Anbt PDF
Anbt PDF
Anbt PDF
Ttulo Sec. : Mortars applied on walls and ceilings - Determination of water absorption coefficient due to capilary action
Ttulo Sec. : Road vehicles - Exhaust gas of diesel engine under free aceleration - Opacity determination
Ttulo Sec. : Mortars applied on walls and ceilings - Determination of the specific gravity in the hardened stage
Cdigo : ABNT NBR 12618:1992
Ttulo Prim. : Vidraria de laboratrio - Vocabulrio - Instrumentos de medida e aparelhos para determinao de caractersticas fsicas
- Terminologia
Ttulo Sec. : Laboratory glassware - Vocabulary - Apparatus for measuring and determination of physical characteristics -
Ttulo Sec. : Criteria for disposal of industrial liquid effluents in sanitary sewerage public colletor system - Procedure
Ttulo Sec. : Laboratory apparatus - Vocabulary relating to apparatus made from glass, porcelain and vitreous silica - Terminology
Ttulo Sec. : Diesel engine - Analysis and avaluation of gases and particulate matter emitted by the diesel engine - 13 mode cycle
Ttulo Sec. : Voluntary carbon market Principles, requirements and guidelines to commercialize verified emission reductions
Ttulo Sec. : Non-destructive testing - Evaluation of vibration - Evaluation of mechanical vibration of machines operating in a speed
range between 600 rpm and 15 000 rpm
Ttulo Sec. : Aquatic ecotoxicology Chronic toxicity of short duration Test method urchin (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
Ttulo Sec. : Information technology Security techniques Information security management systems Requirements
Ttulo Sec. : Information technology Security techniques Code of practice for information security controls
Ttulo Sec. : Aquatic ecotoxicology Acute and chronic toxicity Method for assessing the toxicity of sediment using Hyalella spp
Ttulo Sec. : Dangerous goods road transportation Emergency form and envelop project Characteristics, dimensions and filling