
Coastal Carbon Capture: Ocean climate restoration with carbon-removing sand

Joining forces with coastal communities in the fight against climate change

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Coastal communities, habitats, and infrastructure are threatened by climate change and sea-level rise.

Vesta adds a carbon-removing sand made of the natural mineral olivine to coastal systems. This nature-based climate strategy reduces ocean acidity and removes carbon dioxide permanently.

how it works

Coastal Carbon Capture makes shoreline protection climate resilient.

If you are involved in shoreline protection and want to help fight climate change

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Olivine is a clean upland mineral which we grind into beach-compatible sand. It doesn't affect beach use, and once it mixes in, it doesn't affect beach color either.

For coastal communities or coastal practitioners interested in making your shoreline protection projects more climate-friendly, get in touch with us here.

Take a look at our case study, a pilot site in Long Island, NY.

1 – Olivine makes up 90% of the Earth's mantle.

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Science first.

We’re laser-focused on rigorously conducting the experiments which could prove that Coastal Carbon Capture works in the real world.

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A series by Wondrium about the innovators and innovations helping the world reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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This could be big…

Coastal Carbon Capture:
A nature-based, permanent, scalable and affordable solution to climate change and coastal protection that treats both the root cause and the symptoms.

A large image of the earth taken from space.
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Through the natural process of weathering, rocks are dissolved by rain, slowly transporting carbon through waterways and into the ocean - where CO2 is permanently fixed into rock.This is how our planet has naturally captured the CO2 emitted by volcanoes over geological time. We can accelerate this process by taking carbon-removing olivine sand to the ocean, where it dissolves with the help of free wave energy, using it as a mineral for shoreline protection projects.

A large image of the earth taken from space.

It's permanent.

Through Coastal Carbon Capture, carbon dioxide stays locked for years.

vs. Forestry

We love trees, and want many more of them planted. But they require lots of arable land, and the carbon they capture is released if they ever burn.

vs. Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is mandatory for a healthy future, but it's not enough to count on as a carbon sequestration method: it's not permanent, and it demands a lot of land.

vs. Direct Air Capture

DAC is impressive, but expensive. Plus, when DAC is productized, it often puts carbon back into the atmosphere or into waste streams.

A large image of the earth taken from space.

It's scalable.

With only 0.1%-0.25% of shelf seas we could capture 1 gigatonne of CO2.


Coastal Carbon Capture utilizes the free energy of waves to grind and crush the olivine.


We don’t need any clever new technology breakthroughs... It's ready for development now.


Available on every continent and making up over 50% of the upper mantle, olivine is globally abundant and accessible.

A large image of the earth taken from space.

It's smart.

Sequester carbon for
as little as $35 / tonne.


At full scale, costs less than 10% of the price of other carbon capture technologies.


For every tonne of CO2 emitted in the process of extraction and transportation of olivine, 20 tonnes of CO2 are removed from the atmosphere (~95% efficiency).


Coastal Carbon Capture can also support de-acidification in the local ocean ecosystem.

A large image of the earth taken from space.

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