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Get your Tuck Planche Right!
Now we all know that for a tuck planche you need strong shoulders. But do you know exactly what they need to do and how to train them to work under the required pressure?! Protraction is not just a fancy word but actually something needed in order to be able to engage your muscles properly, to resist against gravity and most importantly to minimize your risk for injuries. In my personal journey no coach spoke about protraction, ever. Also none of my fellow athletes made it past a straddle planche as more wasn’t needed in our field. Looking back I wish I would have invested into protraction than as I have to learn and train for it now or risk getting stuck or injured on harder skills. It is essential to learn to calisthenics from day 1 with great form. When you are just starting out yo
Calisthenics Workouts on Instagram: "🏠 Wall Training Here’s 5 Movements For You To Play With Using Just Your Bodyweight⚔️ ▪️L-Sit Flutters ▪️Assisted 1 Arm Push Ups ▪️Mountain Climbers ▪️Tyson Push Ups ▪️Plank Walk Ups ◾️3. Sets (Like-Share-Save-Try) Message us if you want to be promoted on the page 📲 @calisthenics_learn #homeworkouts #coretraining #calisthenics #workoutroutines #abs #sixpacks #ninjatraining #homegymlife #coreexercises #chestworkouts #noequipmentworkout #abworkouts #corestability #fitnesstips #workoutmotivation #inspireothers"
Stephanie Anneliese Rose on Instagram: "Combine these three movements for a full-body workout that will test your strength, coordination, stability, and mobility!👇 1. Squat to Kick Through (10 Reps) 2. Gorilla Walk (1 Length of Track/Mat) 3. Mountain Climber to Knee Slice (10 Reps, Alt.) Aim for 3 Sets, with minimum rest in between movements! @phase6fitness #strengthandmobility #rangeofmotion #bodyweightworkout"