Catálogo Panidor M 2013 B

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Po & Pastelaria
ultracongelados de qualidade

Bread & Pastry

Panidor, Cativamos
Paixo no que fazemos... Evoluir e inovar pela qualidade e sabor... A nossa responsabilidade
A Panicongelados SA nasceu no seio de Com aposta em produtos de elevada A fidelizao dos nossos clientes con- Colocar produtos no mercado que cum-
uma famlia que se dedicou durante mui- qualidade e o desejo de acompanhar a seguida atravs do profissionalismo dos pram os exigentes patamares de higiene e
tos anos ao fabrico de po e pastelaria tra- evoluo sentida no sector, investimos nossos colaboradores que diariamente se segurana alimentar, de fcil confeco e
dicionais. Surge dos princpios artesos em tecnologia de ponta, para continuar motivam para os compreender e ajudar de elevada qualidade.
aliados experincia no fabrico de po. a fabricar po e pastelaria segundo as com solues diferentes e inovadores, com
Uma das pioneiras em Portugal, a Pani- normas legais, e cumprir com requisi- sabores e texturas de fazer crescer gua
congelados usa como marca a designao tos, cada vez mais exigentes, dos nossos na boca.
PANIDOR, tendo uma vasta gama de clientes.
produtos de padaria e pastelaria Ultra-


The Panicongelados SA was born amidst Betting in products of the highest quality We attain our costumers loyalty through To place in the market products that
a family who for many years has been and the desire to follow the sensed evo- the profissionalism of our collaborators comply with the demanding levels of
dedicating herself to the production of lution felt on the sector, we have inves- that daily motivate themselves to unders- alimentary hygiene and security required,
traditional bread and pastry. Being one of ted in high-end technology, to continue tand and help them with different and though keeping the easy preparation and
the pioneers in Portugal, the Paniconge- producing bread and pastry according to innovative solutions, developing flavours the highest quality level.
lados uses PANIDOR as a brand, having the legal regulations while meeting the and textures that make any mouth water.
a wide range of deep-frozen bakery and ever higher standards demanded by our
pastry products. costumers.
ndice index

massas lvedas folhadas 6 leavened puff dough 6

bake in time 10 bake in time 10
massas folhadas e tenras 14 puff pastry 14
produtos prontos 20 ready products 20
pes de mistura a lenha 24 wood oven bread 24
pes especiais 28 special bread 28
pes de cereais 32 bread with cereals 32
pes prontos 36 ready bread 36
baguetes 40 baguetes 40
baguetes integrais 42 whole baguetes 42
produtos sazonais 44 season products 44
homemade moments 48 homemade moments 48
Massas Lvedas Folhadas
aromas de prazer
Massas folhadas, leves e estaladias
para que possa desfrutar de aromas
e texturas variadas, quer lhe apetea
um doce ou um salgado, apreciado
sempre com todo o prazer.

Leavened Puff Dough

Light and crispy puff pastry so that
you may enjoy the flavours and textures,
whether you feel like a sweet or a salty
treat, always appreciated with all the
croissant simples manteiga croissant cereais
REF. 055011 REF. 055012
butter croissant cereals croissant

60 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 90g 60 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 100g

croissant simples croissant ovo

REF. 055010 REF. 044020
croissant egg croissant

60 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 100g 50 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 120g

croissant chocolate
REF. 044010
chocolate croissant

50 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 120g

croissant amndoa caracol de frutas

REF. 044030 REF. 033060
almond croissant fruit curls

50 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 120g 60 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 120g

misto queijo/carne
REF. 044047
mixed cheese and meat

50 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 130g

misto queijo/fiambre misto queijo/salsicha

REF. 044040 REF. 044048
mixed cheese and ham mixed cheese and sausage

50 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 130g 50 1h00 3h30 15min 190C 130g

Bake in Time
Do congelador para o forno e em 15 minutos
est pronto a servir. Os produtos Bake in
Time no necessitam de descongelar nem
fermentar. Ganhe tempo e espao, mantendo
o mesmo sabor e qualidade.

