Ingles Instrumental PDF
Ingles Instrumental PDF
Ingles Instrumental PDF
iel a sua missão de interiorizar o ensino superior no estado Ceará, a UECE,
como uma instituição que participa do Sistema Universidade Aberta do
Brasil, vem ampliando a oferta de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação
Inglês Instrumental
na modalidade de educação a distância, e gerando experiências e possibili-
dades inovadoras com uso das novas plataformas tecnológicas decorren-
tes da popularização da internet, funcionamento do cinturão digital e
massificação dos computadores pessoais.
Inglês Intrumental
Comprometida com a formação de professores em todos os níveis e
a qualificação dos servidores públicos para bem servir ao Estado,
os cursos da UAB/UECE atendem aos padrões de qualidade
estabelecidos pelos normativos legais do Governo Fede-
ral e se articulam com as demandas de desenvolvi-
mento das regiões do Ceará.
Ciências Artes
Química Biologicas Plásticas Computação Física Matemática Pedagogia
Inglês Instrumental
3ª edição
Fortaleza - Ceará
Ciências Artes
Química Biológicas Plásticas Computação Física Matemática Pedagogia
Copyright © 2015. Todos os direitos reservados desta edição à UAB/UECE. Nenhuma parte deste
material poderá ser reproduzida, transmitida e gravada, por qualquer meio eletrônico, por fotocópia
e outros, sem a prévia autorização, por escrito, dos autores.
Editora Filiada à
Apresentação.......................................................................................... 5
Parte 1 – Introdução............................................................................... 7
Capítulo 1 – Introdução.......................................................................... 9
1. Diferenças entre Tradução, Compreensão e Interpretação...................9
1.1. Tradução.........................................................................................9
1.2. Compreensão...............................................................................10
1.3. Interpretação.................................................................................10
1.4.Uso do dicionário...........................................................................10
2. Estratégias de leitura básicas: Parte 1.................................................10
2.1. Palavras cognatas........................................................................10
2.2. Palavras repetidas........................................................................10
2.3. Marcas tipográficas.......................................................................10
1.2. Compreensão
Entender o que o autor quis dizer com esforço e manuseio do texto.
1.3. Interpretação
Adicionar. à palavra do autor, aquilo em que acreditamos ou que estamos
acostumados a lidar.
1.4.Uso do dicionário
O dicionário é um livro de referência útil e necessário. Porém, deve se obser-
var que não precisa conhecer o significado de todas as palavras para compre-
ender a mensagem do texto (VIEIRA, 2008).
Texto 1
Classic Chianti vs. Brunello
For those who appreciate enogastronomy, good wines are plentiful in Tuscany.
Between Florence and Siena, there are hundreds of local wineries which produce
Chianti Classico - which must be made from at least 80% local Sangiovese grapes – as
well as Brunello de Montalcino, a rare and difficult to obtain wine. Both are denomi-
nated by controlled origins (like almost everything else which is emblematic of Italy)
and bring joy to those who like to drink well.
(Adaptado de TAM nas nuvens, agosto 2009)
Texto 2
What is a Computer?
Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has an idea about what a
computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know
how to use one or not. But does everyone really know how a computer works inside?
A computer is an electronic machine which processes data and provides the results
of the processing as information. There are three basic steps in the computing process.
The first one is input, which consists of feeding data into the computer´s memory. Then
comes the processing: the program is run and the computer processes the data by per-
forming a set of instructions. The third and final step is the output furnished by the com-
puter, which allows the user to see the results either in printed form or on the screen.
The world of computers has created a specific language of its own. English words such
as software and hardware are used worldwide and have been borrowed by many diffe-
rent languages. Software is information in the form of data and programs, and hardware
refers to the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system.
Despite the constant presence of computers in most modern societies, it is a gre-
at mistake to believe that everybody in the world is computer-literate, i.e., is familiar
with computers and knows how to use them properly. In some contemporary socie-
ties, many peolple still have no idea about the existence of computers, and even in
the so-called developed countries, there are lots of people who do not know or do
not care about what a computer is.
(Adaptado de TORRES, 2001, p. 25)
Texto 3
Precious Primate
A new species of primate, the Ka'apor Capuchin, has been discovered in Mara-
nhão state in the Amazon basin.
