Poki Poki Literature Club (Posts tagged marvel)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


because i could not stop for Death

she kindly stopped for me

agatha all along agatha harkness rio vidal agathario agatha x rio marvel lady death agatha all along fanart agatha all along spoilers thanos: i have killed half the universe for you death: ew agatha: i have killed a bunch of witches. and i know how to rock a good outfit and be a bit silly death: ooohh 😳😳😳 good for her i am not immune to the personification of death me (aroace) and my watching buddy (ace) both agreed rio's skull face was very sexy so i absolutely agree with agatha on the 'beautiful' part art fanart agatha all along art queue

Hey everyone! The exclusivity period for the @moon-knight-zine Lunar Labyrinth is over, so I can now share with all of you the two fics I wrote for it. I hope you enjoy!


hold me fast and fear me not

Word Count: 1.8K

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply

Relationships: Layla El-Faouly/Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant, Layla El-Faouly & Jake Lockley

Characters: Layla El-Faouly, Marc Spector, Steven Grant (Marvel), Jake Lockley

Tags: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Post-Season/Series 01, Protective Layla El-Faouly, POV Layla El-Faouly, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fae & Fairies, Fae Magic, Inspired by Tam Lin, Ballad 39: Tam Lin, Illusions, Mind Manipulation, Hand Holding: The Fic, Lunar Labyrinth Moon Knight Zine Fic

Summary: As they make to leave the realm of Avalon, Layla and the boys find themselves caught up in the machinations of the fae.

May You Bury Me

Word Count: 2K

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence

Characters: Layla El-Faouly, Background & Cameo Characters

Tags: Minor Character Death, POV Layla El-Faouly, Layla El-Faouly-centric, Protective Layla El-Faouly, Post-Moon Knight (TV 2022) Season 01, Post-Season/Series 01, Mentioned Marc Spector, Mentioned Steven Grant (Marvel), Mentioned Jake Lockley, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Parent-Child Relationship, Loss of Parent(s), Layla El-Faouly is Taweret’s Avatar, (and Taweret is a god of several things), Mother-Daughter Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mentioned Abdallah El-Faouly, Lunar Labyrinth Moon Knight Zine Fic

Summary: Layla helps a mother and child, and discovers what it truly means to be an Avatar of Taweret.

moon knight mcu moon knight fic my fic fanfic fic my fanfic marvel marvel fic fanfiction my fanfiction lunar labyrinth moon knight zine layla el-faouly marc spector steven grant jake lockley layla pov getting all the love with these fics. i always seem to do that with shorter mk fics and gasp! a moon knight fic....without moon knight. move over boys it's layla time i wrote both of these over a year ago so it feels both weird and exciting to finally share them but yeah....it's nice to let them out in the wild queue


Happy birthday to the movie that fundamentally changed my brain chemistry

captain america the winter soldier captain america: the winter soldier winter soldier marvel catws steve rogers bucky barnes what d'you mean it's been ten years. that's illegal D: i didn't watch it when it came out but it was just before i got into marvel properly and this was definitely the movie that sealed the deal but yeah...i have watched this movie.... many many times i don't even know how many times I've watched it at this point so it's safe to say it did alter some brain chemicals i should definitely do another rewatch at some point. it's been so long. so long i will never truly escape my winter soldier era (recently enforced by my wanting the bad batch theory of tech being cx2 to be true. my brain just wants another winter soldier guy clearly) (anyway getting off topic. happy birthday Marvel Movie of All Time. beloved mind worm i will never escape)


“Thought cleaves the interstellar gloom

And sits in Sirius' disc all night ... "

Bond and Free by Robert Frost

and finally, my gift to @pokimoko for @tiptapricot's moon knight gift exchange!! this was super fun to do I hope you enjoy it! inspired by one of my favorite poems and some spacey vibes for our knight🌙🤍

moon knight moon knight mystery swap 2023 marvel marvel comics marvel cinematic universe mcu robert frost awww thank you!! :D space AND poetry. i love it 🥰 art fanart fan art moon knight fanart

