users with a major problem - the problem of
choice. Choosing a laptop computer is much more difficult as compared to choosing
its desktop counterpart. There are a number of nitty-gritties involved when choosing
a laptop that perfectly suits your needs. High school or college going students have
different computer-related needs as compared to professional software developers.

De que se trata o texto 8?

Capítulo 5
Formação de Palavras

1. Formação de palavras – o uso dos afixos

(prefixos e sufixos)
De acordo com Aguiar (2001) o conhecimento do processo de formação de
palavras e a importância dos afixos que apresentam polissemia4 ajuda a des-
Polissemia: uma
palavra com mais de um
cobrir o significado de várias palavras sem o uso do dicionário. significado.
Prefixo: É o elemento que vem antes da raiz e altera o significado da palavra. Ex: tear (s. lágrima)
tear (v. rasgar)
Sufixo: É o que vem depois da raiz e geralmente faz com que a palavra mude
de classe gramatical.
A seguir alguns exemplos de prefixos e sufixos:
Prefixos de negação
Prefixos de tamanho ou grau
Prefixos locativos
Prefixos de tempo e ordem
Sufixos que formam substantivos
Sufixos que formam verbos
Sufixos que formam advérbios

Sufixos que formam adjetivos

Leia o texto abaixo e marque alguns afixos que possa localizar.

Texto 9
The main memory
The main memory has a limited capacity and only stores information while the com-
puter is switched on. Data and programs are loaded into the main memory before
being processed. When an application is run, the microprocessor looks for it on the
secondary memory devices and a copy of the application is transferred into the RAM
area, also known as read/write memory.

Do que se trata o texto 9?

Parte 3
Seletividade e Tópico Frasal
Capítulo 6

Seletividade é uma estratégia que consiste na seleção e leitura de um

ou mais parágrafos em que podemos encontrar o assunto ou informa-
ção desejada.
As informações mais importantes devem ser encontradas na leitura de
títulos, subtítulos e outras sentenças e partes relevantes do texto.
Veja os textos abaixo:

Texto 10
Fresh Air
Other causes of allergies and illness can be found in our homes. Aerosols, new car-
pets, shower curtains and plastic toys are all potentially dangerous. Aerosols and air
fresheners can give children diseases such as earache, while in adults can cause hea-
daches and depression. One solution is avoid aerosols and do not use air fresheners
in our homes.

Do que se trata o texto 10?


Texto 11
Screen Names
If you are under the impression that only actors, theater artists, singers, dancers
and stage performers are the ones who require catchy and cool screen names, then
you're completely mistaken my friend. In addition to all the above-mentioned peo-
ple, each and every single person who makes use of instant messaging applications,
online chat rooms, online dating portals, matrimonial websites, etc. requires the
use of a screen name. Almost all the above Internet-based applications make the
process of creating a screen name during user registration mandatory. So, if you
are a user who wishes to find a screen name for your virtual avatar, or you happen
to be unsatisfied with your existing name and wish to change the screen name,
look no further. Here is an extensive list of screen names which includes some cool
and creative screen names in addition to some really wacky screen name ideas.

How to Select Cool Screen Names

You can come up with creative screen names in many different ways.
The simplest way is to use your name as the first half of your screen name and
use something else as the second half. That 'something else' could be a variety
of things. You could think of your birth date, place of birth, favorite flower, favori-
te animal, etc. For example, if your name happens to be Annie Jones and you
were born on the 18th of January in Chicago, then these could be some very
basic screen name ideas for you:
•• anniejones18
•• sweetannie18
•• annie_capricorn
•• annie_from_chicago
•• anniejanny
However, if you long for a screen name that is much more catchy,
creative and even flamboyant, then here is a list of screen names for
you to choose from.

List of Creative Screen Names

The basic principle that has been adopted in the following screen names is
more or less the same as the one explained in the above paragraph. It's just that
in this case, we move beyond the basic concatenation of name-birthdate-city type
screen names. Here are some sample screen names for you to consider using:
•• cool_eskimo_guy
•• flame_boy
•• handsome_hunk_henry
Inglês Instrumental 31

Do que se trata o texto 11?

Capítulo 71
Tópico Frasal

A idéia central de um parágrafo é geralmente expressa no tópico frasal5 do 5

Onde aparece o tópico
inglês “topic sentence”. O tópico frasal geralmente aparece na introdução frasal:
Introdução: na maioria da
(muitas vezes chamada de tópico frasal). A idéia central do parágrafo está ali.
Outra característica do tópico frasal é conter somente uma idéia. Desenvolvimento: nunca
Conclusão: às vezes
Leia os parágrafos e retire as “topic sentences”: (Adaptado de VIEIRA, 2009)
Hurricanes, which are also called cyclones, exert tremendous power.
These violent storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and their winds
can reach velocities seventy-five miles per hour or more. Furthermore, the
strong winds and heavy rainfall that accompany them can completely destroy
a small town in a couple of hours. The energy that is released by a hurricane
in one day exceeds the total energy consumed by humankind throughout the
world in one year.

Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870) was very influential in creating the

traditions connected with the English celebration of Christmas. He did this
through his immensely popular Christmas books and stories. One of these, A
Christmas Carol, published in 1843, has become a Christmas classic. It tells of
a mean and miserable old man called Scrooge, who has a series of visions on
Christmas Eve. As a result of his dreams, he wakes up on Christmas morning
a different man and joins in the festivities.

Parte 4
Coerência e a Função Retórica
Capítulo 8

Existem palavras que são elementos de ligação entre ideias de um texto

(VIEIRA, 2004). Ainda segundo Vieira, estas palavras dão coerência ao texto
e são a base referencial do texto ou parágrafo.

Texto 12
A computer System
The c.p. performs the necessary calculations and controls the input and output units.
The c.p. is divided into 3 parts. The memory unit stores the data and the program-
me. The control unit selects data and instructions, from the memory unit, interprets
them and controls the calculations. The arithmetic unit adds, substracts and compa-
res data. ( )
The output device converts electronic pulses back into information and presents
the information to the user. ( )
A computer system is made up of a number if inter-connected systems. The heart
of the computer is the central processor (c.p.) An input device converts information
into electronic pulses and passes the programme and the data into the c.p. ( )

Qual é a ordem correta do texto 12?


Marcadores de discurso: os mais utilizados

Noção de: Quando aparece:
Enumeração first, second, and, next, etc.
Acréscimo and, also, too, in addition to, etc.
Exemplificação for example, for instance, such as, etc.
Contraste but, however, etc.
Condição if, as if, as long as, etc.
Consequência so, so that, therefore, etc.
Resumo to sum up, briefly, shortly, etc.
Causa because, due to, etc.
Tempo when, whenever, before, etc.
Lugar where, wherever
Comparação as, like

Texto 13
Techniques to Make Computers Fast
(texto avançado; leio-o com o auxílio de um dicionário)
For advanced processing systems must work fast. And for fast systems programs
must run smoothly; there shall be no freezing and computer crashing. All this is pos-
sible when corrupted and invalid registry keys are repaired and removed.
For most computer users speed matters the most. As the users are more invol-
ved in high processing it is undoubtedly something really unforgiveable to have slow
computers. Systems behavioral experts have found that with the passage of time
making computers fast becomes the dearest demand of the people. For such people
working with low impact set is acceptable. These users are advised to clean all junk
except that it required to them in order to make their PCs fast.
However, this is not an optimal solution since no body wants to work while set-
ting boundaries around himself. There must be some solution that can make optimi-
ze their PCs and increase computer speed thus making computer usage productive.
One of the few options available to people is to use a registry fixing software like
RegInOut to clean windows registry. RegInOut is one of the best few registry cleaners
available in the market.
While many people think that using an anti-virus software would be enough to
speed up their systems. However, it is recommended that an anti-virus to be used in
combination with a top registry cleaner.
Also many guys are fond of installing new softwares that makes a load on their
systems. Although they are not discouraged to do so but they must make it sure that
when they uninstall these softwares their registry entries are completely removed.
Registry entries of uninstalled programs might become invalid and freeze up the
systems. These must be removed from time to time. Also those programs which are
running must have their registry entries repaired. This registry fixing makes these
programs stable and prevents computers from crashing which is a major cause of
slow computers.
Capítulo 91
Função Retórica

“Quando organizamos nossas ideias em um texto, fazemos escolhas com

a intenção de sermos claros, objetivos e melhor entendidos pelo leitor. Para
isso, podemos definir, decrever, explanar, argumentar, apelar, narrar, persua-
dir, comparar, lenvantar hipóteses, etc.” (VIEIRA, 2009).
Chama-se de função retórica os meios para atingir os nossos objetivos.