The animal is similar to the weeping capuchin, which lives in the same region,
says Helder Queiroz, the biologist who discovered the monkey. But differences in the
cranial bones persuaded him that they are separate species. The Ka'apor capuchin is
a silvery-grey color, while the weeping capuchin is brown. The Ka'apor is about 50 cm
tall with a 50 cm tail, and weighs around 3 kg.
Much of the region where the capuchin lives is protected land, but the number of
animals seem to be declining every year.
(Adaptado de VIEIRA, 2008, p. 32)
Síntese do Capítulo
A importância da abordagem instrumental é amplamente utilizada no meio
acadêmico para a compreensão de textos em língua estrangeira notadamen-
te a língua inglesa. As estratégias básicas são o primeiro contato do leitor com
a prática instrumental.
Capítulo 21
Skimming & Scanning
1. Skimming
Leitura rápida e superficial com o objetivo de captar a ideia central do texto.
2. Scanning
Localização de uma informação específica dentro do texto.
Texto 4
The Modern age of computers
It was in the period after World War ll that major developments in computer tech-
nology and industry took place. Dr.John von Neumann developed the stored program
concept near the end of the war. This concept revolutioned the computer industry
because now the computer was controlled by a program kept inside the machine
instead of being controlled manually with the changing of wires. Maurice V. Wilkes,
a student at the University of Pennsylvania during the time von Neumann, Eckert and
Mauchly developed their work, took the idea of the stored program computer, the
EDAC. Two years later, in 1951, Mauchly and Eckert completed another stored pro-
gram computer, the EDVAC. They formed their own company, the Remington-Rand
Corporation, and developed the first commercial computer, the UNIVAC, which was
delivered to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, by 1956, IBM, had replaced their
company as the leading computer manufacturer.
These early computers are known as the first generation of computers. They used va-
cuum tubes to control their operations. These tubes were large, and the computer needed
lots of them. Consequently, these computers occupied a large area and consumed a lot
of power. They generated a great deal of heat and needed very good air conditioning.
Furthermore, they were too slow, and their memory capacity was small. On top of these
problems, they broke down frequently and required constant maintenance and repair.
The second generation of computers began in 1947 at Bell Laboratories. J.Bardeen,
W.H.Brattain, and W.Shockley solved the problems of vacuum tubes by developing the
transistor, which won them the Nobel Prize. These computers were smaller, faster, and
more reliable than the first generation's. Besides, they cost less power, and generated
less heat. These computers were programmed with high-level programming languages
Around 1965, the third generation of computers appeared on the market. Thus, tran-
sistors were replaced by integrated circuits. These tiny integrated were smaller and more
dependable than the second generation´s transistors. Microchips (tiny boards that contain
these circuits) were less than 1/8 of an inch square. Third generation computers were
smaller, faster, more powerful, and more reliable than the previous generations´. In addi-
tion to their advantages, they were also less expensive.
Microminiaturization greatly reduced the size of the integrated circuits of four-
th generation computers. Thousands of tiny circuits now fit onto a single chip, a
rectangular or square piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to ¼ inch. Several layers
of an integrated circuit are etched or imprinted upon this silicon piece, the chip.
These computers can complete approximately 1,000,000 instructions per second
and are 50 times faster than third generation computers.
Based on these facts, we can predict that today´s computers will soon be obso-
lete. Japanese and American scientists are working on the “fifth generation project”.
Not only will these “supercomputers” be faster, cheaper, more powerful and more
reliable than the one we use today, but it is also expected that they will be able to
reason and communicate with humans in natural language. Although the prediction
that these computers would be ready before the year 2000 was not fulfilled, advan-
ces in computer technology proceed so quickly that very soon we will be considering
our present state-of-the-art technology totally outdated.
(Adaptado de TORRES, 2001)
Texto 5
Living in the Future
Our life in the future will be changed forever by multimedia. The way we live,
work, and play will be totally different from what it is now. Bert C. Roberts, Jr. states
in an article that soon we will probably be answering our televisions and watching
our phones! Our interactive TVs will actually be some combination of television, te-
lephone, and computer through which we will have access to shopping, movies and
other types of information whenever we want them.