Haustoria - Moon Knight Fic

A title banner for the fanfic 'Haustoria'. The background is purple, and everything had a blueish tone to it, with some pink highlights. To the left is a pale hand held out with the palm facing up and fingers curled in; nightshade flowers and leaves grow from the skin. A jewel beetle flies above its fingers. To the right is the title 'haustoria' written out in white, with long pink leafy stems growing up through them. Underneath in pink is written 'a story by pokimoko'.ALT

Written by pokimoko for @buttsnorkeler69420 (as part of @tiptapricot’s #Moon Knight Mystery Swap)

Chapters: 1/1

Word Count: 14.6K

Fandom: Moon Knight (2022), Marvel Cinematic Universe

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence

Relationships: Layla El-Faouly & Steven Grant, Layla El-Faouly & Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly & Jake Lockley, Minor or Background Relationship(s)

Characters: Layla El-Faouly, Steven Grant (Marvel), original villain, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley

Tags: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Post-Season/Series 01, Layla El-Faouly-centric, Horror, Body Horror, Bugs & Insects, Undead, Colonialism, Extended Metaphors, (which are also fairly heavy-handed metaphors let’s be honest), Canon-Typical Violence, Gore, Parasites, Protective Layla El-Faouly, Angst and Humor, Egypt, POV Layla El-Faouly, Moon Knight Mystery Swap 2023

Summary: Layla and Steven journey into the depths of an ancient and forgotten tomb in search of the lost dead, but within its halls, where flowers grow across the walls and bugs cover the ground, the dead might just find them.

moon knight mcu fic mcu my writing marvel marvel fic fanfic my fanfic moon knight mystery swap moon knight mystery swap 2023 layla el-faouly steven grant marc spector jake lockley happy new year! have some horror! and not my usual brand of metaphorical horror. this is legit cut and dry horror...that is also a metaphor you've heard of plant vs zombies. now get ready for the completely original never been done idea of plant zombies no no see it's not like the last of us. those are mushroom zombies. these are *plant* zombies. BIG difference (but yeah TLAU. house of hollow. and The Silt Verses were huge vibe inspirations for this. this fic is probably my most grotesque ever) (and if you notice me reusing a certain parsitic puppety type of villain in this that i used in an older fic of mine...no you didn't) but yes i hope you like it buttsnorkeler! i wanted to touch on as many of your prompt suggestions as possible so i hope i succeeded
A sketchy stylised monochrome digital artwork made up of smooth purplely brown/brown rectangles on a white background and black, sketchy textures. From top to bottom, left to right: a line of morse code translating. A vertical line of forget-me-not flowers and leaves. To the right of this, a rectangle with the words 'there was once an invisible man' on the left side and a sketchy silhouette of Jake Lockley on the right, with his eye depicting my a four-point star. Underneath, a square with the hilt of the sword in the shape of Khonshu's ushabti, and in the rectangle to the right is the rest of the sword, with crescent blade shaped cross-guards and a crescent mood inset. Along the sword is a contellation of stars that wind around the hilt and the blade. Underneath, between lines of black meant to resembled blacked out words, is written 'who had grown tired of being unseen'. Undeneath this, another rectangle, with five phases of the moon laid out horizontally: full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent, new moon (that is to say, the moon is periodically being blacked out). Artwork continues on next image.ALT
A sketchy stylised monochrome digital artwork made up of smooth purplely brown/brown rectangles on a white background and black, sketchy textures. From top to bottom, left to right: a black sketchy rectangle that had brown Scrabble letters that had a white space around their edges to make them pop out from the black. In them is written the phrase: 'it was not that he was actually invisble'. Underneath, side by side, the front and back of a postcard. The front, on the left, shows a sketchy drawing of a New York street upon a brown background; on the left hand on the image there is a white space in the shape of Jake Lockley. The back of the postcard, to the right and overlapping the front side, has the words 'it was just that people had become used to not seeing him' written on the left. On the right, there is a taxi square design next to a stamp which shows a goldfish. Undeneath the stamp, where the address would be written, 'Jake Lockley' is written in an almost indistinguishable text, and under this is 'Pokimoko' and '11/11/23' (this text is unrelated to the overall quote). Underneath this is a series of rectangle speech bubbles laid out in a row and made to seem like one disjointed but complete line of dialogue. It says 'and if no one sees you'. The speech is coming out of the 2000's era radio/CD stereo below, which has a old staticy TV to its left and a Macintosh computer with keyboard to the right (all three are in front of a brown rectangle, which is thin enough for parts of the devices to lay outside of it). Underneath this is written 'are you really there at all?' with the text gradually fading to be almost invisible. Thus completes the quote: 'there once was an invisible man who had grown tired of being unseen. it was not that he was actually invisible; it was just that people had become used to not seeing him. and if no one sees you, are you really there at all?'. Quote is taken from the dialogue spoken by the Monster in A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.ALT

