Registered attendees, view on-demand sessions

Download the app or visit the event portal

25+ Workshops

110+ Talks

1.5k+ In-Person Attendees

2k+ Virtual Attendees

The Fundamentals

All things R & Python

In fact, all things open source data science, because our mission matters.

Whether you’re just starting your data science journey, a skilled professional, or a data science leader, posit::conf(2024) had it all, with four talk tracks, community events, updates on product enhancements, all-day workshops, and keynotes from your favorite data scientists.




9a - 5p Workshops
5:30p Welcome Reception




9a Keynote
10:20a Talks
11:40a Lunch and networking
1p Talks
2:40p Talks
4:15p Keynote
7p Evening Event




9a Keynote
10:20a Talks
11:40a Lunch and networking
1p Talks
2:40p Talks
4:15p Keynote

On-demand Access

Access for everyone

Regardless of economic means, everyone should have access to the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to drive positive change with data science.

Login with in-person or virtual pass and gain access to the following:

• On-demand recordings of all keynotes & talks
• View Q&A sessions
• Virtual networking through our dedicated Discord chat


Who attended posit::conf(2024)?

We thought it would be fun to take a snapshot of the global attendees of this year’s conference, using Posit tools to visualize the data real-time.

2024 Lineup

Featured Speakers

Community @ Conf

The best part about posit::conf is the people you meet

Check out photos from posit::conf(2024) in Seattle

2024 Sponsors

Thank you to this year’s posit::conf(2024) sponsors!

Learn more about posit::conf

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is posit::conf(2025)?

posit::conf(2025) will be in Atlanta September 16-18th

How long can I view recordings on the portal/app?

90 days, after that time they will be uploaded to YouTube for public access