Texto 14
*(Texto avançado; leio-o com o auxílio de um dicionário)

How to Synchronize Two Computers

The reason as to why we need to synchronize two computers is simple. If in case we
are using two computers, most commonly an office desktop and our personal laptop,
we would of course want our files to be synchronized and updated in both of them.
This is an article that has thus been written to answer the question, how to synchro-
nize two computers?
Let us assume a scenario. It is not some unusual scenario nowadays. You are
working on a project and you are working round the clock to get the job done. You
complete some of the work at your office and do the remaining at your home. What's
important in such cases is that you have an updated version or backup of the data
and you have the files and folders in your desktop computer and laptop computer
synchronized. Thus, you are faced with the question, how to synchronize two compu-
ters again? This condition is not limited to only this particular condition. We are often
encountered with the questions, how to synchronize folders between two computers
and how to synchronize files between two computers in a lot of situations.
Synchronizing two computers is not a very tough job. Of course, the easiest me-
thod for synchronizing two computers is perhaps by connecting the two computers
using a wireless network or a Local Area Network (LAN) cable and copying the files
directly. But here there are chances of human error. There are chances that you may
just unintentionally drag and drop an old version of a particular folder. Thus, this is
an error prone answer to the question, how to synchronize two computers? Hence,
we need an automated way of performing the same task. Let us take a look at the
various options available.

XCOPY Command
This is one of the Windows command line commands, which you can use with a lot
of ease in Windows XP and Windows 2000. This command can be used to copy files whi-
ch are newer than the current version of the files and folders in the destination folder.
It is considered as one of the most powerful and versatile ways of creating backup in
Windows XP. Here, you can use a USB flash drive for carrying the copy, from one compu-
ter to another. The syntax of the command is XCOPY [source] [destination]. You need to
mention the source and destination path of the folders you want to synchronize. There
are lots of switches associated with this command, that allow a lot of features. I cannot
explain all these switches in details out here, but you can search for the switches and
understand their use with a lot of ease. Now, to avoid typing in the command everytime
you want to synchronize files and folders, you can also try creating a batch file. To do so,
simply type in the following two lines in notepad and save the file with the name 'SYNC.
CMD' in your Windows folder.
XCOPY "%1" "%2" /D /I %3
XCOPY "%2" "%1" /D /I %3
Now you can plug in your USB device and type the command 'SYNC "source fol-
der" "destination folder" /S' at the command prompt. Here, the source folder and
the destination folder are the positions where you need to mention the complete
path, to the source and destination folders that you need to synchronize. The /S
option is one of the switches of this command, that can be used to specify that you
want the sub-folders to be synchronized too. Using this command, you can synchro-
nize the hard disks of two different computers too.
There is another way to use the same command by using shortcuts. Right click on
any empty space on your desktop and click 'Create Shortcut'. On the first dialog box
that appears on the first window, after selecting create shortcut, type xcopy "source
folder path to be synchronized" [destination drive or removal drive] /d/y/s. Name
this shortcut export and complete the shortcut setup. Now, create the same shortcut
again, with one little change. Simply name the shortcut import and in the path type
xcopy [removal media] "folder that needs to be recognized" /d /y /s. Create the same
two shortcuts in the other computer too. Now, whenever you need to synchronize
files, you can simply click on the export of the first computer, with the USB flash drive
(removable media) connected, and then connect it to the other computer and click
on import. This completes the process of synchronizing two computers.
Software Approach
There are various softwares which can answer the question, how to synchronize
two computers. SyncToy 2.0 is one such software, which can be used for synchro-
nizing two computers. This software allows you to copy, delete, move and rename
folders and files between two computers. This softwares not only allow you with the
synchronization and backup features, but various other features too. For Example, a
software Second Copy can be used for creating the backups of your files at regular
intervals, to any other location in the network. The other location can of course be
your laptop computer too. It not only allows the backup feature but also security
features, like encryption.
What I have listed above, are the most common ways to answer the question,
how to synchronize two computers. However, before you try of any of the approa-
ches mentioned above, please ensure, that you are not trying it on any important
data. Hope my attempt to help you with the queries, how to synchronize folders
between two computers and how to synchronize files between two computers, is of
some use to you.
Inglês Instrumental 41

1) Do que se trata o texto 14?

Parte 5
Gramática Básica
Capítulo 10
Verbo To Be

1. Verbo To Be (Presente simples)

Full Form Short Form Significado
I am I'm eu sou / estou
you are you're tu és / estás
he is he's ele é / está
she is she's ela é / está
it is it's ele(a) é / está
we are we're nós somos / estamos
you are you're vós sois / estais
they are they're eles(as) são / estão

1.1. Negativa
Full Form Short Form Short Form
I am not I'm not
you are not you aren't you're not
he is not he isn't he's not
she is not she isn't she's not
it is not it isn't it's not
we are not we aren't we're not
you are not you aren't you're not
they are not they aren't they're not

1.2. Interrogativa
Full Form
am I?
are you?
is he?
is she?
is it?
are we?
are you?
are they?

1.3. Interrogativa negativa

Full Form Short Form
am I not? aren't I?
are you not? aren't you?
is he not? isn't he?
is she not? isn't she?
is it not? isn't it?
are we not? aren't we?
are you not? aren't you?
are they not? aren't they?
ATENÇÃO: As formas contraídas do verbo To Be na afirmativa nunca ocorrem no fim de uma frase.

1.4. Verbo To Be: Ser ou Estar
Example Significado
Who is it? It is Paul. Quem é? É o Paul.
What is that? It is a book. O que é aquilo? É um livro.

1.5. Descrever o estado físico ou mental

Example Significado
I am tired. Estou cansado.
They are short. Eles são baixos.
He is happy. Ele está feliz.
He is angry. Ele está zangado.
Inglês Instrumental 47

1.6. Falar sobre profissões

Example Significado
She is a doctor. Ela é médica.
She is an architect. Ela é arquiteta.
They are mechanics. Eles são mecânicos.
John and I are teachers. Eu e o João somos professores.

1.7. Falar sobre a idade

Example Significado
Mary is ten (years old). A Maria tem dez anos.
The house is ten years old. A casa tem dez anos.
Example Significado
It is cold today. Hoje está frio.
It is three o'clock. São três horas.
It is $10. São 10 dólares.

1.8. Falar sobre posses

Example Significado
This is my car. Este é meu carro.
This is mine. Este é meu.
This is Mary's. Este é da Mary.
Capítulo 111
There To Be

1. There To Be
O verbo There To Be significa haver, existir. Conjugado pelo verbo Be (To Be)

1.1. Afirmativa Negativa

Full form Full form
There is There are There is not
There are not

Short form Short form

There's There's not

Short form
There isn't
There aren't

1.2. Interrogativa
Full Form
is there?
are there?

1.3. Interrogativa negativa

Full Form Short form
Is there not? Isn't there?
Are there not? Aren't there?

•• There is some bread but there isn't any butter;
•• Is there any coffee?

Consideremos a frase seguinte:

Example Significado
A boy is at the door. Um rapaz está à porta

O sujeito da frase (a boy) satisfaz duas condições:

•• é indefinido
•• é seguido do verbo be (is)

Sendo assim, é mais frequente dizer-se em inglês:

Example Significado
There is a boy at the door. Há (1) um rapaz à porta.

Sem alterar o sentido da frase, colocando there no início da frase e o sujeito (a

boy) a seguir ao verbo be (is).
Vejamos mais alguns exemplos:
Example Significado
(Many people are in the »»»
There are many people in Há muita gente na festa.
the party.
(Someone is in the kitchen.) »»»
There is someone in the Alguém está na cozinha.
(A man is smoking a cigar.) »»»
There is a man smoking a Um homem está fumando
cigar. um charuto.
Inglês Instrumental 51

Quando o verbo be é usado para exprimir existência, a utilização do there+be

é necessária:
Example Significado
There is plenty of time. Há muito tempo.
There are a lot of mistakes. Há muitos erros.

Em todos os exemplos anteriores, a palavra there não é acentuada. Compare

os dois exemplos seguintes, e repare no significado da palavra there:

(a) there não acentuada:

Example Significado
There is a girl I would like to Há uma moça que eu
see. gostaria de ver

(b) there acentuada:

Example Significado
There is the girl I would like Aí está a moça que eu
to see. gostaria de ver.