(Adaptado de Torres, 2001)
Texto 7
In the heart of computers
The core of a computer is the CPU(Central Processing Unit). This electronic unit at
the center of the computer system is where the actual work of the computer takes
place. The processor does all the processing and controls all the other devices in the
computer system. Because the processor does not have a large internal data storage
area, information must be stored somewhere. The main memory (RAM and ROM) is
part of the computer where programs and data being used by the processor can be
(Adaptado de Torres, 2001)
Texto 8
A laptop is no longer just a fashion statement or a luxury that is enjoyed only by the
well-to-do community of computer users. In fact, recent market surveys have reve-
aled that laptops are one of the topmost selling electronic products. Present laptop
sales are at a much higher level as compared to those of desktop computers. There
is one catch though. Laptops do pose users with a major problem - the problem of
choice. Choosing a laptop computer is much more difficult as compared to choosing
its desktop counterpart. There are a number of nitty-gritties involved when choosing
a laptop that perfectly suits your needs. High school or college going students have
different computer-related needs as compared to professional software developers.
Texto 9
The main memory
The main memory has a limited capacity and only stores information while the com-
puter is switched on. Data and programs are loaded into the main memory before
being processed. When an application is run, the microprocessor looks for it on the
secondary memory devices and a copy of the application is transferred into the RAM
area, also known as read/write memory.
Texto 10
Fresh Air
Other causes of allergies and illness can be found in our homes. Aerosols, new car-
pets, shower curtains and plastic toys are all potentially dangerous. Aerosols and air
fresheners can give children diseases such as earache, while in adults can cause hea-
daches and depression. One solution is avoid aerosols and do not use air fresheners
in our homes.
Texto 11
Screen Names
If you are under the impression that only actors, theater artists, singers, dancers
and stage performers are the ones who require catchy and cool screen names, then
you're completely mistaken my friend. In addition to all the above-mentioned peo-
ple, each and every single person who makes use of instant messaging applications,
online chat rooms, online dating portals, matrimonial websites, etc. requires the
use of a screen name. Almost all the above Internet-based applications make the
process of creating a screen name during user registration mandatory. So, if you
are a user who wishes to find a screen name for your virtual avatar, or you happen
to be unsatisfied with your existing name and wish to change the screen name,
look no further. Here is an extensive list of screen names which includes some cool
and creative screen names in addition to some really wacky screen name ideas.
Parte 4
Coerência e a Função Retórica
Capítulo 8
Texto 12
A computer System
The c.p. performs the necessary calculations and controls the input and output units.
The c.p. is divided into 3 parts. The memory unit stores the data and the program-
me. The control unit selects data and instructions, from the memory unit, interprets
them and controls the calculations. The arithmetic unit adds, substracts and compa-
res data. ( )
The output device converts electronic pulses back into information and presents
the information to the user. ( )
A computer system is made up of a number if inter-connected systems. The heart
of the computer is the central processor (c.p.) An input device converts information
into electronic pulses and passes the programme and the data into the c.p. ( )
Texto 13
Techniques to Make Computers Fast
(texto avançado; leio-o com o auxílio de um dicionário)
For advanced processing systems must work fast. And for fast systems programs
must run smoothly; there shall be no freezing and computer crashing. All this is pos-
sible when corrupted and invalid registry keys are repaired and removed.
For most computer users speed matters the most. As the users are more invol-
ved in high processing it is undoubtedly something really unforgiveable to have slow
computers. Systems behavioral experts have found that with the passage of time
making computers fast becomes the dearest demand of the people. For such people
working with low impact set is acceptable. These users are advised to clean all junk
except that it required to them in order to make their PCs fast.
However, this is not an optimal solution since no body wants to work while set-
ting boundaries around himself. There must be some solution that can make optimi-
ze their PCs and increase computer speed thus making computer usage productive.
One of the few options available to people is to use a registry fixing software like
RegInOut to clean windows registry. RegInOut is one of the best few registry cleaners
available in the market.
While many people think that using an anti-virus software would be enough to
speed up their systems. However, it is recommended that an anti-virus to be used in
combination with a top registry cleaner.
Also many guys are fond of installing new softwares that makes a load on their
systems. Although they are not discouraged to do so but they must make it sure that
when they uninstall these softwares their registry entries are completely removed.
