BLAME GAME is part of the KNOTS series of interrelated short films, BLAME GAME premiered during the "KNOTS event" on December 14th, 2017 at Atlanta's SCADShow Theatre, where the series of filmed shorts premiered alongside live performances...See moreBLAME GAME is part of the KNOTS series of interrelated short films, BLAME GAME premiered during the "KNOTS event" on December 14th, 2017 at Atlanta's SCADShow Theatre, where the series of filmed shorts premiered alongside live performances of new stage scenes extending the stories of the characters depicted onscreen. The KNOTS series of shorts explores the lives of eight couples as they prepare for and participate in a wedding and reception. The shorts, which range from lightly comedic to boldly dramatic, explore themes of love, compassion, acceptance, and the "knots" or ties that liberate and bind us. BLAME GAME takes a comedic look at the dysfunctional family of the wedding's groom.
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