Repare que o sujeito (a girl) do primeiro exemplo é indefinido, e o su-

jeito (the girl) do segundo é definido.
Em linguagem informal, a forma singular there is é por vezes empregue
para exprimir algo no plural em vez de there are. Esta forma no singular é, no
entanto, considerada por muitos incorrecta.

Example Significado
There's two boys at the door. Dois rapazes estão à porta.

Literalmente, deveria ser há.

Capítulo 12
Presente Simples

O Presente Simples pode ser usado para descrever hábitos ou situa-

ções permanentes.
O tempo verbal 'present simple' (ou simple present) tem as seguin-
tes formas:

1.1. Exemplo com o verbo trabalhar (work)

I work
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work

1.2. Na afirmativa

Full Form Significado

I like eu gosto 1)
you like tu gostas (1)
he / she / it likes ele(a) gosta (1)
we like nós gostamos (1)
you like vós gostais (1)
they like eles(as) gostam (1)

(1) A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação deste tempo verbal presente simples é apenas
um dos exemplos possíveis entre vários, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.

1.3. Na negativa

Full Form Short Form

I do not like I don't like
you do not like you don't like
he / she / it does not like he / she / it doesn't like
we do not like we don't like
you do not like you don't like
they do not like they don't like

1.4. Na interrogativa

Full Form
Do I like?
Do you like?
Does he / she / it like?
Do we like?
Do you like?
Do they like?

1.5. Na interrogativa negativa

Full Form Short Form

Do I not like? Don't I like?
Do you not like? Don't you like?
Does he / she / it not like? Doesn't he / she / it like?
Do we not like? Don't we like?
Do you not like? Don't you like?
Do they not like? Don't they like?

1.6. Na interrogativa e negativa do present simple

(a) emprega-se o verbo auxiliar does na 3ª pessoa singular (he,she,it)
e do nas restantes pessoas do singular e plural.
(b) o verbo auxiliar do / does não possui nenhum significado em parti-
cular, mas a sua utilização é necessária.
Inglês Instrumental 55

Emprega-se o tempo verbal 'present simple' para descrever:

a) ações habituais ou repetidas
Full Form Significado
I always get up at seven Levanto-me sempre às sete
o'clock. horas.
He goes to São Paulo every Ele vai à São Paulo todos os
year. anos.
She smokes a lot. Ela fuma muito.

b) situações a longo prazo ou permanentes

Full Form Significado
Susan lives in New York. A Susan vive em New York.
I like Forró. Eu gosto de Forró.

c) veracidades gerais
Full Form Significado
Two and three make five. Dois e três fazem cinco.
The moon revolves around A lua gira à volta da terra.
the earth.
Metals expand when they Os metais expandem-se quando
are heated. são aquecidos.
d) o futuro sobre horários e itinerários
Full Form Significado
The train leaves at three O trem parte às três horas.
The bus arrives at 7:15. O ônibus chega às 7:15.
e) o futuro, utilizando orações temporais e condicionais introduzidas por
before, when, as soon as, after, if, etc.
Full Form Significado
Before I go to work, I'm going Antes de ir para o trabalho,
to the bank. vou ao banco.
When I see her, I'll ask her. Quando eu a vir, perguntar-
As soon as I finish this, I'll Logo que eu acabe isto, te
take you home. levarei pra casa.
After I finish this, I'm going to Depois de acabar isto, vou
bed. para a cama.
If I see her, I'll tell her. Se eu a vir, dir-lhe-ei.

f) ações cujas formas verbais progressivas não existem (ex. agree, belie-
ve, belong, know, want), ou existem mas não podem ser empregadas
sem alterar o sentido da frase (ex. feel, think)
Full Form Significado
This car belongs to her. Este carro pertence a ela.
I feel this is not right. Eu tenho a impressão de
que isto não está certo.
I think he is lying. Eu acho que ele está
g) ações instantâneas, por exemplo, em comentários desportivos, de-
monstrações, exclamações
Full Form Significado
Ronaldo passes the ball to Ronaldo passa a bola para
Kaká. Kaká.
I now pour some water into Eu agora ponho água
the cup. dentro da xícara.
Here comes the train! Lá vem o trem!
h) o passado em narrativas dramáticas
Full Form Significado
She hears a noise coming Ela ouve um barulho
from the kitchen downstairs. vindo da cozinha no
She picks up a baseball andar de baixo. Ela
bat and goes down to pega no bastão de
investigate. When she gets basebol e desce para
to the kitchen, she turns on investigar. Quando
the light. ... chega à cozinha, ela
acende a luz. ...

i) acontecimentos (no presente ou no passado) em manchetes

Full Form Significado
How computers Work Como Funcionam os
Peace Talks Fail Conversações Sobre a
Paz Fracassam
Capítulo 13
Presente Contínuo

O tempo verbal 'present continuous' (ou present progressive) tem as se-

guintes formas:

1.1. Na afirmativa
Full Form Short Form Significado
I am doing I'm doing eu estou fazendo (1)
you are doing you're doing tu estás a fazendo (1)
he is he's
she is doing she's doing ele(a) está a fazer (1)
it is it's
we are doing we're doing nós estamos fazendo (1)
you are doing you're doing vós estais fazendo (1)
they are doing they're doing eles(as) estão fazendo (1)
(1) ATENÇÃO: A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação deste tempo verbal present continuous
é apenas um dos exemplos possíveis entre vários, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de
uma frase.

1.2. Na negativa
Full Form Short Form Short Form
I am not doing I'm not doing
you are not doing you're not doing you aren't doing
he is not he's not he isn't
she is not doing she's not doing she isn't
it is not it's not it isn't
we are not doing we're not doing we aren't doing
you are not doing you're not doing you aren't doing
they are not doing they're not doing they aren't doing

1.3. Na interrogativa
Full Form
am I doing?
are you doing?
is he?
is she?
is it?
are we doing?
are you doing?
are they doing?

1.4. Na interrogativa negativa

Full Form Short Form
am I not doing? aren't I doing?
are you not doing? aren't you doing?
is he not isn't he?
is she not isn't she?
is it not isn't it?
are we not doing? aren't we doing?
are you not doing? aren't you doing?
are they not doing? aren't they doing?
Como podemos verificar no ponto anterior, o tempo verbal present con-
tinuous forma-se da seguinte maneira:
onde BE = verbo auxiliar be no present tense (ex. am, is, are)
e -ING = verbo principal terminado em -ing (ex. doing, reading)

Emprega-se o tempo verbal present continuous para descrever:

a) ações que decorrem no momento em que se fala

Example Significado
Don't disturb her. She is Não a incomode. Ela está
studying at the moment. estudando neste momento.
I can't go out now. It's raining Não posso sair agora. Está
a lot. chovendo muito.
Inglês Instrumental 59

b) situações temporárias que decorrem nesta altura mas não neces-

sariamente no momento em que se fala
Example Significado
Peter is teaching in Portugal this O Peter está dando aulas em
year. Portugal este ano.
Where are you staying this week? Onde é que você está
In a hotel. hospedado esta semana? Num
I'm working for them for the time Estou a trabalhar para eles por
being. agora.

c) planos pessoais num futuro próximo

Example Significado
He's going to England next month. Ele vai para a Inglaterra no
próximo mês.

d) hábitos ou ações repetidas (com um tom crítico)

Example Significado
Why are you always shouting at Porque você está sempre
me? gritando comigo?
He is constantly harassing her. Ele está constantemente a
Capítulo 141
Verbos Irregulares

Verbos Irregulares
Quadro 1

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

abide abided / abode (1) abided / abode (1) aguentar; cumprir; habitar (1)
originar-se; resultar de;
arise arose arisen
surgir; levantar-se
awake awoke awoken acordar; despertar
babysit babysat babysat tomar conta da(s) criança(s)
backbite backbit backbitten dizer mal de alguém
backslid / reincidir no erro; ter
backslide backslid
backslidden uma recaída
be was / were been ser; estar; (there+be) haver
suportar; aguentar; dar
bear bore borne / born
à luz; (be born) nascer
bater repetidamente;
beat beat beaten
derrotar; castigar
become became become tornar-se; vir a ser
befall befell befallen acontecer, suceder
beget begot / begat(1) begotten procriar, gerar; causar
begin began begun começar, iniciar, principiar
behold beheld beheld observar, ver; olhai!
bend bent bent inclinar-se, curvar, curvar-se
bereave bereft / bereaved bereft / bereaved enlutar; despojar, privar
besought / besought /
beseech suplicar, implorar
beseeched beseeched
ocupar; assaltar;
beset beset beset
assediar; obstruir
encomendar; ser
bespeak bespoke bespoken
prova de, sugerir

