"Drenge, Mænd & Lejrtur" is a short-film about a shy and introvert teenage boy, Albert, who is on a camping trip with a couple of his classmates! What does it mean to be "a man"? This is the main topic and question of "Drenge, Mænd & ...See more"Drenge, Mænd & Lejrtur" is a short-film about a shy and introvert teenage boy, Albert, who is on a camping trip with a couple of his classmates! What does it mean to be "a man"? This is the main topic and question of "Drenge, Mænd & Lejrtur". It is a short-film about boundaries, puberty and manhood! Albert is trying to act ordinary and blend in with his surroundings. The same thing can't be said about his classmate, Pede. He is a sociopathic alpha-dog, controlling the pack of boys seen in the film with various violent outbursts. Written by
Gustav Foldorf
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