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zhwikipedia, zhwikinews API request for every article, links from sitenotice to external, unaffiliated sites
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zhwikipedia and zhwikinews API request (cache-control: private) for every article, links from sitenotice to external, unaffiliated sites.

update: same privacy and performance problems on zhwikipedia. same template name.

at first I was just browsing via T374323, visiting [[special:random]] and looking at the footer. and then I saw something like that looked like a local sitenotice with a link that said "undefined". (my user prefs had interface lang en) so then I started looking at what the notices said and where they linked to with Google translate.

I think the first 2 links I hovered were Instagram and telegram. don't see any mention of privacy policy. but in any case CentralNotice policy should be applicable here too?

Wikimedia only - Banners must link to Wikimedia-controlled domains (owned either by Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia affiliates or Wikimedia volunteers identified to the Wikimedia Foundation). Banners should not contain any trademark owned by a for-profit.

besides privacy policy, T374394 makes me think SRE wouldn't want this API request? (I definitely see it myself both logged in and out in browser console) it looks like it's cached client-side if logged in but cache-control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=3600 and it seems like anons will get varnish hits. but anyway this seems bad and there's better ways to do this: is loaded by ResourceLoader via ; it looks like it is a separate HTTP request to load the script but only if that's the page you're visiting and it is a well cached varnish hit and handled specially by ResourceLoader: cache-control: public, max-age=2592000, s-maxage=2592000, stale-while-revalidate=60.

Event Timeline

jeremyb triaged this task as High priority.Fri, Sep 20, 8:20 AM

is this UBN? high for now.

Zhwikinews all (including your said) notices on AdvancedSiteNotices are necessary for community and wikinews readers. Furthermore, our zhwikinews link all is refer to, zhwikipedia AdvancedSiteNotices includes a lot of different social media like Facebook and Google Form (also includes email), I think you talk to zhwikipedia also because if just say zhwikinews is unfair, and our zhwikinews information offer on AdvancedSiteNotices that is very important for our news readers because our breaking news will be updated on telegram wikinews news channel first, Telegram channel is very big a of part on our zhwikinews, wikinews just like another news midia website like NBC News etc., and wikinews is same, we must be offer and show our social media account or channel to our news reader because it is our jobs on journalist. The zhwikinews Google form was added on February 1, 2021, not to solicit users’ email addresses, but to recruit new journalists, an action that was unanimously agreed upon by community members, that include zhwikinews Instagram news account and zhwikinews Telegram live news story channel because social media is big of part for all news media. CentralNotice policy is for Wikimedia banners, however our AdvancedSiteNotices information is not part of banners say on CentralNotice policy, that is real and big difference. CentralNotice policy is formulated in response to the particularity of CentralNotice so I think this cannot be compared wikth AdvancedSiteNotices in zhwikinews because AdvancedSiteNotices only make single wiki work effects, not corss-wiki, CentralNotice is Central Notice banner campaign The two have different designs and purposes:

What is a Central Notice?

A “Central Notice” is a centralized banner campaign that spreads out over (multiple) Wikimedia projects and (multiple) languages. Banners are the notices you sometimes see on the top of Wikimedia project pages, asking attention to an event in your region or language, or for instance the yearly fundraising campaign.

Some general definitions: A campaign is the general setting for a... campaign. The banner is the visual representation that is shown on the project(s). One campaign can potentially have several banners: this is an advanced and more complicated setting, mostly only used for fundraising.