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

bestrew bestrewed bestrewn / bestrewed cobrir algo com; espalhar
bestride bestrode bestridden montar, cavalgar; transpor
bet bet / betted bet / betted apostar
betake betook betaken ir a algum lugar; dedicar-se
bethink bethought bethought reflectir, reconsiderar
licitar (em leilão);
bid bid / bade(1) bid / bidden(1)
ordenar; saudar
atar; restringir, limitar;
bind bound bound
encadenar; impor
bite bit bitten morder; picar
sangrar; drenar; extorquir
bleed bled bled
dinheiro a alguém
bless blessed / blest blessed / blest abençoar, santificar
blow blew blown soprar
quebrar, partir;
break broke broken
transgredir, infringir
breastfeed breastfed breastfed amamentar
breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir-se
bring brought brought trazer
broadcast broadcast broadcast(ed) transmitir (radio / televisão)
browbeat browbeat browbeaten intimidar, amedrontar
build built built construir, edificar
queimar, consumir pelo
burn burnt / burned(2) burnt / burned(2)
fogo; arder; brilhar
burst burst burst rebentar, estoirar, explodir
quebrar; prender;
bust bust / busted bust / busted
fazer uma rusga
buy bought bought comprar
cast cast cast atirar, lançar; fundir, moldar
apanhar, capturar;
catch caught caught surpreender; contrair
chide chid chidden / chid queixar-se; ralhar
choose chose chosen escolher, optar; decidir
cleft / clove cleft / cloven
cleave fender, rachar
/ cleaved / cleaved
cling clung clung ligar-se a; pegar-se
vir, chegar; aparecer;
come came come
cost cost cost custar
countersink countersank countersunk escarear
Inglês Instrumental 63

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

mover-se vagarosa e
creep crept crept
silenciosamente; rastejar
crow crew / crowed crowed cantar (galo);
cut cut cut cortar; reduzir; suprimir
dar (cartas); repartir;
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug cavar; escavar; desenterrar
dive dived / dove(2) dived / dove(2) mergulhar
fazer; proceder; enganar,
do did done
intrujar; visitar, ver
desenhar; traçar; puxar;
draw drew drawn
extrair; atrair; deduzir
dream dreamt / dreamed(2) dreamt / dreamed(2) sonhar, imaginar; fantasiar
drink drank drunk beber; beber à saúde de
guiar, conduzir um carro,
drive drove driven
carroça, etc; transportar
dwell dwelt / dwelled(2) dwelt / dwelled(2) viver, habitar, residir
eat ate eaten comer; tomar refeições
fall fell fallen cair, tombar; diminuir, baixar
feed fed fed alimentar; comer; fornecer
feel felt felt sentir; notar, dar por
fight fought fought lutar, combater; guerrear
encontrar, achar;
find found found
descobrir; verificar
fit fitted / fit(2) fitted / fit(2) servir, adaptar-se, caber em
flee fled fled fugir, abandonar; escapar
atirar, imprimir
fling flung flung um movimento
energético e forte
floodlit /
floodlight floodlit / floodlighted iluminar com holofotes
voar; fazer voar; flutuar,
fly flew flown
tremular ao vento
forbear forbore forborne abster-se de, evitar
forbid forbade forbidden proibir, não permitir, impedir
forecast forecast(ed) forecast(ed) prever; prognosticar
anteceder, preceder;
forego forewent foregone
renunciar; deixar de usar
foresee foresaw foreseen prever, prognosticar
prognosticar, predizer,
foretell foretold foretold
forget forgot forgotten esquecer, não se lembrar

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

perdoar; desculpar;
forgive forgave forgiven
remir (dívida)
abandonar, deixar; pôr
forsake forsook forsaken
de parte, renunciar a
forswear forswore forsworn repudiar, abjurar; perjurar
gelar; congelar; sentir
freeze froze frozen
muito frio; ficar imóvel
gainsay gainsaid gainsaid negar, contradizer
adquirir, obter; apanhar;
get got got / gotten(2)
comprar; ir buscar
gild gilded / gilt (1) gilded / gilt(1) dourar, adornar
gird girded / girt girded / girt atar com cinto
dar, oferecer;
give gave given
entregar; fornecer
go went gone ir; ir-se embora;
enterrar(1), sepultar(1);
grave graved graven / graved
gravar, esculpir
moer; triturar; ranger
grind ground ground
(os dentes); roçar
plantar; crescer,
grow grew grown
desenvolver se
hamstrung / hamstrung /
hamstring jarretar; inabilitar; inutilizar
hamstringed hamstringed
suspender, pendurar;
hang hung hung
estar pendurado
ter, possuir; comer,
have had had
beber; mandar fazer
hear heard heard ouvir; ouvir dizer
levantar ou puxar com
heave heaved / hove heaved / hove
esforço; soltar (suspiro)
cortar, derrubar com
hew hewed hewn / hewed
machado; decepar
hide hid hidden esconder(-se), ocultar(-se)
bater em; chocar
hit hit hit
com; atingir, ferir
segurar, agarrar;
hold held held
manter, aguentar
ferir, magoar; fazer mal
hurt hurt hurt
a; ofender; doer
inlay inlaid inlaid embutir; tauxiar, marchetar
entrar com ou fornecer
input input / inputted input / inputted
(dados informáticos)
inset inset inset intercalar, inserir
Inglês Instrumental 65

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

interweave interwove interwoven entrelaçar
conservar; manter; manter-
keep kept kept
se fresco (alimento)
ken kenned / kent kenned / kent conhecer; reconhecer
kneel knelt / kneeled(2) knelt / kneeled(2) ajoelhar(-se)
fazer malha; tricotar;
knit knit / knitted knit / knitted
unir(-se); juntar
saber, conhecer; estar
know knew known
ao corrente de
colocar; pôr (sobretudo
lay laid laid
em posição horizontal)
conduzir, guiar, levar;
lead led led
chefiar; indicar o caminho
inclinar(-se); encostar-se
lean leant / leaned(2) leant / leaned(2)
a; tender; curvar o corpo
leap leapt / leaped leapt / leaped pular; saltar
aprender; instruir-se; ficar
learn learnt / learned(2) learned(2)
a saber; ouvir dizer
partir; sair; deixar ficar;
leave left left
pôr de parte; abandonar
lend lent lent emprestar; conceder, dar
permitir; deixar; consentir;
let let let
alugar; arrendar
jazer; estar deitado;
lie lay lain
estender-se; situar-se
acender; incendiar; pegar
light lit / lighted lit / lighted
fogo a; iluminar-se
(fazer) perder; livrar-se
lose lost lost
de; custar (emprego)
fazer; contruir; ganhar;
make made made
conseguir; concluir
significar, querer dizer;
mean meant meant
denotar; destinar
encontrar; cruzar-se; ser
meet met met
apresentado a; reunir-se
atribuir papel errado
miscast miscast miscast
a um actor
dar mal as cartas
misdeal misdealt misdealt
(jogo de cartas)
provocar maus
misgive misgave misgiven pressentimentos,
inspirar receios

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

ouvir mal, trocar o
mishear misheard misheard
que se houve
mishit mishit mishit acertar mal (na bola)
pôr em lugar onde se não
mislay mislaid mislaid consegue encontrar depois;
esquecer onde se pôs
mislead misled misled enganar; induzir em erro
misread misread misread ler mal; compreender mal
misspeak misspoke misspoken dizer ou
misspelt / dar erros de ortografia;
misspell misspelt / misspelled
misspelled soletrar mal
misspend misspent misspent desperdiçar
enganar-se, equivocar-
mistake mistook mistaken
se; confundir
ensinar mal ou
misteach mistaught mistaught
compreender mal, entender
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
mal; equivocar-se
cortar, aparar (a
mow mowed mown / mowed
relva); ceifar
contrabalançar, compensar;
offset offset offset deslocar, descentrar;
imprimir em offset
outbid outbid outbid oferecer mais; exceder
levar a melhor sobre;
outdo outdid outdone
exceder, ultrapassar
outfight outfought outfought lutar melhor que
tornar-se demasiado
outgrow outgrew outgrown
grande para
produzir; expedir; enviar;
output output / outputted output / outputted
fornecer (dados)
outrun outran outrun ultrapassar; exceder
ultrapassar nas vendas;
outsell outsold outsold
vender mais caro que
outshine outshone outshone brilhar mais que; suplantar
overbear overbore overborne subjugar, oprimir
fazer uma oferta
overbid overbid overbid
demasiado alta
overcast overcast overcast nublar(-se); escurecer
vencer um obstáculo,
overcome overcame overcome
superar; derrotar, vencer
Inglês Instrumental 67

