Friends of +SocialGood

<< Our Community

The +SocialGood community welcomes changemakers to convene and work within their local communities to bring together people for action on social good causes and to share their conversations with the global community.

Our Approach

We take local changemakers with visionary, innovative ideas, and connect them with counterparts in other communities. Through +SocialGood meetings and events, Connectors exchange ideas and leverage technology and new media to bring their vision to life. The Connectors experience is built on three main pillars:



Identify opportunities in your community, which require relevant, pathbreaking solutions.



Conduct further research to identify the best human and technological resources to bring your plans to fruition.



Design action plans and start creating momentum at your first +SocialGood meetups. Send us a launch report.

Friend of +SocialGood Registration

If you are interested in learning more and bringing +SocialGood to your local community, please contact us at [email protected]

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