Registry entries of uninstalled programs might become invalid and freeze up the
systems. These must be removed from time to time. Also those programs which are
running must have their registry entries repaired. This registry fixing makes these
programs stable and prevents computers from crashing which is a major cause of
slow computers.
Capítulo 91
Função Retórica
Texto 14
*(Texto avançado; leio-o com o auxílio de um dicionário)
XCOPY Command
This is one of the Windows command line commands, which you can use with a lot
of ease in Windows XP and Windows 2000. This command can be used to copy files whi-
ch are newer than the current version of the files and folders in the destination folder.
It is considered as one of the most powerful and versatile ways of creating backup in
Windows XP. Here, you can use a USB flash drive for carrying the copy, from one compu-
ter to another. The syntax of the command is XCOPY [source] [destination]. You need to
mention the source and destination path of the folders you want to synchronize. There
are lots of switches associated with this command, that allow a lot of features. I cannot
explain all these switches in details out here, but you can search for the switches and
understand their use with a lot of ease. Now, to avoid typing in the command everytime
you want to synchronize files and folders, you can also try creating a batch file. To do so,
simply type in the following two lines in notepad and save the file with the name 'SYNC.
CMD' in your Windows folder.
XCOPY "%1" "%2" /D /I %3
XCOPY "%2" "%1" /D /I %3
Now you can plug in your USB device and type the command 'SYNC "source fol-
der" "destination folder" /S' at the command prompt. Here, the source folder and
the destination folder are the positions where you need to mention the complete
path, to the source and destination folders that you need to synchronize. The /S
option is one of the switches of this command, that can be used to specify that you
want the sub-folders to be synchronized too. Using this command, you can synchro-
nize the hard disks of two different computers too.
There is another way to use the same command by using shortcuts. Right click on
any empty space on your desktop and click 'Create Shortcut'. On the first dialog box
that appears on the first window, after selecting create shortcut, type xcopy "source
folder path to be synchronized" [destination drive or removal drive] /d/y/s. Name
this shortcut export and complete the shortcut setup. Now, create the same shortcut
again, with one little change. Simply name the shortcut import and in the path type
xcopy [removal media] "folder that needs to be recognized" /d /y /s. Create the same
two shortcuts in the other computer too. Now, whenever you need to synchronize
files, you can simply click on the export of the first computer, with the USB flash drive
(removable media) connected, and then connect it to the other computer and click
on import. This completes the process of synchronizing two computers.
Software Approach
There are various softwares which can answer the question, how to synchronize
two computers. SyncToy 2.0 is one such software, which can be used for synchro-
nizing two computers. This software allows you to copy, delete, move and rename
folders and files between two computers. This softwares not only allow you with the
synchronization and backup features, but various other features too. For Example, a
software Second Copy can be used for creating the backups of your files at regular
intervals, to any other location in the network. The other location can of course be
your laptop computer too. It not only allows the backup feature but also security
features, like encryption.
What I have listed above, are the most common ways to answer the question,
how to synchronize two computers. However, before you try of any of the approa-
ches mentioned above, please ensure, that you are not trying it on any important
data. Hope my attempt to help you with the queries, how to synchronize folders
between two computers and how to synchronize files between two computers, is of
some use to you.
Inglês Instrumental 41
1.1. Negativa
Full Form Short Form Short Form
I am not I'm not
you are not you aren't you're not
he is not he isn't he's not
she is not she isn't she's not
it is not it isn't it's not
we are not we aren't we're not
you are not you aren't you're not
they are not they aren't they're not
1.2. Interrogativa
Full Form
am I?
are you?
is he?
is she?
is it?
are we?
are you?
are they?
1.4. Verbo To Be: Ser ou Estar
Example Significado
Who is it? It is Paul. Quem é? É o Paul.
What is that? It is a book. O que é aquilo? É um livro.
1. There To Be
O verbo There To Be significa haver, existir. Conjugado pelo verbo Be (To Be)
Short form
There isn't
There aren't
1.2. Interrogativa
Full Form
is there?
are there?
•• There is some bread but there isn't any butter;
•• Is there any coffee?
Example Significado
There's two boys at the door. Dois rapazes estão à porta.
1.2. Na afirmativa
(1) A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação deste tempo verbal presente simples é apenas
um dos exemplos possíveis entre vários, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.
1.3. Na negativa
1.4. Na interrogativa
Full Form
Do I like?