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

exagerar, levar demasiado
overdo overdid overdone
longe; execeder-se em
overdraw overdrew overdrawn sacar a descoberto
overeat overate overeaten comer demasiado
alimentar-se em excesso;
overfeed overfed overfed
overfly overflew overflown sobrevoar
cobrir, crescer por
overgrow overgrew overgrown
cima de (vegetação)
pairar sobre; projectar-
overhang overhung overhung
se para fora; ameaçar
overhear overheard overheard ouvir por acaso
overlay overlaid overlaid revestir; cobrir
pagar demasiado a,
overpay overpaid overpaid
pagar excessivamente
ser mais importante que,
override overrode overridden
sobrepor-se a; desprezar
overrun overran overrun invadir um país; ir além de
oversee oversaw overseen vigiar, dirigir; inspeccionar
overshoot overshot overshot (alvo) errar o tiro
dormir para além da hora
oversleep overslept overslept
devida; acordar tarde
gastar ou despender
overspend overspent overspent
ultrapassar, passar à
overtake overtook overtaken
frente de; dominar
overthrow overthrew overthrown derrubar (o governo)
dar corda em excesso
overwind overwound overwound
(relógio, etc.)
escrever por cima de;
overwrite overwrote overwritten escrever em demasia; gravar
em cima de (informática)
partake partook partaken partilhar de; participar em
pagar, remunerar;
pay paid paid recompensar;
saldar; dar lucro
defender, advogar;
plead pleaded / pled(2) pleaded / pled(2) suplicar (algo) a alguém;
declarar-se; alegar
pagar adiantadamente;
prepay prepaid prepaid
fixar, marcar, ajustar
preset preset preset
antecipa damente

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

proof-read proof-read proof-read rever, corrigir (provas)
provar; mostrar ser;
prove proved proved, proven(2)
submeter a prova
pôr; colocar; exprimir,
put put put
deixar, abandonar;
quit quitted / quit(2) quitted / quit(2)
demitir-se; desistir
ler; ficar a conhecer
read read read
por meio da leitura
rebind rebound rebound reencadernar
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt reconstruir
refundir; remoldar; atribuir
recast recast recast
novo papel a um actor
redo redid redone voltar a fazer
gornir; passar o cabo
reeve reeved / rove reeved / rove pelo gorne; passar
através de (baixios)
rehear reheard reheard ouvir de novo
relay relaid relaid voltar a colocar; repor
voltar a fazer; refazer;
remake remade remade
despedaçar, rasgar,
rend rent rent
lacerar, fender(-se)
pagar; reembolsar;
repay repaid repaid
indemnizar; voltar a pagar
reread reread reread reler, voltar a ler
tornar a mostrar (um
rerun reran rerun
filme); repetir (um jogo)
resell resold resold revender
repor; pôr novamente em
reset reset reset
estado conveniente
resit resat resat refazer exame
voltar a tomar,
retake retook retaken
reconquistar; recapturar
recontar, redizer,
retell retold retold
voltar a narrar
rebobinar; voltar a dar corda
rewind rewound rewound
a; voltar (fita) para trás
rewrite rewrote rewritten reescrever
rid rid / ridded(1) rid / ridded(1) livrar, libertar; livrar-se de
cavalgar, andar a cavalo;
ride rode ridden
andar de bicicleta, etc
Inglês Instrumental 69

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

tocar (campainha);
ring rang rung
zumbir (ouvidos)
aparacer (no horizonte);
rise rose risen
erguer-se; subir (preços)
correr; fugir; apressar-se;
run ran run
recorrer; funcionar; etc
saw sawed sawn / sawed(2) serrar, cortar com serra
say said said dizer; anunciar; recitar
ver; notar; perceber;
see saw seen
providenciar; imaginar
seek sought sought procurar; solicitar; tentar
sell sold sold vender; enganar; prostituir
enviar, mandar,
send sent sent
despachar, remeter
pôr, assentar; pôr-se (Sol);
set set set
pôr em funcionamento
coser; costurar; coser
sew sewed sewn / sewed
as folhas de um livro
sacudir, abanar; agitar;
shake shook shaken
tremer; estremecer
shear sheared / shore(1) shorn / sheared tosquiar
derramar (lágrimas); perder
shed shed shed
(as penas, folhas, etc)
shine shone shone brilhar; cintilar; reflectir luz
shit (3) shitted / shit / shat shitted / shit / shat cagar
shoe shod shod ferrar (cavalo)
disparar (arma de fogo);
shoot shot shot
matar, ferir (com tiro)
mostrar; expor; apresentar;
show showed shown / showed
dar provas de; indicar

encolher, contrair-
shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk
se; retrair-se

shrive(1) shrived / shrove shrived / shriven ouvir em confissão

shut shut shut fechar, encerrar; tapar;
transmitir programa
simulcast simulcast simulcast simultaneamente pela
rádio e pela televisão
sing sang sung cantar; zumbir
afundar(-se); enterrar-
sink sank sunk
se; deixar-se cair
sit sat sat sentar-se; fazer exame

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

slay slew slain matar; assassinar; chacinar
dormir; repousar;
sleep slept slept
passar a noite
deslizar; escorregar;
slide slid slid
pôr a tiracolo; lançar;
sling slung slung
atirar (com a mão)
andar com passos furtivos;
slink slunk slunk
retirar-se furtivamente
slit slit slit fender(-se); rachar
smell smelt / smelled(2) smelt / smelled(2) cheirar; cheirar mal
bater em; derrotar;
smite smote smitten
punir; impressionar
sow sowed sown / sowed semear; espalhar
falar; dizer; conversar;
speak spoke spoken
apressar; seguir a grande
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded
velocidade; acelerar
soletrar, dizer as letras
spell spelt / spelled(2) spelt / spelled(2)
de; significar, implicar
gastar, despender; passar
spend spent spent
(tempo); esgotar
entornar(-se); derramar(-
spill spilt / spilled(2) spilt / spilled(2)
se); trasbordar
torcer (fio); desfia; tornear;
spin spun / span spun
correr com velocidade
spit spat / spit(2) spat / spit(2) cuspir; dizer violentamente
rachar, fender; cortar
split split split
em partes; dividir
estragar; estragar com
spoil spoilt / spoiled(2) spoilt / spoiled(2)
mimos; arruinar
colocar sob os holofotes;
spotlight spotlit / spotlighted spotlit / spotlighted
realçar, ressaltar
estender, espalhar(-se);
spread spread spread
alastrar; distribuir
saltar, pular; surgir;
spring sprang sprung
brotar; nascer; derivar
estar / pôr de pé; manter-se
stand stood stood
firme; continuar válido
abrir rombo em;
stave staved / stove staved / stove colocar aduelas em;
amolgar; repelir (off)
steal stole stolen roubar, furtar
Inglês Instrumental 71

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

picar, espetar; colar;
stick stuck stuck
encravar, ficar preso
picar com ferrão; causar
sting stung stung
dor aguda; ofender
stink stank / stunk stunk cheirar mal
espalhar, derramar;
strew strewed strewn / strewed
semear, encher de; cobrir
stride strode stridden andar a passos largos
dar pancadas em; atacar;
strike struck struck
descobrir; soar (horas)
encordoar; amarrar;
string strung strung
enfiar (pérolas, etc)
esforçar-se ao máximo;
strive strove striven
sublet sublet sublet subalugar
jurar, afirmar sob
swear swore sworn
juramento; praguejar
sweat sweated / sweat(2) sweated / sweat(2) suar, transpirar
varrer; levar tudo à sua
sweep swept swept
frente, arrastar; examinar
inchar; aumentar de
swell swelled swollen / swelled
volume; ondular
swim swam swum nadar; sentir tonturas
balançar; dar uma curva;
swing swung swung
voltear (com o corpo)
levar; tomar; prender;
take took taken
aceitar; adquirir; pegar em
ensinar; instruir; leccionar;
teach taught taught
educar; mostrar
despedaçar(-se); rasgar(-
tear tore torn
se); romper(-se)
transmitir (programa)
telecast telecast telecast
por televisão
dizer; comunicar; informar;
tell told told
avisar; contar, narrar
pensar; julgar, supor;
think thought thought
considerar; tencionar
prosperar, florescer; vicejar;
thrive throve / thrived thriven / thrived
crescer, desenvolver
atirar, lançar;
throw threw thrown
deitar; despejar
impelir com força;
thrust thrust thrust
dar estocadas

