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Object Pronouns

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Object Pronouns.

Os pronomes objetos servem para substituir os objetos diretos ou indiretos. Eles sempre
devem vir aps verbos ou preposies.
I love Bob. (Eu amo o Bob).
or (ou)
I love him. (Eu o amo).
No exemplo acima, o pronome him deve ser utilizado, pois ele vem logo aps um verbo (love -
amar) e substitui um objeto direto, Bob. Outro caso quando o pronome usado para
substituir um objeto indireto, como em:
I bought these sunglasses to Lisa. (Eu comprei esses culos de sol para a Lisa).
Or (ou)
I bought these sunglasses to her. (Eu comprei esses culos de sol para ela).
Assim como em portugus no dizemos: Minha me comprou esse presente para eu e sim
Minha me comprou esse presente para mim; em ingls devemos seguir essa mesma regra.
Logo, no podemos dizer: My sister gave this chocolate to I (Minha irm deu este chocolate
para eu) e sim, My sister gave this chocolate to me. (Minha irm deu esse chocolate para
Segue abaixo uma tabela com os pronomes objetos:
Object Pronouns
1 pessoa do singular
2 pessoa do singular
3 pessoa do singular para o masculino
3 pessoa do singular para o feminino
3 pessoa do singular para animais ou objetos
1 pessoa do plural
2 pessoa do plural
3 pessoa do plural
Give me those books. (Me d aqueles livros).
Mariane called you yesterday morning. (Mariane te ligou ontem de manh).
Pass these folders to him, please. (Passe estas pastas para ele, por favor).
Mary gave her daughter a tricycle. (Mary deu a sua filha um triciclo).
She sends us some e-mails. (Ela nos enviou alguns e-mails).
They brought you a lot of gifts. (Eles trouxeram para vocs muitos presentes).
The teacher gave them a poor grade. (A professora deu a eles uma nota ruim).

Os object pronouns servem para substituir algum objeto em uma frase, para evitar a
repetio. Por exemplo:
- I bought flowers and gave the flowers to my girlfriend (Eu comprei flores e dei as flores para
minha namorada)

Para evitar que a palavra "flores" seja repetida, utilizamos o pronome de objeto "them":

- I bought flowers and gave them to my girlfriend (Eu comprei flores e as dei para minha

Abaixo uma lista dos object pronouns:

I - Me
You - You
He - Him
She - Her
It - It
We - Us
You - You
They - Them

Pronomes de objetos podem ser utilizados como objetos diretos e objetos indiretos.
Caso o objeto indireto estiver antes do objeto direto, no se usa preposio (to, for):

- Give me the book

Ou, se o objeto indireto estiver depois do objeto direto, usaremos uma preposio:
- Give the book to me.
Object Pronoun
An object pronoun is not the subject of the sentence. It is usually the object that is affected in
some way by the subject of the sentence. It might be tricky to get a handle on this definition,
but you would be surprised to know just how many object pronouns you use in your everyday
Defining an Object Pronoun
Lets break down just what an objective noun is, using an example sentence:
Mary ate the ice cream.
Mary is the subject of the sentence. The predicate is ate the ice cream. The verb is ate, and
the ice cream is the objective noun. Now, lets replace the ice cream with a pronoun to
make an object pronoun:
Mary ate it.
This sentence functions the same way as the first example sentence except it functions as
an object pronoun. Simply put, the pronoun is being affected in some way by the main noun,
or the subject, of the sentence. It shouldnt be too much more complicated than that. Got the

Subject vs. Object Pronoun
However, there is an important thing to note about the above example: it uses the word it.
This is all fine and well, except that it can be a normal subject pronoun as well as an object
Take for example the following two sentences:
It is my favorite book.
I like to read it.
In the first sentence, it functions as the subject pronoun. In the second sentence, it functions
as an object pronoun. Other pronouns do not work his way. Look at these sentences to see if
you can grasp this concept:
She is a wonderful person.
Emily wants to meet her.
In the first example sentence, she is a subject pronoun. In the second example, her seems
to be talking about the same person, but is a pronoun in a different case. In other words, it is
an object pronoun.

How to Make Object Pronouns
Most people are more familiar with subject pronouns than object pronouns. So, take an
subject pronoun, and select the appropriate object pronoun:
I becomes me,
You stays as you
he becomes him
she becomes her
it stays as it
they becomes them
Here is a sample paragraph that contains lots of subject and object pronouns. See if you can
point out the different pronouns and identify correctly if they are subject pronouns or object
pronouns! Ask a teacher or parent to check your work and help you correct your work.
Mary woke up and wanted to go to the store.
She walked out the door towards it, when she met them.
They said that it was good to see her.
Then she said goodbye to them, and ran into me, and told me all about it!
If you are having trouble memorizing which are which, make some flashcards and practice
determining which pronouns are which type, and see if you can rattle off the groups of
pronouns from memory.

Some people like to make up a game or song that helps them remember the object pronouns.
You might be able to find some of them online, but it can be easier to remember if you make
up the song yourself!
More Information About Object Pronouns
Object pronouns are an incredibly important part of the grammar of our everyday life. It is
important to understand which pronouns are which, because it can help you understand the
written language better.
It is incredibly easy to learn about object pronouns: just try reading the cover of todays
newspaper, and circling all the object pronouns you can find.

Read and choose:
1) I can't see Mary. I can't see ________
a) him
b) she
c) her

2) Karen is next to Peter. Karen is next to ________
a) he
b) him
c) he

3) Can you help Peter and Ann? Can you help ________?
a) they
b) you
c) them

4) Drink your apple juice! Drink ________!
a) it
b) its
c) your

5) We are going to the cinema. Come with ________!
a) we
b) them
c) us

6) These are my bananas. You can't eat ________
a) they
b) them
c) it

7) Carol is at school. She can't come with ________
a) we
b) us
c) they

8) The cat is under the chair. Can you see __________?
a) he
b) she
c) it

9) Dave can't swim. Help ________!
a) him
b) her
c) he

10) It's Kate's birthday today. This is a present for ________
a) she
b) her
c) it
11) Where are you? I can't see ________
a) your
b) you
c) us
12) The windows are opened. Close ________
a) it
b) they
c) them
13) I can't ride a horse. Help ________!
a) I
b) me
c) it

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