Trail 27B is a fast paced thriller that captures audience's from the first minute and keeps them guessing until the climatic end. It follows two scientists and their mysterious research project, the outcome of which is unknown. Mind tricks...See moreTrail 27B is a fast paced thriller that captures audience's from the first minute and keeps them guessing until the climatic end. It follows two scientists and their mysterious research project, the outcome of which is unknown. Mind tricks are played and flashback warning signals are ignored in the pursuit of their greed. A dangerous path is followed that leads to a long awaited discovery and unexpected death. But things are not what they seem as it's hard to be sure of the rules in each changing reality. Brilliantly shot, with changing scenes from black and white to full color, Trial 27B is both exciting and visually impressive to watch. The plot twists and turns will leave you wondering what's real and who really manages to escape. Written by
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