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

pisar; esmagar com o
tread trod trodden
pé; andar, caminhar
atribuir o mesmo papel a
typecast typecast typecast
um actor repetidamente
typeset typeset typeset compor (tipografia)
dactilografar, escrever
typewrite typewrote typewritten
à máquina
desenvergar; endireitar(-
unbend unbent unbent
se); afrouxar, soltar
desamarrar, desatar;
unbind unbound unbound
soltar, libertar
fazer uma oferta
underbid underbid underbid
demasiado baixa
vender a um preço mais
undercut undercut undercut baixo que; jogar a bola
por baixo (golfo)
sofrer, passar por; ser
undergo underwent undergone
submetido a; estar sujeito a
estar na base de;
underlie underlay underlain
estar por baixo de
pagar demasiado
underpay underpaid underpaid
pouco (trabalhador)
vender a preços
undersell undersold undersold
mais baixos que
gastar ou despender
underspend underspent underspent
demasiado pouco
compreender; entender;
understand understood understood
empreender; encarregar-
undertake undertook undertaken
se de; garantir
underwrite underwrote underwritten subscrever
desfazer; desamarrar;
undo undid undone
desabotoar; invalidar
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen descongelar(-se)
unmake unmade unmade desfazer, destruir
unsay unsaid unsaid retractar-se
unwind unwound unwound
segurar, não deixar cair;
uphold upheld upheld
proteger; manter
derrubar; perturbar;
upset upset upset
enervar; indispor
Inglês Instrumental 73

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Significado

acordar, despertar; estar
wake woke / waked(2) woken / waked(2)
alerta; ressuscitar
fazer uma emboscada
waylay waylaid waylaid
a; atacar de surpresa
vestir, usar; desgastar
wear wore worn
com o uso; cansar
weave wove woven entrançar (-se);
entrelaçar (-se)
casar(-se); unir em
wed wedded / wed wedded / wed
weep wept wept chorar; derramar lágrimas
wet wetted / wet(2) wetted / wet(2) molhar
ganhar; vencer; conseguir;
win won won
convencer, persuadir
dar corda a; envolver;
wind wound wound
bobinar, enrolar
retirar; remover; retirar-
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
se, recolher-se
withhold withheld withheld reter, conter; recusar
withstand withstood withstood resistir a; opor-se a
torcer; espremer; apertar;
wring wrung wrung
extorquir; atormentar
escrever; relatar por
escrito; descrever; compor
write wrote written
(música); preencher
(cheque); passar (certidão)
Capítulo 15
Artigos Definidos e
Emprega-se o artigo definido the
a) Com substantivos contáveis (singulares e plurais) e com substantivos
não-contáveis (que são sempre singulares)
the book o livro
the books os livros
the rice o arroz

b) Para se referir a algo já mencionado na frase anterior

I saw a man and a woman Eu vi um homem e uma mulher
yesterday. The man was short ontem. O homem era baixo e a
and the woman was tall. mulher era alta.

c) Quando se espera que a pessoa a quem dirigimos saiba do que esta-

mos a nos referir
It's hot in here. Could you Está quente aqui. Podia abrir a
open the window, please? janela, por favor?

d) Quando algo pode ser identificado a partir de um contexto conhecido

entre os intervenientes
I must go to the post office. Tenho que ir aos Correios.
The beach is full of people. A praia está cheia de gente.

e) Com expressões que têm a ver com instrumentos musicais no

She plays the piano. Ela toca piano.

f) Com expressões que têm a ver com palavras radio, cinema, theatre
Be quiet! I'm listening to the Fique quieto! Eu estou ouvindo
radio. rádio.
I used to go to the cinema Eu costumava ir ao cinema
every week. todas as semanas.

g) Nos superlativos
the best book o melhor livro
the most expensive car o carro mais caro

h) Com numerais ordinais: first, second, third, ... e next, last

the first exercise o primeiro exercício
the last exercise o último exercício

i) Com períodos do dia e da noite

in the morning de manhã
in the afternoon à tarde
in the evening à noite
j) Para se referir a algo que é único
the moon a lua
the earth a terra
the sun o sol

l) Com nomes de lugares: arquipélagos, mares, oceanos, cadeias de

montanhas, rios, desertos, hotéis, cinemas, galerias, teatros, museus
the Azores os Açores
the Himalayas os Himalaias
the Tagus o Tejo
the Atlantic Ocean o Oceano Atlântico
the Sahara Desert o Deserto Saara
the United Kingdom o Reino Unido
the United States os Estados Unidos
the Ritz Hotel o Hotel Ritz
the Odeon Cinema o Cinema Odeon
the National Gallery a Galeria Nacional
the Shakespeare Theatre o Teatro Shakespeare
the Natural History Museum o Museu de História Natural

m) Com adjetivos para representar uma classe de pessoas

the old os idosos
the rich os ricos
the Portuguese os Portugueses
the British os Britânicos / os Ingleses
I know Tony Blair, the Prime Conheço Tony Blair, o Primeiro
Minister. Ministro.

Não há nenhuma diferença semântica entre a e an.

Inglês Instrumental 77

Emprega-se a(n) somente com substantivos contáveis singulares

a book um livro
a car um carro
an egg um ovo
an apple uma maçã

Emprega-se a(n):
a) para identificar ou classificar algo
It's a book. É um livro.

It's an apple. É uma maçã.

b) para definir algo

A dog is a domestic animal. O cão é um animal doméstico.
A lion is a wild animal. O leão é um animal selvagem.
c) para quantificar algo
I have a book. Tenho um livro.
I have an apple. Tenho uma maçã.

d) para se referir a uma certa pessoa que não conhecemos

A Mr Brown would like to see Um tal Sr.Brown deseja vê-lo.
A Mrs Smith is in the waiting Uma tal Sra.Smith está na
room. sala de espera.
e) para falar sobre profissões
He is a doctor. Ele é médico.
She is an actress. Ela é atriz.

f) para querer dizer somente um/uma

I'd like a lemon, please. Quero um limão, por favor.
I'd like an ice cream, please. Quero um sorvete, por favor.

g) para se referir a algo pela primeira vez

I saw a car crash into a tree. Eu vi um carro bater numa

h) para se referir a uma unidade de medida

three times a day três vezes por dia
$5 a pound $5 a libra
10 km an hour 10 km por hora

i) para se referir a certas doenças

I've got a cold. Estou resfriado.
I've got a headache. Tenho dores de cabeça.

j) em exclamações
What a day! Que dia!
What a mess! Que bagunça!

k) com certos números

a hundred cem
a thousand mil
a million um milhão
a couple of um par de
a dozen uma dúzia

A diferença quanto à utilização entre a e an é:

a) utilize a quando o substantivo iniciar com som de uma consoante
a car um carro
a house uma casa
a hat um chapéu
a lemon um limão
a European (1)
um europeu / uma europeia
a university (1)
uma universidade
a U-turn (1)
retorno (sinalização)

b) utilize an quando o substantivo iniciar com som de uma vogal

an apple uma maçã
an egg um ovo
an idea uma idea
an orange uma laranja
an umbrella um chapéu de chuva
an hour (2)
uma hora
an honour (2)
uma honra
an M (3)
um M

(1) som inicial parecido com 'you'

