A Lenda Dos Quatro Anjos - The Legend of The Four Angels
A Lenda Dos Quatro Anjos - The Legend of The Four Angels
A Lenda Dos Quatro Anjos - The Legend of The Four Angels
When God was about to create Man, says a Jewish legend, He took into His counsel the Angels that stood about His throne.
No o cries disse o Anjo da Justia , pois se o criares, cometer todo tipo de perversidade contra seu prximo. Ser duro e cruel, desonesto e injusto.
Create him not, said the Angel of Justice, for if you do, he will commit all kinds of wickedness against his fellow men. He will be hard, cruel, dishonest and unrighteous.
No o cries disse o Anjo da Verdade , pois ser falso e mentiroso para com seu prximo e at para Contigo.
Create him not, said the Angel of Truth, for he will be false and deceitful to other men and even to Thee.
No o cries disse o Anjo da Santidade , pois seguir o que impuro aos Teus olhos e desonrar-Te.
Create him not, said the Angel of Holiness. He will follow that which is impure in Your sight and dishonor You to Your face.
Ento o Anjo da Misericrdia, o mais amado de Deus, deu um passo frente e disse: Then stepped forward the Angel of Mercy (Gods best beloved) and said:
Cria-o, Pai, pois quando pecar e se afastar do caminho da justia, da verdade e da santidade, ternamente o tomarei pela mo e o conduzirei de volta a Ti. Create him, our Heavenly Father, for when he sins and turns from the path of right and truth and holiness I will take him tenderly by the hand. I will speak loving words to him, and then lead him back to You.
[Jesus] no algum que no possa se compadecer de nossas fraquezas. Ao contrrio, Ele foi tentado de todas as maneiras, assim como ns tambm somos tentados, mas nunca pecou. Por isso devemos nos aproximar com confiana do trono do nosso Pai que cheio de amor, a fim de recebermos misericrdia e encontrarmos graa [e] para nos ajudar na hora em que precisarmos. (Hebreus 4:15-16, VFL)
Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because when He was on earth He was tempted just like we are, but He did not sin. So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help. (Hebrews 4:15-16, CEV; paraphrased)