Do you like?
Does he / she / it like?
Do we like?
Do you like?
Do they like?
c) veracidades gerais
Full Form Significado
Two and three make five. Dois e três fazem cinco.
The moon revolves around A lua gira à volta da terra.
the earth.
Metals expand when they Os metais expandem-se quando
are heated. são aquecidos.
d) o futuro sobre horários e itinerários
Full Form Significado
The train leaves at three O trem parte às três horas.
The bus arrives at 7:15. O ônibus chega às 7:15.
e) o futuro, utilizando orações temporais e condicionais introduzidas por
before, when, as soon as, after, if, etc.
Full Form Significado
Before I go to work, I'm going Antes de ir para o trabalho,
to the bank. vou ao banco.
When I see her, I'll ask her. Quando eu a vir, perguntar-
As soon as I finish this, I'll Logo que eu acabe isto, te
take you home. levarei pra casa.
After I finish this, I'm going to Depois de acabar isto, vou
bed. para a cama.
If I see her, I'll tell her. Se eu a vir, dir-lhe-ei.
f) ações cujas formas verbais progressivas não existem (ex. agree, belie-
ve, belong, know, want), ou existem mas não podem ser empregadas
sem alterar o sentido da frase (ex. feel, think)
Full Form Significado
This car belongs to her. Este carro pertence a ela.
I feel this is not right. Eu tenho a impressão de
que isto não está certo.
I think he is lying. Eu acho que ele está
g) ações instantâneas, por exemplo, em comentários desportivos, de-
monstrações, exclamações
Full Form Significado
Ronaldo passes the ball to Ronaldo passa a bola para
Kaká. Kaká.
I now pour some water into Eu agora ponho água
the cup. dentro da xícara.
Here comes the train! Lá vem o trem!
h) o passado em narrativas dramáticas
Full Form Significado
She hears a noise coming Ela ouve um barulho
from the kitchen downstairs. vindo da cozinha no
She picks up a baseball andar de baixo. Ela
bat and goes down to pega no bastão de
investigate. When she gets basebol e desce para
to the kitchen, she turns on investigar. Quando
the light. ... chega à cozinha, ela
acende a luz. ...
1.1. Na afirmativa
Full Form Short Form Significado
I am doing I'm doing eu estou fazendo (1)
you are doing you're doing tu estás a fazendo (1)
he is he's
she is doing she's doing ele(a) está a fazer (1)
it is it's
we are doing we're doing nós estamos fazendo (1)
you are doing you're doing vós estais fazendo (1)
they are doing they're doing eles(as) estão fazendo (1)
(1) ATENÇÃO: A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação deste tempo verbal present continuous
é apenas um dos exemplos possíveis entre vários, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de
uma frase.
1.2. Na negativa
Full Form Short Form Short Form
I am not doing I'm not doing
you are not doing you're not doing you aren't doing
he is not he's not he isn't
she is not doing she's not doing she isn't
it is not it's not it isn't
we are not doing we're not doing we aren't doing
you are not doing you're not doing you aren't doing
they are not doing they're not doing they aren't doing
1.3. Na interrogativa
Full Form
am I doing?
are you doing?
is he?
is she?
is it?
are we doing?
are you doing?
are they doing?
Example Significado
Don't disturb her. She is Não a incomode. Ela está
studying at the moment. estudando neste momento.
I can't go out now. It's raining Não posso sair agora. Está
a lot. chovendo muito.
Inglês Instrumental 59
Verbos Irregulares
Quadro 1
encolher, contrair-
shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk
se; retrair-se
f) Com expressões que têm a ver com palavras radio, cinema, theatre
Be quiet! I'm listening to the Fique quieto! Eu estou ouvindo
radio. rádio.
I used to go to the cinema Eu costumava ir ao cinema
every week. todas as semanas.
g) Nos superlativos
the best book o melhor livro
the most expensive car o carro mais caro
Emprega-se a(n):
a) para identificar ou classificar algo
It's a book. É um livro.
j) em exclamações
What a day! Que dia!
What a mess! Que bagunça!
Capítulo 16
Textos Complementares
Os textos complementares UEC podem ser usados em qualquer parte do cur-
so como textos suplementares aos textos utilizados nas unidades. Por serem
mais longos e complexos podem ser divididos em partes ou parágrafos. É
recomendável o uso do dicionário em textos mais complexos.