Bake in Time
From the freezer to the oven and in 15 minutes
are ready to be served. Our products Bake in
Time do not require thawing or fermenting time.
Try and you will see the amount of time and
space you can save, while keeping the same
flavour and quality.
croissant simples bake in time mini pain au chocolat bake in time caracol de passas miniatura bake in time
REF. 055017 REF. 056029 REF. 033063
simple croissant bake in time mini pain au chocolat bake in time mini fruit curls bake in time

180 25min 160C 60g 180 20min 160C 30g 90 12min 190C 45g

mini croissant simples bake in time croissant miniatura simples bake in time napolitana chocolate bake in time napolitana ovo bake in time
REF. 055007 REF. 055008 REF. 055031 REF. 055035
mini simple croissant bake in time simple croissant miniature bake in time chocolate neapolitan bake in time egg neapolitan bake in time

200 16min 170C 25g 60 12min 190C 45g 35 15min 190C 100g 35 15min 190C 100g

croissant simples bake in time croissant ovo bake in time
REF. 055016 REF. 044026
simple croissant bake in time egg croissant bake in time

30 15min 190C 100g 30 15min 190C 100g

croissant chocolate bake in time croissant misto bake in time

REF. 044016 REF. 044056
chocolate croissant bake in time mixed croissant bake in time

30 15min 190C 100g 50 15min 190C 100g

Massas Folhadas e Tenras
Paladares versteis so palavra de ordem,
num conjunto de produtos, dos salgados
aos doces, de inspirao tradicional, para
saborear nos pequenos momentos de
pausa do seu dia-a-dia.

Puff Pastry
Versatile flavours are a word of order
in a group of products, from the sweet
to the salty ones, of traditional inspi-
ration, to savour in the little break
moments of your everyday life.
pastel de nata mini pastel de nata jesuita
REF. 055070 REF. 056070 REF. 055026
pastel de nata (traditional portuguese custard tart) miniature pastel de nata jesuit

60 30min 8min 250C 80g 120 30min 6min 250C 35g 50 1h00 16min 200C 100g

palmier delicia de ma
REF. 055020 REF. 055060
palmier apple chausson

75 1h00 16min 200C 100g 50 1h00 16min 200C 120g

trana de noz mini trana de noz travesseiro gila
REF. 046010 REF. 046012 REF. 055034
braided nut buns mini braided nut buns pumpkin bolster

40 1h00 16min 200C 95g 120 30min 6min 200C 40g 50 1h00 16min 200C 120g

travesseiro chocolate travesseiro ovo

REF. 055033 REF. 055032
chocolate bolster egg bolster

50 1h00 16min 200C 120g 50 1h00 16min 200C 120g

folhado frango folhado carne
REF. 043050 REF. 043040
chicken puff pastry meat puff pastry

60 1h00 16min 200C 120g 70 1h00 16min 200C 100g

folhado salsicha folhado espinafres

REF. 043045 REF. 043060
sausage puff pastry spinach puff pastry

70 1h00 16min 200C 105g 60 1h00 16min 200C 120g

quiche mista quiche espinafres NATA DE BACALHAU
REF. 042020 REF. 042030 REF. 055000
mixed quiche spinach quiche CODFISH PIE

36 1h00 16min 200C 130g 36 1h00 16min 200C 130g 36 10min 250C 60g

combinado empada galinha empada carne

REF. 043070 REF. 066010 REF. 066011
combined pastry small chicken pie small meat pie

36 1h00 16min 200C 140g 60 1h00 16min 200C 80g 60 1h00 16min 200C 80g

Produtos Prontos
sempre pronto sempre mo
A mais simples preparao para, em
poucos minutos, poder saborear estas
pequenas delcias, sejam os sabores das
nossas memrias ou os novos paladares.