(2) h mudo
(3) som inicial / e /
Inglês Instrumental 79

Capítulo 16
Textos Complementares
Os textos complementares UEC podem ser usados em qualquer parte do cur-
so como textos suplementares aos textos utilizados nas unidades. Por serem
mais longos e complexos podem ser divididos em partes ou parágrafos. É
recomendável o uso do dicionário em textos mais complexos.
As estratégias vistas deverão fazer parte obrigatória na análise de textos
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Texto 1
What is a Computer Server
Most of us are very well acquainted with the word computer server. We know that
in all organizations, schools and colleges there is a computer server, to which all the
computers are connected. But many of us will give absurd answers, if asked the ques-
tion, what is a computer server? Thus, in this article, I will be explaining to you, the
answer to the question, what is a computer server?
So, you want to know what is a computer server. Computer servers are among the
most important infrastructure in any organization. The basic answer to the question
'what is a computer server', lies in the name of the term. It is a computer that serves
all the computers or terminals, that are connected to it. Applications are stored in
this computer and the other computer terminals connected to it, can access it.
Tasks Performed by a Computer Server
Well, the tasks performed by a computer server depend on the use of the computer
server. We will come to this process of classification of the server, at a later stage. For
now I have listed down some of the generalized tasks performed by a computer server.
•• Stores applications and databases required by the computers connected to it.
•• Provides computer security features. It protects all the computers connected to it using
a firewall.
•• Provides an IP address to the machines connected to it. An IP address is a unique number
in the format x.x.x.x, where x can be any 1 to 3 digit number, which is assigned to every
computer in the network.
Features of a Server
The server that you choose for your organization, should satisfy certain condi-
tions. It needs to have a memory size or RAM, large enough to hold the number of
queries that are executed by the computers connected to it. It may have to provide

services to a large number of computers and hence it will require a primary memory
of that capability. The next aspect that you need to take care of, is the processor
speed. The processor speed is usually measured in Giga Hertz and it needs to be
sufficient to execute all the commands requested by the machines. It is very neces-
sary that your server should have an optimum processor speed, because it needs to
provide multitasking facility. The hard drive storage capacity of the computer server,
needs to be large enough to be able to store all the data that the host machines will
require. In a network, computer users generally store the information, that they in-
tend to share on the computer server.
Types of Server
The different types of computer servers can be categorized in two main categories.
Dedicated Server
This type of a server performs a particular function, like hosting a website. There
are various web hosting services, which use dedicated servers for hosting websites.
On the payment of a certain amount of money, you can upload your webpages on
their computer servers. They will perform the task of hosting your websites. Certain
companies also have dedicated computer servers to hold their own websites. These
type of servers require to be very powerful because they need to handle the web
traffic, that tries to access the webpages contained in them.
Shared Server
A shared computer server is an ordinary server, that is used in a network, for mul-
tiple users. Large number of applications, databases etc. are stored in them. Different
users connected to the server, access the server depending on their requirements.
These server do not require to be customized like the dedicated servers. The most
common example for this type of server, is an application server. An application server
stores all the information required by the people in a network. In many organizations,
the employees are often given dummy terminals. It means that, they have a computer
keyboard and a computer monitor, but the entire processing and storage is done at the
computer server. These terminals do not have individual hard disks, instead, they store
data on the computer server's hard disk.
Hope this article has helped you in solving the query, what is a computer server?
This article was meant, not only to answer your question, what is a computer server,
but also to acquaint you with the different aspects related to it.

Texto 2
Wireless Internet Service for Laptop Computers
Laptop and Internet go hand in hand and complement each other in every possible
way. They have become a part and parcel of our every day life. Below presented is a
brief information about the wireless Internet service for laptop computers. Read on to
know about them.
Laptop, a personal computer, is used for mobile computing and consists of typical
desktop components along with a rechargeable battery. Wireless Internet service is
like any other Internet service with networks present around wireless networking. The
technology ranges from wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) networking to electromagnetic waves
UHF or wireless cable MMDS bands. With a few equipments, configurations and set-
tings, a laptop can maintain a wireless internet connection round the clock. The ope-
rational limitation of wireless Internet access for laptop computers is, that the service
is not consistent worldwide.
Inglês Instrumental 81

Procedures to Connect Wireless Internet to Laptop Computers

Most of the laptops are provided with a switch to turn the wireless access on and
off . For wireless access, make sure that the switch is remove 'ON'. Plug the adapter
into the PC card slot or the USB port. Insert the CD that comes along with the adapter
and install the driver according to the on-screen instructions. Visit a Wi-Fi hot-spot
and switch 'ON' the laptop. After the device finds the wireless connection, it asks your
permission for connection. Click 'OK' to connect to the Wi-Fi.
Buy an air-card and install it by sliding it into the slot provided in your laptop. If the
laptop finds the Internet connection, it will display a message asking your permission
to connect. Click on 'OK' for connecting to the Wi-Fi. With this procedure, you can
connect to the Wi-Fi even while driving.
Another way of connecting to the wireless Internet is by installing a wireless ne-
twork at home. You can install a standard DSL or an Ethernet cable provided by the
local Internet service provider or any other wireless Internet service provider. Along
with standard DSL or Ethernet, a wireless router is installed. An Ethernet signal is sent
to the router by the wireless modem which is then converted into a wireless signal by
the router. Lastly, turn 'ON' your laptop and check for the message and connect to the
wireless Internet service for the laptop.
Uses of Wireless Internet Service for Laptops
A laptop can be connected to wireless Internet service, if it is in the range of a wi-
reless Internet network. You can easily access Wi-Fi from home as well as from office.
It can also be accessed from public places where Wi-Fi hot-spots are present. It can
be either free of cost or you have to subscribe to the providers. Airports, hotels, res-
taurants, etc., usually provide free hot-spots. With Wi-Fi peer-to-peer connection, it is
possible to connect the devices directly to each other. This can be of help in consumer
electronics, gaming, etc.
Advantages of Wireless Internet Service for Laptops
It is devoid of wires which reduces the cost of network deployment and expansion.
It is mostly used in places where cables cannot reach, like outdoor areas and historical
buildings. The price of a Wi-Fi chip-set is low which makes it an economical networking
option and thus is used widely in corporate infrastructure. Wi-Fi uses complex pas-
swords and encryption techniques which is difficult to break and hence, provides high
Internet security as well.
With wireless Internet service for laptop computers, you can connect your laptop
to the Internet anytime and anywhere and check your mails, transfer images or down-
load your favorite songs and even socialize on-line.

Texto 3
How to Clean Up a Computer
Computer maintenance is an important activity that helps achieve optimal compu-
ter performance. Let us discuss some guidelines that are necessary to clean up your
computer. To know more about how to clean up your computer, read on...
The computer clean up is important for speeding up your computer. The speed of
your computer decreases if you do not perform this maintenance routine. Sometimes,
if it is a virus attack you may be at a higher risk. Bad sectors developed on your hard
disk can prove to be dangerous as there are chances of losing the information or data
stored in these sectors of the disk. There are five steps that can help you answer the
question how to clean up your computer system.

How to Clean Up Your Computer - Disk Space

Firstly, freeing up you disk space is an important step. This will not only clean your
computer, but also improve its performance. Many operating systems provide com-
puter clean up tools. Freeing up the disk space includes deleting the internet history,
which includes the downloaded file history and temporary internet files. Empty the
recycle bin and temporary files that you never use. Also, the programs that you are not
using currently must be uninstalled.
How to Clean Up Your Computer - Disk Defragmentation
When the computer stores data, it is stored in a fragmented form, which is scat-
tered in different parts of the disk. The computer has to search for the whole disk in
order to access a particular file. This introduces a delay in the access, which in turn
degrades the overall computer performance. Defragmentation of disks is an essential
part of your computer clean up procedure. Many computer clean up software appli-
cations have a defragmentation tool. This tool helps collect the fragmented files and
consolidate them so that these files will be saved in contiguous memory locations on
the disk. The speed of reading and writing files and folders to hard disk speeds up.
How to Clean Up Your Computer - Antivirus
The computer must always be kept protected from spyware. The viruses and wor-
ms collect your personal and confidential information from the computer. This can be
risky as your confidential information like website username and passwords can be
collected and misused. The spyware and computer viruses not only do this, but also
they slow down your computer and affects the overall performance. A good antivirus
software may help you to clean up your computer by deleting these unwanted viruses
and worms.
How to Clean Up Your Computer - Bad Sectors
The disk defragmentation is not enough, the bad sectors in your hard disks also have
an effect on the overall performance of the hard disk. The bad sectors on your hard disk
can also make reading and writing on your hard disk. There are computer clean up sof-
tware applications that scan your computer and check for any file system errors.
How to Clean Up Your Computer - Cookies, Registry and Startup
The cookies are small files that store information about the URLs of a particular
website. These files can be accessed using a web browser and is somewhat similar
to the internet history that is stored. You can retrieve the data from the website you
have already visited using cookies. These cookies occupy unnecessary space in your
hard disk. The cookies that are not important can be deleted during your clean up
The registry is the place on your hard disk where the computer stores information
about the applications that are installed, documents that are created by this applica-
tion, hardware on your system like the ports on your computer. Special registry clean
up tools are available to clean up your computer. The startup programs are those pro-
grams which run when you boot your computer. Too many programs at the startup
may affect your system performance. The duplicate files must be found out and dele-
ted to clean up your computer.
These are some of the ways to clean up your computer and improve performance
and speed of your computer. These were some of the guidelines on how to clean up
your computer.
Inglês Instrumental 83