As estratégias vistas deverão fazer parte obrigatória na análise de textos
sejam eles textos curtos e simples ou textos mais longos e complexos. Boa Sorte!
Texto 1
What is a Computer Server
Most of us are very well acquainted with the word computer server. We know that
in all organizations, schools and colleges there is a computer server, to which all the
computers are connected. But many of us will give absurd answers, if asked the ques-
tion, what is a computer server? Thus, in this article, I will be explaining to you, the
answer to the question, what is a computer server?
So, you want to know what is a computer server. Computer servers are among the
most important infrastructure in any organization. The basic answer to the question
'what is a computer server', lies in the name of the term. It is a computer that serves
all the computers or terminals, that are connected to it. Applications are stored in
this computer and the other computer terminals connected to it, can access it.
Tasks Performed by a Computer Server
Well, the tasks performed by a computer server depend on the use of the computer
server. We will come to this process of classification of the server, at a later stage. For
now I have listed down some of the generalized tasks performed by a computer server.
•• Stores applications and databases required by the computers connected to it.
•• Provides computer security features. It protects all the computers connected to it using
a firewall.
•• Provides an IP address to the machines connected to it. An IP address is a unique number
in the format x.x.x.x, where x can be any 1 to 3 digit number, which is assigned to every
computer in the network.
Features of a Server
The server that you choose for your organization, should satisfy certain condi-
tions. It needs to have a memory size or RAM, large enough to hold the number of
queries that are executed by the computers connected to it. It may have to provide
services to a large number of computers and hence it will require a primary memory
of that capability. The next aspect that you need to take care of, is the processor
speed. The processor speed is usually measured in Giga Hertz and it needs to be
sufficient to execute all the commands requested by the machines. It is very neces-
sary that your server should have an optimum processor speed, because it needs to
provide multitasking facility. The hard drive storage capacity of the computer server,
needs to be large enough to be able to store all the data that the host machines will
require. In a network, computer users generally store the information, that they in-
tend to share on the computer server.
Types of Server
The different types of computer servers can be categorized in two main categories.
Dedicated Server
This type of a server performs a particular function, like hosting a website. There
are various web hosting services, which use dedicated servers for hosting websites.
On the payment of a certain amount of money, you can upload your webpages on
their computer servers. They will perform the task of hosting your websites. Certain
companies also have dedicated computer servers to hold their own websites. These
type of servers require to be very powerful because they need to handle the web
traffic, that tries to access the webpages contained in them.
Shared Server
A shared computer server is an ordinary server, that is used in a network, for mul-
tiple users. Large number of applications, databases etc. are stored in them. Different
users connected to the server, access the server depending on their requirements.
These server do not require to be customized like the dedicated servers. The most
common example for this type of server, is an application server. An application server
stores all the information required by the people in a network. In many organizations,
the employees are often given dummy terminals. It means that, they have a computer
keyboard and a computer monitor, but the entire processing and storage is done at the
computer server. These terminals do not have individual hard disks, instead, they store
data on the computer server's hard disk.
Hope this article has helped you in solving the query, what is a computer server?
This article was meant, not only to answer your question, what is a computer server,
but also to acquaint you with the different aspects related to it.
Texto 2
Wireless Internet Service for Laptop Computers
Laptop and Internet go hand in hand and complement each other in every possible
way. They have become a part and parcel of our every day life. Below presented is a
brief information about the wireless Internet service for laptop computers. Read on to
know about them.
Laptop, a personal computer, is used for mobile computing and consists of typical
desktop components along with a rechargeable battery. Wireless Internet service is
like any other Internet service with networks present around wireless networking. The
technology ranges from wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) networking to electromagnetic waves
UHF or wireless cable MMDS bands. With a few equipments, configurations and set-
tings, a laptop can maintain a wireless internet connection round the clock. The ope-
rational limitation of wireless Internet access for laptop computers is, that the service
is not consistent worldwide.
Inglês Instrumental 81
Texto 3
How to Clean Up a Computer
Computer maintenance is an important activity that helps achieve optimal compu-
ter performance. Let us discuss some guidelines that are necessary to clean up your
computer. To know more about how to clean up your computer, read on...