Ready Products
The simplest preparation to, in few
minutes, be able to taste these little
delicacies, whether they recall the
flavours of our memories or new ones.
bolo de arroz
REF. 067002
rice-flour cake

48 40min 70g

queques mix (chocolate, noz e mel, laranja, amndoa) bola de berlim com creme bola de berlim simples
REF. 067070 REF. 087031 REF. 087030
muffins mix (chocolate, nuts and honey, orange, almond) berliner with cream plain berliner

48 (12x4) 30min 70g 40 60min 100g 40 45min 60g


panut simples mini panut simples panut chocolate crepe

REF. 087028 REF. 087036 REF. 087027 REF. 087026
plain panut mini plain panut chocolate panut crpe

48 30min 60g 90 20min 30g 48 30min 60g 50 10min 60g

sortido pastel de feijo / bolo de cco queijada mix (laranja / leite)

REF. 067083 REF. 067085
small bean tart and coconut tart cheese tartlet mix (orange / milk)

80 (40x2) 30min 65g / 80g 60 (30x2) 40min 80g

muffin de banana muffin de chocolate muffin de ma e canela muffin de manga
REF. 067007 REF. 067008 REF. 067009 REF. 067006
banana muffin chocolate muffin apple and cinnamon muffin mango muffin

15 40min 120g 15 40min 120g 15 40min 120g 15 40min 120g


REF. 087121 REF. 087119 REF. 087120

4 90/180min 600g 4 90/180min 500g 3 6/8h 850g

Pes de Mistura a Lenha
Pes especialmente concebidos com
misturas de cereais que trazem
ao produto um conjunto de
texturas mais ricas, sempre fiis
aos sabores tradicionais da nossa

Wood Oven Bread

Especially conceived bread, adding
cereals that bring even richer textures
to the product, always faithful to the
traditional flavours of our bakery.
chapata 80g chapata 100g pozinho de centeio 55g carcaa de forno de pedra 70g
REF. 090807 REF. 077018 REF. 077007 REF. 077027
ciabata 80g ciabata 100g rye bread 55g carcaa - stone oven

90 45min 7min 200C 80g 80 45min 7min 200C 100g 150 30min 5min 200C 55g 110 45min 7min 200C 70g

mini so loureno 50g so loureno 90g so loureno 110g mini po de gua 33g
REF. 078201 REF. 078200 REF. 078206 REF. 076005
little st. lawrence 50g saint.lawrence 90g saint.lawrence 110g little water bread 33g

150 30min 5min 200C 50g 90 90g 80 110g 80 3omin 5min 200C 33g

45min 7min 200C 45min 7min 200C

po da av alongado 440g po centeio socalcos 500g baguete lusitana 100g
REF. 078041 REF. 077077 REF. 077022
long grandma bread 440g steps rye bread 500g lusitanian baguette 100g

20 50min 7min 200C 440g 8 1h40 7min 200C 500g 80 45min 7min 200C 100g

baguete lusitana 140g baguete lusitana 280g

REF. 077024 REF. 077025
lusitanian baguette 140g lusitanian baguette 280g

60 45min 7min 200C 140g 28 45min 7min 200C 280g

Pes Especiais
sabores de norte a sul
De norte a sul do pas, recolhemos
os produtos estrela da nossa
gastronomia, para conjugar com
um po rstico e estaladio, numa
combinao surpreendente de

Special Bread
tastes from north to south
From north to south of the country,
we collect the best products of our
gastronomy to conjugate them with a
rustic and crispy bread, in a
surprising combination of flavours.
po queijo/ Bacon pr-cozido
REF. 022020
cheese and bacon bread pre-baked

35 45min 7min 200C 95g

po com chourio pr-cozido po de alho

REF. 022009 REF. 075000
smoked pork sausage bread pre-baked garlic bread

35 45min 7min 200C 95g 3Kg 5min 200C

mini po de azeite e azeitonas mini po de nozes e passas focaccia azeite e rosmaninho 300g
REF. 076008 REF. 076009 REF. 022015
mini bread oil and olives mini bread nuts and raisins focaccia oil and rosmaninho 300g

80 30min 5min 200C 33g 80 30min 5min 200C 33g 8 50min 7min 200C 300g

po de milho 350g po integral de passas e nozes 350g

REF. 078047 REF. 079008
corn bread 350g brown bread of raisins and nuts 350g

20 50min 7min 200C 350g 20 50min 7min 200C 350g

Pes de Cereais
sabores do campo
Uma multiplicidade de cereais traz a
estes produtos uma composio
nutricional suplementar, ricos
em fibras e em paladar, sempre em
harmonia de quem exigente com
o que come.

