A series of musical comedies and revues. Steve Allen hosts this program. The show opens with a sketch in which Allen and Judy Holliday play a couple bickering over what movie they should see together. Following a Parisian-style dance ...See moreA series of musical comedies and revues. Steve Allen hosts this program. The show opens with a sketch in which Allen and Judy Holliday play a couple bickering over what movie they should see together. Following a Parisian-style dance number, Dick Shawn performs a routine about his "dual personality." Holliday performs in a production number of George M. Cohan's "Give My Regards to Broadway." Comedian Jacques Tati performs a series of pantomimes about athletic competitions. Holliday appears in a sketch as the one holdout in a jury that is eager to convict a man for murder. Frank Sinatra, who appears via remote in Hollywood, sings "The Gal That Got Away," "When I Stop Loving You," and "I Get a Kick Out of You." He also appears in a sketch about a young girl who wants to quit school to become a dancer. The program concludes with Allen, Shawn, and Holliday performing a song-and-dance version of "Alexander's Ragtime Band."
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