Texto 4
Computer LCD Monitor: How to Clean an LCD Monitor
Although cleaning an LCD monitor does require a bit of extra care, it can be easily
done in a few minutes with these simple steps. Read on to know more about how to
care for your expensive LCD monitor.
Liquid Crystal Display or LCD monitors refer to the technology of flat screen moni-
tors for computers. They not only look cool but are actually great for the health and the
environment. They are easier on the eyes as compared to the old school CRT (Cathode
Ray Tube) monitors with considerably less flickering and minimized radiation. What's
more, they even run on less power, which is good for your pocket and the environment
as well. All these features have made its use commonplace in the industrial sector and
among the public as well who have increasingly taken to the technology.
Cleaning a flat screen LCD monitor requires that extra bit of care as opposed to a
normal CRT screen. Different from a standard CRT screen, LCD monitors do not have a
thick glass or plastic covering over its electronic display. Moreover they are susceptible
to dust and other particles and are easily smudged by fingerprints. Using the wrong
cleaning agent will result in damage and scratches to your expensive LCD screen.
How to clean an LCD Monitor?
Instead of splurging on those expensive LCD monitor cleaners or monitor wipes, try
some simple and easy steps to keep your LCD screen clean.
Step1: Firstly, all you need to clean your LCD monitor is water and isopropyl alcohol.
You can also use hexane or petroleum benzine to clean the screen. The absolute no-no
while cleaning an LCD screen is to use ammonia based glass cleaners which can leave
the screens cloudy and scratched. Chemicals, like, acetone, ethyl acid, ethyl alcohol
and toluene should also be given a miss. How does one know what chemicals a com-
mercial cleaner contains? Just check the ingredients displayed on the label!
Step 2: Use a soft, clean cloth to wipe the dust off the screen. Avoid using paper hand
towels as the abrasiveness of paper tends to leave scratches on the screen. A good
alternative to simple cloth is a Swiffer cloth, which not only sweeps away the dust and
debris, but also catches it in special electrostatic grooves in the fabric.
Step 3: Turning off the monitor or setting the background to black enables the visibility
of dust particles and fingerprints. Remove fingerprints from the screen, using a mix of
distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. Tap or mineral water containing dissolved salts
should be avoided as they could leave white marks on the screen.
Step 4: The next step is to clean the edges with a cotton swab dunked in the alcohol-
-water mixture to collect all the dust and grime. Remember to remove the excess
moisture out of the cotton before running it along the four edges of the LCD screen.
Step 5: Give your screen a gentle rubdown with the damp cloth to catch any dirt left
behind by your cotton swab and there, you are done with achieving the perfectly clean
monitor. Be sure to dry the computer screen before using it

It is important to understand that you should avoid subjecting the LCD

screen to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight. With proper care and
maintenance you can have a beautiful screen with no marks and your
eyes will love it. After all, you won't have to sit for hours in front of the
screen, trying to read through layers of dust and fingerprints!

Texto 5
How to Start Your Own Computer Repair Business
If you consider yourself an expert in matters related to computers, you can start a
computer repair services and maintenance business. To know how to start your own
computer repair business, read on...
The first step that you must take when you are thinking of starting a business, is
to set the right price for your service. Time is money, and you will probably charge by
the hour. Earlier, computer or PC repair shops were mainly called in to remove virus
that had infected a computer. Nowadays, their job is to keep out viruses, before they
actually enter the computer. As they say, 'prevention is better than cure'. The next step
in starting a computer repair business, is to identify your customers. Do you want to
sell to businesses or to private individuals? You need to find a niche, so that you can
specialize in a small sector of the market. You also need to make a decision to quit your
day job and operate your business the whole day. If you don't have any background in
the field of finance, you need to employ accountants to record your transactions. Let's
take a closer look at how to start your own computer repair business.
Some tips on starting a computer repair business
You need to market your business by sending mailers or distributing flyers. You can
also promote your business on the Internet, through SEO (search engine optimization)
or email marketing. You need to establish trust with the client because they are giving
a computer that may have a Social Security number, credit card numbers, and so on.
The technician should supply his credentials, so that the client is assured that the te-
chie can do the job.
You also need to keep the technical skills up-to-date. You should train your workers,
maybe even encourage them to take certifications, such as the CompTIA A+. You should
have employees that have good social skills. Before interviewing candidates for your
job, make them fill an application form, in which they can list their technology-related
skills, so that you know what questions to ask. If you cannot solve a particular pro-
blem, you can find help online by posting the question on one of the message boards.
You can run your business from the garage in your house, so you will save money
since you don't have to lease space for your business. Operating a home-based busi-
ness may be quite a change, if you are used to working in a large company. You will
need space to keep a few desktop computers, and you will also need cabinets to store
away stuff.
You can charge a diagnostics fee to test all the hardware and software. If you cannot
figure out the problem, you can refund the diagnostics fee. After you have determined
what the problem, you can give a written estimate so that you can agree on the cost
first. You can repair your client's computers by remote access over the Internet. You
can connect to the client's computer and control its mouse, while the client watches
you solve his problem. Computer repair can be done on-site, so the client doesn't have
to go through the trouble of disconnecting the computer and leaving it at your shop.
In case of an off-site computer repair, which is cheaper, the client has to drop off and
pick up the computer.
You are competing with the likes of Best Buy's Geek Squad, and Circuit City's Firedog
(which is now closed). You are also competing with companies such as RadioShack and
CompUSA. However, you have an advantage over these national stores because you
are focused on the local level. Some small businesses also outsource their PC repair
services and maintenance to offshore companies such as iYogi.net. You can get started
in computer repair by getting a franchise from Fast-teks or Computer Troubleshooters.
Inglês Instrumental 85

You can buy computer parts from an online retailer such as Newegg or an auction site
such as eBay.
You can become a drive saver or a data doctor that recovers data, if your client's
hard drive has crashed. Now that you know how to start your own computer repair
business, you'll be able to get around to starting a PC repair business, which I'm sure
will be successful if everything goes well.

AGUIAR, Cícera Cavalcante. Inglês Instrumental: Abordagens X Compre-
ensão de Textos. Fortaleza: Edições Livro Técnico, 2001.
GADELHA, Isabel Maria Brasil. Inglês Instrumental: Leitura, conscientização
e prática. Teresina: EDUFPI,2000.
SCOTT, Michael. Reading Comprehension in English For Academic Pur-
poses. Working Paper 7, PUC – SP,1982.
TORRES, Décio. Inglês.com.textos para informática. Salvador: O autor,
VIEIRA, Lílian Cavalcanti Fernandes. Projeto Ensino de Inglês Instrumen-
tal. Fortaleza: O autor, 2001- 2004.
VIEIRA, Lílian Cavalcanti Fernandes. Inglês Instrumental: Leitura e compre-
ensão de textos. Fortaleza, O autor, 2008 – 2009.
VIEIRA, Renata Jorge. Inglês Instrumental: Compreensão e produção oral e
escrita. Fortaleza: Editora Evolutivo, 2001.

Sobre o autor
Mauro Luiz Pinheiro: Possui graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela
Universidade de Fortaleza (1998), Especialização em Gestão Empresarial
pela Faculdade Christus (2000) e Mestrado em TESOL – Southern Illinois
University (2003). Atualmente é professor da Faculdade de Tecnologia do
Nordeste, Sub-Coordenador do Instituto Brasil Estados Unidos no Ceará e
Tutor de EAD/Letras da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).

iel a sua missão de interiorizar o ensino superior no estado Ceará, a UECE,
como uma instituição que participa do Sistema Universidade Aberta do

Brasil, vem ampliando a oferta de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação

Inglês Instrumental
na modalidade de educação a distância, e gerando experiências e possibili-
dades inovadoras com uso das novas plataformas tecnológicas decorren-
tes da popularização da internet, funcionamento do cinturão digital e
massificação dos computadores pessoais.

Inglês Intrumental
Comprometida com a formação de professores em todos os níveis e
a qualificação dos servidores públicos para bem servir ao Estado,
os cursos da UAB/UECE atendem aos padrões de qualidade
estabelecidos pelos normativos legais do Governo Fede-
ral e se articulam com as demandas de desenvolvi-
mento das regiões do Ceará.

Universidade Estadual do Ceará - Universidade Aberta do Brasil

Mauro Luiz Pinheiro

Ciências Artes
Química Biologicas Plásticas Computação Física Matemática Pedagogia

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