Bread with Cereals

countryside flavours
A multiplicity of cereals brings a
supplementary nutritional composition
to these products, rich in fibre and flavour,
always in harmony with who is demanding
with the food.
bola 5 cereais 65g
REF. 078009
5 cereal round bread 65g

120 45min 7min 200C 65g

mini bola 5 cereais 33g po so loureno com sementes 90g

REF. 076004 REF. 078202
5 cereal round mini-bread 33g saint lawrence bread with seeds 90g

80 30min 5min 200C 33g 90 45min 7min 200C 90g

po 5 cereais 110g baguete lusitana cereais
REF. 078007 REF. 077015
5 cereal bread 110g lusitanian cereals baguette

70 45min 7min 200C 110g 80 30min 7min 200C 110g

chapata de papoilas 120g po de aveia com flocos 50g

REF. 090806 REF. 078203
poppy ciabata 120g oat bread with flakes 50g

70 45min 7min 200C 120g 150 30min 5min 200C 50g

Pes Prontos
sabores alternativos
Porque h momentos em que h
que considerar uma alternativa
rpida, colocamos ao seu dispor
um conjunto de pes prontos a
consumir, sem perder tempo e sem
perder de vista a qualidade

Ready Bread
alternative flavours
Because there are moments on which
a quick alternative must be considered,
we place at your disposal ready to
consume bread, without any waste
of time and never loosing sight of the
final quality.
broa de milho amarelo po tipo alentejano 600g po tipo alentejano fatiado 1kg
REF. 078049 REF. 078042 REF. 078043
yellow corn bread alentejo bread 600g alentejo sliced bread 1kg

10 3h30 400g 20 2h00 600g 11 2h00 1Kg

po de cachorro 21 cm po de hamburguer 12,5 cm po de hamburguer 10 cm

REF. 033012 REF. 033018 REF. 033017
hot dog bread 21 cm hamburguer bread 12,5 cm hamburguer bread 10 cm

48 1h00 50g 48 60min 90g 48 60min 50g

po de milho fatiado po integral de passas e nozes fatiado
REF. 070109 REF. 070110
sliced corn bread sliced brown bread of raisins and nuts

10 1h30 350g 10 1h30 350g

po av alongado fatiado po de milho fatiado com cinta po integral nozes e passas fatiado com cinta
REF. 070111 REF. 070004 REF. 070005
long grandma bread in slices sliced corn bread with strap sliced brown bread of raisins/ nuts with strap

9 1h30 400g 10 1h30 350g 10 1h30 350g

po de forma 700g po de forma integral fatiado
REF. 033030 REF. 070206
tin loaf 700g sliced whole tin loaf

10 2h00 700g 8 1h30 425g

po da av alongado fatiado com cinta po de tosta fatiado

REF. 070006 REF. 070105
long grandma bread in slices with strap sliced toast bread

9 1h30 400g 8 1h30 500g

Simplesmente po, para todas
as ocasies, para levar mesa
ou para compor um snack ligeiro
com sandes especiais, to fceis
de saborear.