The computer clean up is important for speeding up your computer. The speed of
your computer decreases if you do not perform this maintenance routine. Sometimes,
if it is a virus attack you may be at a higher risk. Bad sectors developed on your hard
disk can prove to be dangerous as there are chances of losing the information or data
stored in these sectors of the disk. There are five steps that can help you answer the
question how to clean up your computer system.
Texto 4
Computer LCD Monitor: How to Clean an LCD Monitor
Although cleaning an LCD monitor does require a bit of extra care, it can be easily
done in a few minutes with these simple steps. Read on to know more about how to
care for your expensive LCD monitor.
Liquid Crystal Display or LCD monitors refer to the technology of flat screen moni-
tors for computers. They not only look cool but are actually great for the health and the
environment. They are easier on the eyes as compared to the old school CRT (Cathode
Ray Tube) monitors with considerably less flickering and minimized radiation. What's
more, they even run on less power, which is good for your pocket and the environment
as well. All these features have made its use commonplace in the industrial sector and
among the public as well who have increasingly taken to the technology.
Cleaning a flat screen LCD monitor requires that extra bit of care as opposed to a
normal CRT screen. Different from a standard CRT screen, LCD monitors do not have a
thick glass or plastic covering over its electronic display. Moreover they are susceptible
to dust and other particles and are easily smudged by fingerprints. Using the wrong
cleaning agent will result in damage and scratches to your expensive LCD screen.
How to clean an LCD Monitor?
Instead of splurging on those expensive LCD monitor cleaners or monitor wipes, try
some simple and easy steps to keep your LCD screen clean.
Step1: Firstly, all you need to clean your LCD monitor is water and isopropyl alcohol.
You can also use hexane or petroleum benzine to clean the screen. The absolute no-no
while cleaning an LCD screen is to use ammonia based glass cleaners which can leave
the screens cloudy and scratched. Chemicals, like, acetone, ethyl acid, ethyl alcohol
and toluene should also be given a miss. How does one know what chemicals a com-
mercial cleaner contains? Just check the ingredients displayed on the label!
Step 2: Use a soft, clean cloth to wipe the dust off the screen. Avoid using paper hand
towels as the abrasiveness of paper tends to leave scratches on the screen. A good
alternative to simple cloth is a Swiffer cloth, which not only sweeps away the dust and
debris, but also catches it in special electrostatic grooves in the fabric.
Step 3: Turning off the monitor or setting the background to black enables the visibility
of dust particles and fingerprints. Remove fingerprints from the screen, using a mix of
distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. Tap or mineral water containing dissolved salts
should be avoided as they could leave white marks on the screen.
Step 4: The next step is to clean the edges with a cotton swab dunked in the alcohol-
-water mixture to collect all the dust and grime. Remember to remove the excess
moisture out of the cotton before running it along the four edges of the LCD screen.
Step 5: Give your screen a gentle rubdown with the damp cloth to catch any dirt left
behind by your cotton swab and there, you are done with achieving the perfectly clean
monitor. Be sure to dry the computer screen before using it
Texto 5
How to Start Your Own Computer Repair Business
If you consider yourself an expert in matters related to computers, you can start a
computer repair services and maintenance business. To know how to start your own
computer repair business, read on...
The first step that you must take when you are thinking of starting a business, is
to set the right price for your service. Time is money, and you will probably charge by
the hour. Earlier, computer or PC repair shops were mainly called in to remove virus
that had infected a computer. Nowadays, their job is to keep out viruses, before they
actually enter the computer. As they say, 'prevention is better than cure'. The next step
in starting a computer repair business, is to identify your customers. Do you want to
sell to businesses or to private individuals? You need to find a niche, so that you can
specialize in a small sector of the market. You also need to make a decision to quit your
day job and operate your business the whole day. If you don't have any background in
the field of finance, you need to employ accountants to record your transactions. Let's
take a closer look at how to start your own computer repair business.
Some tips on starting a computer repair business
You need to market your business by sending mailers or distributing flyers. You can
also promote your business on the Internet, through SEO (search engine optimization)
or email marketing. You need to establish trust with the client because they are giving
a computer that may have a Social Security number, credit card numbers, and so on.
The technician should supply his credentials, so that the client is assured that the te-
chie can do the job.
