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Need Academic Advising?

At this time, Psychology undergraduate advisors are continuing to be available to you through phone and video appointments. You can also contact an advisor directly via email – though this may not replace the need for a full appointment. Please click below to schedule an appointment or email advisors with questions.


Bachelor's Program

The Department of Psychology offers a dynamic major, minor, Human Factors Certificate and Honors Track in Psychology. Coursework includes the study of psychology as a profession, cognition, intergroup relations, infancy, emotions, human performance, personality, sexuality, health and much more.

Various opportunities are available for undergraduate students in and outside of the classroom. Students may perform research as research assistants or receive hands on experience through a local organization as field experience participants.

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Ph.D. Graduate Programs

Clinical Ph.D. Program

The APA-accredited Clinical Training Program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah follows the principles of a clinical science model.

Social Ph.D. Program

The social psychology program explores major themes in the search for understanding human behavior in a social world, including close relationships, health and well-being, diversity, and culture.

CNS Ph.D. Program

The Cognition and Neural Science (CNS) program places a strong emphasis on merging basic brain and cognitive science with applied domains.

Developmental Ph.D. Program

The Developmental Program specializes in research on the development of social and interpersonal processes in real-world contexts from infancy through adulthood.