Simply bread, for all ocasions, to
put on the table or to prepare a light
snack with special sandwiches so easy
and good to taste.
mini baguette 33g/ 55g baguette 65g/ 85g/ 90g/ 100g/ 125g
REF. 076006 (33g) REF. 077001 (55g) REF. 077000 (65g) REF. 077002 (85g) REF. 077003 (90g) REF. 077008 (100g) REF. 077004 (125g)
mini baguette 33g/ 55g baguette 65g/ 85g/ 90g/ 100g/ 125g

80 150 30min 5min 200C 130 90 80 70 60 45min 6min 200C

(33g) (55g) (65g) (85g) (90g) (100g) (125g)

baguette 200g baguette 250g baguette forno de pedra 100g

REF. 077005 REF. 077006 REF. 077026
baguette 200g baguette 250g stone oven baguette 100g

35 45min 6min 200C 200g 28 45min 6min 200C 250g 80 45min 6min 200C 100g

Baguettes Integrais
sabores do campo
Necessidades especiais deram
origem a produtos especficos,
preparados para uma alimentao
rica e equilibrada, sem prejudicar
os paladares mais exigentes.

Whole Baguettes
countryside flavours
Special needs gave origin to specific
products, prepared for a rich and
balanced alimentation, without preju-
dice to the most demanding palate.
mini baguette integral 33g mini baguette integral 50g
REF. 079007 REF. 079006
mini whole baguette 33g mini whole baguette 50g

80 30min 5min 200C 33g 150 30min 5min 200C 50g

baguette integral 100g

REF. 079005
whole baguette 100g

80 45min 7min 200C 100g

Produtos Sazonais
tradio sua mesa
H pocas assim, em que a mesa
respeita a tradio. A famlia
une-se para partilhar momentos
especiais e o paladar exige
fidelidade aos costumes, aos
grandes sabores de sempre.

Season Products
tradition at your table
There are periods like these, times
on which our table respects tradition.
The family gets together to share
special moments and the palate
demands faithfullness to our good old
costumes, the greatest flavours ever.
bolo rei virado (massa)
REF. 034070
bolo rei virado - traditional christmas cake (dough)

750g 12 1h 4h 25min 160C

bolo rei virado (pronto)

REF. 034071
bolo rei virado - traditional christmas cake (ready)

750g 5 1h

bolo rei (massa) bolo rainha (massa)

REF. 033070 REF. 033073
bolo rei - traditional christmas cake (dough) bolo rainha - traditional christmas cake (dough)

600g 800g 1Kg 8 6 5 1h 4h 25min 160C 600g 800g 1Kg 8 6 5

(600g) (800g) (1Kg) (600g) (800g) (1Kg)

1h 4h 25min 160C
bolo rei (pronto)
REF. 033092 (600g) ref. 033090 ( 800g) ref. 033091 (1Kg)
bolo rei - traditional christmas cake (ready)

bolo rainha (pronto)

REF. 033093 (600g) ref. 033094 (800g)
600g 800g 1Kg 17 8 8 1h bolo rainha - traditional christmas cake (ready)
(600g) (800g) (1Kg)

600g 800g 14 8 1h
(600g) (800g)
bolo rei - caixa individual panidor (pronto)
REF. 033074 (600g) ref. 033080 (800g) ref. 033081 (1Kg)
bolo rei - panidor individual box (ready)

600g 800g 1Kg 1 1 1 1h

(600g) (800g) (1Kg)

tronco de natal galette de rois lampreia
REF. 088017 REF. 088120 REF. 088015
christmas trunk galette de rois lamprey (egg dessert)

1 1h30 1,450Kg 3 30min 200C 540g 1 1h30 1Kg

broa de batata broa castelar fatia dourada FILHS

REF. 087570 REF. 087572 REF. 078104 REF. 087041
broa de batata (with potato) broa castelar golden slice filhs

3,5Kg 30min 3Kg 30min 4Kg 1h 2min 200C 100 50g

folar sem ovo com acar folar 1 ovo folar 2 ovos
REF. 033076 REF. 033079 REF. 033078
folar (easter cake) without egg with sugar folar 1 egg folar 2 eggs

12 30min 200g 8 30min 320g 8 30min 350g


REF. 087042 REF. 087043 REF. 087040 REF. 087018
azevia de gro (with chickpea) azevia de abbora (with pumpkin) coscoro easter nest

48 70g 48 70g 100 50g 2 1h00 800g

Prazeres rpidos acabados de sair
do forno. Em apenas cinco minutos
voc obtm um produto irresistivel
de grande qualidade.