You also need to keep the technical skills up-to-date. You should train your workers,
maybe even encourage them to take certifications, such as the CompTIA A+. You should
have employees that have good social skills. Before interviewing candidates for your
job, make them fill an application form, in which they can list their technology-related
skills, so that you know what questions to ask. If you cannot solve a particular pro-
blem, you can find help online by posting the question on one of the message boards.
You can run your business from the garage in your house, so you will save money
since you don't have to lease space for your business. Operating a home-based busi-
ness may be quite a change, if you are used to working in a large company. You will
need space to keep a few desktop computers, and you will also need cabinets to store
away stuff.
You can charge a diagnostics fee to test all the hardware and software. If you cannot
figure out the problem, you can refund the diagnostics fee. After you have determined
what the problem, you can give a written estimate so that you can agree on the cost
first. You can repair your client's computers by remote access over the Internet. You
can connect to the client's computer and control its mouse, while the client watches
you solve his problem. Computer repair can be done on-site, so the client doesn't have
to go through the trouble of disconnecting the computer and leaving it at your shop.
In case of an off-site computer repair, which is cheaper, the client has to drop off and
pick up the computer.
You are competing with the likes of Best Buy's Geek Squad, and Circuit City's Firedog
(which is now closed). You are also competing with companies such as RadioShack and
CompUSA. However, you have an advantage over these national stores because you
are focused on the local level. Some small businesses also outsource their PC repair
services and maintenance to offshore companies such as You can get started
in computer repair by getting a franchise from Fast-teks or Computer Troubleshooters.
Inglês Instrumental 85
You can buy computer parts from an online retailer such as Newegg or an auction site
such as eBay.
You can become a drive saver or a data doctor that recovers data, if your client's
hard drive has crashed. Now that you know how to start your own computer repair
business, you'll be able to get around to starting a PC repair business, which I'm sure
will be successful if everything goes well.
AGUIAR, Cícera Cavalcante. Inglês Instrumental: Abordagens X Compre-
ensão de Textos. Fortaleza: Edições Livro Técnico, 2001.
GADELHA, Isabel Maria Brasil. Inglês Instrumental: Leitura, conscientização
e prática. Teresina: EDUFPI,2000.
SCOTT, Michael. Reading Comprehension in English For Academic Pur-
poses. Working Paper 7, PUC – SP,1982.
TORRES, Décio. Inglê para informática. Salvador: O autor,
VIEIRA, Lílian Cavalcanti Fernandes. Projeto Ensino de Inglês Instrumen-
tal. Fortaleza: O autor, 2001- 2004.
VIEIRA, Lílian Cavalcanti Fernandes. Inglês Instrumental: Leitura e compre-
ensão de textos. Fortaleza, O autor, 2008 – 2009.
VIEIRA, Renata Jorge. Inglês Instrumental: Compreensão e produção oral e
escrita. Fortaleza: Editora Evolutivo, 2001.
Sobre o autor
Mauro Luiz Pinheiro: Possui graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela
Universidade de Fortaleza (1998), Especialização em Gestão Empresarial
pela Faculdade Christus (2000) e Mestrado em TESOL – Southern Illinois
University (2003). Atualmente é professor da Faculdade de Tecnologia do
Nordeste, Sub-Coordenador do Instituto Brasil Estados Unidos no Ceará e
Tutor de EAD/Letras da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).
iel a sua missão de interiorizar o ensino superior no estado Ceará, a UECE,
como uma instituição que participa do Sistema Universidade Aberta do
Brasil, vem ampliando a oferta de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação
Inglês Instrumental
na modalidade de educação a distância, e gerando experiências e possibili-
dades inovadoras com uso das novas plataformas tecnológicas decorren-
tes da popularização da internet, funcionamento do cinturão digital e
massificação dos computadores pessoais.
Inglês Intrumental
Comprometida com a formação de professores em todos os níveis e
a qualificação dos servidores públicos para bem servir ao Estado,
os cursos da UAB/UECE atendem aos padrões de qualidade
estabelecidos pelos normativos legais do Governo Fede-
ral e se articulam com as demandas de desenvolvi-
mento das regiões do Ceará.
Ciências Artes
Química Biologicas Plásticas Computação Física Matemática Pedagogia