It’s been a year to the day since I completed my Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind Moon Knight fic trilogy, so I thought I’d commemorate the occasion with some Jake Lockley art inspired by the series, with a dash of A Monster Calls for angsty flavour. Enjoy! 💜

moon knight marvel jake lockley moon knight art moon knight fanart fanart art my art digital art fanfic art fanfic stuff my fanfic mk art mk fanfic moon knight fanfic mcu esotam esotam series eternal sunshine of the absent mind the absent series a monster calls (the quote is from the third tale in the book and the film) (speaking of if you haven't seen A Monster Calls WATCH IT the film is amazing. it rewired my brain. it's one of my favourite movies ever) the minute i remembered this tale i was like oh fuck that is perfect for esotam jake. and also just canon jake. poor guy i'm pretty sure this will be the epigraph for the jake esotam spin-off fic i STILL haven't finished i'm so sorry. i will get to it i swear also how has it been a year already??? it didn't feel that long ago that i was writing this series...woah. time amiright? and we're also only a few months away from moon knight's 2nd anniversary....that's bonkers id in alt text


YGGDRASILL, the world tree

loki loki series loki spoilers loki season 2 marvel mcu mcu loki yggdrasil norse mythology oh you know my Norse mythology loving arse absolutely loved this shot like holy shit but also holy shit poor Loki oh my god; i love tragedies until of course they hurt me personally i got god of stories loki and yggdrasil and implied/ambiguous lokius but at what cost at least there isn't a snake dripping venom on his face....yay.... small victories very good finale but also ow mobius and loki just sadly pining each other hurts okay. obviously better than bury your gays or forced heterosexuality but damn if it doesn't sting a little bit BUT YEAH BACK TO DENIAL what a lovely tree. isn't this a lovely tree. so pretty a lovely tree that famously involves a god sacrificing their very self upon it GOD DAMN IT I'm leaving i have to process all this now. but yeah. yggdrasil my beloved 🥰 loki show loki 2x06 loki finale loki finale spoilers loki laufeyson (god even in agent of asgard loki has to sacrifice....nope nope not thinking about ego death tonight no sir) (...and comic kid Loki in the journey in—I AM STOPPING good night)

October 17th, 2023- the day they assembled, for the last time.

Whatever it takes’

marvel mcu the avengers avengers avengers endgame endgame marvel cinematic universe back in 2019 the time jump felt so huge. and now we're here. time jump completed. how bizarre i gave the movie the back to the future ii treatment of course and watched it today it's not my favourite mcu movie but i can't deny it has some great moments. how strange to think it came out 4 years ago now early 2019. out of high school. still in my home state. about to see this movie with all my friends. oh to be back in that moment there was something truly electric about being in the cinema that day. but anyway. yes. had to commemorate today can't wait to materialise back into existence. sure hope nothing bad happened these last 5 years 🙃

🌙Guest Spotlight🌙

We're so sorry for our absence! We're here to pick back up with our contributor spotlights! Introducing one of our writers, Charlotte! You can find more of their works on Ao3 and Tumblr!

fanzine marvel moon knight zine self promo lunar labyrinth yes i'm going to be in a zine! :D a moon knight zine babyyy i can't wait for when it's available (partially because I'll be able to have a physical copy of all the amazing art and fics everyone made— —but mostly because i want to share the fics i wrote with you! I'm very happy with them 😁) (and keeping them to myself for so long has been excruciating but then I suppose the wait will make the sharing of them all the sweeter) fic stuff