Pleasures from the oven.

In just five minutes you get an irresistible
high-quality product.
pastel de nata MINI NATA DE BACALHAU
REF. 055071 REF. 055005
custard egg tart MINI CODFISH PIE

360g 1o embalagens 660g 2 embalagens

(6 unid/ emb) (20 unid/ emb)
1o packs 2 packs
(6 units each) (20 units each)

po d`alho rstico
REF. 075002
traditional garlic bread

350g 7 embalagens
7 packs

6 pes s. loureno 50g

REF. 076020
rustic bread 50g

300g 1o embalagens
(6 unid/ emb)
1o packs
(6 units each)

sortido de pes miniatura

REF. 076010
assortment of mini rolls

264g 9 embalagens
(8 unid/ emb)
9 packs
(8 units each)

guia de conselhos de utilizao GUIDE AND ADVICES TO USE PANIDOR
para tirar um ptimo partido dos nossos produtos to get the most out of our products


o produto deve manter-se temperatura de PRODUTOS PRONTOS: the product must be kept at the temperature READY PRODUCTS:
-18c; o produto deve ser armazenado imediata- of - 18C; the product must be immediately stored
1. descongelar (sempre coberto c/plstico). 1. thaw (always covered with a plastic).
mente em cmaras ou arcas de congelao; in a freezer;
deve respeitar-se a regra fifo (first in, first the FIFO rule (first in first out) must be
out), ou seja, deve utilizar-se sempre primeiro os 1. descongelar o produto mantendo a cobertura observed, i.e., the older products must always be 1. thaw the product keeping the plastic cover;
produtos mais antigos; de plstico; used first;
2. bake at the indicated temperature in an oven
ao retirar o produto da caixa, recorte o n de 2. cozer temperatura indicada usando forno when removing the product from the box cut with steam. In case it is not automatic, sprinkle
lote impresso na lateral da caixa e guarde-o junto com vapor. Caso no seja automtico, borrifar o out the lot number, printed on the side of the box, the oven with water.
ao produto; forno com gua. and keep it together with the product;
deve fechar sempre muito bem o saco, de modo the bag must be kept tightly closed, preventing
a que o produto no fique em contacto directo com Always pre-heat the oven.
a direct contact of the product with the cold;
o frio; Utilize sempre o forno pr-aquecido.
never refreeze when thawed.
no se deve voltar a congelar um produto j


FOLHADAS/TENRAS: PUFF PASTRY: cinnamon, chocolate powder or chips, coconut,
aucar de pasteleiro, amndoa palitada ou jelly.
1. colocar o produto em tabuleiros, usando laminada, canela, chocolate em p ou em pepitas, 1. place the product on trays, using a release
desmoldante ou papel siliconizado; cco, geleia. agent or parchment paper;
2. borrifar previamente o produto com gua; PRODUTOS SALGADOS: 2. sprinkle the product with water; SALTY PRODUCTS:
3. cobrir o produto com plstico para descon- sementes de ssamo ou papoila, queijo ralado, 3. cover the product with plastic to thaw and/ sesame or poppy seeds, grated cheese, spices.
gelar e/ou fermentar. Tenha em ateno que as especiarias. or leanen. Keep in mind that puff dough will not
massas folhadas/tenras no fermentam; leaven;
4. pincelar o produto com ovo; 4. brush the product with egg;
5. decore a gosto ou conforme sugesto; 5. decorate according to the suggestions or
your own taste;
6. cozer temperatura indicada e finalizar a
decorao. 6. bake at the indicated temperature and fina-
lize the decoration.

Fevereiro 2013
massas congeladas. sa
Travessa Outeiro dos Cepos, N 44
2425-618 Monte Redondo, Leiria, Portugal

tel. (+351) 244 689 050

fax. (+351) 244 689 059
[email protected]

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