"Kadiyan" unfolds as a gripping slow-burn cop investigation drama, delving into the enigmatic murder of affluent socialite and film producer Namrata Khanna. Through the intense perspective of power cop Raksha from the crime branch, the ...See more"Kadiyan" unfolds as a gripping slow-burn cop investigation drama, delving into the enigmatic murder of affluent socialite and film producer Namrata Khanna. Through the intense perspective of power cop Raksha from the crime branch, the narrative unravels the layers of intrigue and deceit surrounding the high-profile case. As Raksha navigates the gritty terrain of the investigation, the story weaves a compelling tapestry of suspense, unveiling hidden motives and exposing the underbelly of the glamorous world. The series promises a riveting exploration of crime, power dynamics, and the relentless pursuit of justice, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
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