Imperial College London's official title is The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and was founded in 1907. It is a public institution that focuses on engineering, technology and medical research. It is generally placed in the top 3 of UK universities along with Oxford and Cambridge. Imperial College London represents a merger between the Royal School of Mines and the Royal College of Medicine founded in 1845. Since its inception it has steadily incorporated hospitals and teaching/research entities to form the modern Imperial College London. Admission to undergraduate and graduate programs is highly selective. Imperial College London publishes news about current research in medicine, technology and other relevant work on their Web site. Press inquiries are welcome.

4th Floor South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

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Fine-tuning ion exchange membranes for better energy storage

Researchers at Imperial College London, supported by colleagues at a range of other institutions, have published a study in Nature that will help fine-tune a new class of ion exchange membranes. The results should make it ...

Physicists propose Bell test for probing quantum entanglement

Imperial researchers have proposed a new way to directly probe quantum entanglement, the effect that led to the puzzling concept of "spooky action at a distance," where previously grouped particles' quantum states cannot ...

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