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A member registered Aug 23, 2016

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Interesting game. I managed to make a few more puzzles for myself while playing xD

Nice game. could use a few more spooks, but it was good.

Creepy game. It would be scarier if he actually did something xD 

Great little game. nice twist xD

That was a trippy experience xD


Nice game. That window spook got me good xD

Really spooky. Gave me chills seeing those faces xD

I would say it would be nice to be able to jump bit higher.

That was great. A big step up from The Crawler.

Nice game. The grocery shopping could be a bit more streamlined xD

Great game. The build up was top notch. I would say the monster would probably be better if it were smaller and more ghostly (nun,ghoul)

I didn't know the source material going into this so it was quite a bizarre scene xD

Great game though

nah its normal windows. My drivers are 2 months old, which shouldn't be that big of a deal. Could be AMD idk.

Cool game. Had some problems with the flashlight and someone stole my car at some point, but all in all it was pretty fun xD

Really great game. I was skeptical at first based off the pictures, but it was really good. 

So the download is just a link to the steam page for a game that hasn't been released? xD

Pretty cool game. I thought it was gonna be a Papers Please sort of game, but was pleasantly surprised. 


Interesting game. I did have a few problems, but it was pretty cool.

Great game. Does feel a lot like a half life mod which is cool. The firing/reloding mechanic can be finicky, but i think it adds to the intense moments.

Neat little game. I noticed one of the closets seems to have infinite loot xD

Interesting game. I don't know if its intended but it appears to be impossible to beat. The ghoul just insta catches you

(1 edit)

Creepy game. A bit shorter then i expected. That clown was super creepy xD

Nice game. It is pretty easy to get out of bounds though XD

Very fun game. Loved the stair shower 10/10

Cool game. I wasn't expecting some red light green light xD

Interesting game. I managed to get a couple endings. I also managed to extend the game way longer then it needed to be xD

Nice game. Not that i needed it, but one more reason not to go fishing xD

Interesting game. There were a few funny moments that may or may not have been intentional xD

Interesting game. I had no idea what was happening but it looks pretty good xD

Interesting game. Kind of like Exit 8 meets SCP-087

welp, i still feel like i won in the end. 

Cool game but my god is it brutal. Trying to get all the way to Burts house  with no checkpoints is a nightmare. A lot of the slimmer rocks don't count as safe, even though they definitely should, and when you land from most heights your character does a full stop. 


Interesting game. I do hope the full game has more to interact with, as of now its more of a "haunted house" style game.

Well that was goofy xD

I would say the text at the bottom could be clearer

Great little game.  I THINK i got all the endings, but i forgot to count xD

Interesting game. It was kind of short, but it definitely made ya think xD

Nice game. I liked the driving and exploration aspect. The car could use a bit more oomph xD

Nice game. She is super spooky, but kinda familiar xD

Nice game. Voice acting was 10/10

That was pretty creepy, it was also very goofy. Also is that the actual Jollibee menu? cause it looks awful xD

Great game, the atmosphere was way creepier then i thought it would be. I didn't manage to get the second ending and it wasnt until i was editing that i realized how xD

Also, is the door openable? didn't find any keys or anything around.