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Apply to GSoC 2015 and FOSS OPW round 10
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The Wikimedia Foundation has been accepted in Google-Summer-of-Code (2015) and Outreachy-Round-10. Now the work continues in T91374: Select participants for GSoC 2015 and Outreachy round 10.

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Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added a project: Developer-Advocacy.
Qgil changed Security from none to None.
Qgil subscribed.

Google writes:

We're pleased to announce that applications for mentoring organizations for Google Summer of Code 2015 are now being accepted. If you'd like to apply to be a mentoring organization you can do so now via Melange. If you have questions about how to use Melange, please see our User's Guide. Please note that the application process remains the same as last year: to apply you must create your individual profile and then an organization profile before submitting your application.

Please note that the application period closes on 20 February at 19:00 UTC. We will not accept any late applications for any reason.

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Feb 9 2015, 7:26 PM

Outreachy writes:

We would like to promote the initial list of participating organizations on February 17, so please try to update your landing page and let us know by then if you will participate. We'll continue adding organizations through March 3 to allow more organizations to secure the funding and set up their landing pages.

The updated resources are:

I have added this comment to the 51 tasks that are currently associated with #Possible-Tech-Projects:

Wikimedia will apply to Google Summer of Code and Outreachy on Tuesday, February 17. If you want this task to become a featured project idea, please follow these instructions. exists. Later today I will update instructions in order to integrate better our Phabricator process. I will also add the projects listed as "Featured" at

In T921#1051919, @Qgil wrote:

The GSoC application has been submitted, but still needs to created

@Nemo_bis was (a lot) faster. Thank you! I will fine tune it, and I will update Possible_Projects right now.

Qgil lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.Feb 20 2015, 2:16 PM and are in good shape now.

I will leave this task open until we know whether Wikimedia will participate in GSoC 2015 or not.

Accepted Orgs Announced On: March 02 at 19:00 UTC



Your Organization Application for Wikimedia Foundation to Google Summer of Code 2015 has been accepted...

Reopening only because we are using Notice for the first time (hi @gpaumier), and I'm not sure how this works yet.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:12 AM, @Niharikakohli wrote:

Is a congratulatory mail to Wikitech-l/Wikimedia-l for GSoC selection in order?

Definitely! For GSoC and Outreachy, of course.

There are quite a few projects in the "Needs Discussion" and a couple in "Missing mentors" column on the workboard. How do we convince people to mentor for these? The Featured column barely hosts 7 projects yet.
Would it be appropriate to shoot a mail to the mailing list(s) asking for attention to some of these projects in need of discussion and/or mentors?

Please mention this in the same announcement. And let's continue discussing this "problem" in T91374: Select participants for GSoC 2015 and Outreachy round 10.

In T921#1081301, @Qgil wrote:

Reopening only because we are using Notice for the first time (hi @gpaumier), and I'm not sure how this works yet.

I'm not sure either, we're all figuring it out :)

I've triaged this Notice into User-notice and Developer-notice. Feel free to move it directly to the "Archive" column on the Developer-notice workboard once it's been announced on the list, since this doesn't need to be included in the release notes.