Stewart - Capítulo 12 Vetores e A Geometria Do Espaço

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13 VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE ET 12 13.1 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems ET 12.1 4, We start atthe origin, which has coordinates (0, 0,0). 2 First we move 4 units along the positive 2-axis, affecting only the «x-coordinate, bringing us to the point (4,0,0). We then move 3 units straight downward, in 110.5,2) the negative 2-direction. Thus only the z-coordinate is affected, and we arrive at (4,0, ~3). 440-1 3. The distance from a point to the «z-plane is the absolute value of the y-coordinate of the point. Q(—5,—1,4) has the y-coordinate withthe smallest absolute value, so Q isthe point closest to the 22-plane. (0, 3,8) must lie in the xyz-plane since the distance from R to the y2-plane, given by the x-coordinate of R. is 0. 4. The projection of (2,3, 5) on the zy-plane is (2,3, 0); on the y2-plane, (0,3, 5); on the «2-plane, (2, 0,5). ‘The length of the diagonal of the box is the distance between the origin and (2,35). given by VO= FFT FEOF = VB 6.6 5. The equation x + y = 2 represents the set of all points in RS whose 2- and y-coordinates have a sum of 2, or equivalently where y ~ 2. This isthe set {(@,2~ 2,2) | x © R,z € R} which is a vertical plane that interseets the «ry-plane in the line y = 2 — x, z =0, a7 218 G CHAPTER13. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE ET CHAPTER 12 6. (a) In R®, the equation x = 4 represents a line parallel to the y-axis. In R°, the equation x: = 4 represents the set {(v,y.2) | 2 = 4}. the set of all points whose a-coordinate is 4. This is the vertical plane that is parallel to the ‘ye-plane and 4 units in front of it (b) In’, the equation y = 3 represents a vertical plane that is parallel to the zz-plane and 3 units to the right of it ‘The equation 2 = 5 represents a horizontal plane parallel to the zry-plane and 5 units above it. The pair of equations y = 3, 2 = 5 represents the set of points that are simultaneously on both planes, or in other words, the line of intersection of the planes y = This line can also be described as the set {(t,3,5) | ¢ € R}. which is the set of all points in R® whose «-coordinate may vary but whose y- and z-coordinates are fixed at 3 he ‘and 5, respectively. ‘Thus the line is parallel to the 2-axis and intersects the y2-plane in the point (0,3,5).. 7. We first find the lengths of the sides of the triangle by using the distance formula between pairs of vertices: \pq|= a (22 + 2-4)? + (1-0) = Vor TT = Vd jon) = (1-0? + 0-2)? + B- CP = VIFF 9 = VA iPR|= (1 —-CaP +4 + @- 08 = VIF Ord = Vd ‘Since all three sides have the same length, PQR is an equilateral triangle. SECTION 13.1 THREE-DIMENSIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEMS ETSECTIONIZ1 C219 8 We can find the lengths of the sides of the triangle by using the distance formula between pairs of vertices: |AB| = (3-1) + (4-2)? + [-2-(-3)? = VF AFI =3 |Bo| = (8-3)? + (2-4 + 1 - (2) = VO aE = VB = BV [AC] = (8 - 1)? + (-2- 2)? + [1 - (-3)? = VF 16 F 16 = ‘Since the Pythagorean Theorem is satisfied by |AB|? +|AC|? = |BC|*, ABC isa right triangle, ABC is not ‘ososceles, as no two sides have the same length. 9. (a) First we find the distances between points: |AB| = (7-5)? + (9-1)? + (-1-3)? = Vad = 2 V21 |BC| = (1 = 7)? + (-15 - 9)? + (1 - (-1)? = V756 = 6 V2T [AG] = / (1-5)? + (-15 - 1) + (11 - 3)? = V336 = 4 VOT In order for the points to lie on a straight line, the sum of the two shortest distances must be equal to the longest distance. Since |AB| + |AC| = |BC|, the three points lie on a straight line (b) The distances between points are |KE|= y (1-0)? + (2-3)? + [-2~ (-4)? = V6 |LM| = (3-1)? + (0-2) + [1 - (-2)? = vI7 |KM|= y (3-0)? + @-3)? + {1-(-4)? = Since V6 + VI7 # V4. the three points do not lie on a straight line. 10. (a) The distance from a point to the zy-plane is the absolute value of the 2-coordinate of the point. Thus, the distance is |-5| (©) Similarly, the distance is the absolute value ofthe 2-coordinate of the point: [3] (©) The distance isthe absolute value ofthe y-coordinate ofthe point: [7] = 7 (d) The point on the --axis closest to (3,7, ~5) is the point (3, 0,0). (Approach the a-axis perpendicularly.) The distance from (3, 7, ~5) to the z-axis is the distance between these two points: (3~3)" + (7-0)? + (-5 -0)? = VTA ~ 8.00. (©) The point on the y-axis closest to (3, 7,5) is (0.7,0). The distance between these points is (3-0) + (7-7)? + (-5 0)? = V3 = 5.83. (f) The point on the z-axis closest to (3, 7. —5) is (0,0, ~5). The distance between these points is (3-0)? + (7-0)? + [-5 — (5)? = V58 ~ 7.62

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