If there are privacy concerns with relevant APIs, I also agree that the code behind those APIs should be updated to address potential privacy issues, such as collecting user information inappropriately and reducing performance overhead. Additionally, it is correct that zhwikinews mandates AdvancedSiteNotices to be enabled for all users because we want to use this to attract people to join the community and ensure readers get the news live channels and news social media accounts we provide. Please keep in mind that the news industry's presence on social media is very important for our every readers, according to Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism guidelines 2023 and 2024. Even unregistered readers should also receive this information, just like on other news websites where all media provide social media handles to all readers. Besides this, please check other wiki sites for similar issues on AdvancedSiteNotices, especially zhwikipedia etc,. zhwikipedia has more articles per article than zhwikinews, and zhwikinews and zhwikipedia AdvancedSiteNotices there are not irrelevant links for everyone and it not violates the Central Notice policy because it does not apply to AdvancedSiteNotices. See my reasons above for details. Central Notice is a misquotation of the policy to establish relevant rules for different identity and design Purpose of Use and the two forms andare fundamentally different in I see. zhwikipedia maybe have problems in your say in zhwikinews much more because zhwikipedia have more pages, see my reasons above of details.

The zhwikinews News Stories Live Telegram Channel has also been on the Chinese Wikipedia's AdvancedSiteNotices for a year in 2020, obtain community consent.
Google Form Facebook Group Facebook Page Google Form Facebook Event Telegram QQ IRC Facebook Page Post Facebook Page Google Form
Google Form
Google Form Facebook Instagram
Facebook Instagram Telegram
Google Form Telegram Facebook Instagram Discord IRC (Libera.Chat) Google Form
Telegram Discord IRC Google Form Instagram Facebook
Google Form Facebook Instagram
Telegram Tencent QQ IRC (Libera.Chat)
Twitter Facebook
Facebook Twitter Telegram
Facebook Twitter Instagram Telegram
Facebook Page Instagram Twitter Discord Telegram Facebook Group
Twitter Facebook
Twitter Instagram Facebook Discord YouTube
Google Form Facebook Twitter
Facebook Instagram
Facebook Twitter Instagram
Facebook Twitter
Instagram Twitter
Facebook Discardแม่แบบ:AdvancedSiteNotices

Some of the above wikis also have social media logos and trademarks.

We can see that all of the Template:AdvancedSiteNotices in these wiki above links are actually related to the Wikimedia community, there must be a reason for the functioning of the local community and even being displayed on all the pages, the local community agrees with this approach in zhwikipedia and zhwikinews. The AdvancedSiteNotices on Wikinews and Wikipedia are used to engage the community, provide important information to readers, and promote Wikinews' social media channels and other initiatives. This is distinct from the Central Notice banner campaigns across multiple Wikimedia projects. While there may be some privacy considerations around data collection through things like Google Forms, the zhwikinews and zhwikipdia community has agreed on these practices as part of their community consensus and policies. The presence of Wikinews' social media channels and information is important for their readers, just as it is for other news media websites. Providing this access to all readers, including unregistered ones, is understandable. A make fair point that the issues I raised about AdvancedSiteNotices may be more prevalent on larger Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia. The specific context and community consensus around these practices on Wikinews appears to justify their use.

Increase subscribers according to the had revised and look like to maintenance Template:AdvancedSiteNotices in zhwikipedia history. Sorry to bother you.

privacy concerns with relevant APIs

I don't believe there's a privacy problem with the API you are using.

I was writing about 3 completely separate, unrelated issues.

  • the close button says "undefined" when interface language is English. not an emergency, not a big deal.
  • I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to link to or even mention the brand names Telegram or Instagram or Google from a sitenotice. you can't from a CentralNotice, I don't see why a different policy should apply here. you can link to those pages from a page on your wiki and link from the sitenotice to that page on your wiki. but not directly from sitenotice to the external site. this is urgent, must be fixed immediately. (unless you can show us where someone said this is ok?)
  • use of local API is a performance/site reliability problem not a privacy problem. this also should be fixed soon. again I refer you to T374394.
jeremyb renamed this task from zhwikinews API request for every article, links from sitenotice to external, unaffiliated sites to zhwikipedia, zhwikinews API request for every article, links from sitenotice to external, unaffiliated sites.Fri, Sep 20, 3:28 PM
jeremyb updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Kitabc12345 also I'm wondering if there's been any local discussion about ? (no article on this topic in zh yet)

these notices are pretty small/unobtrusive but still I believe they are running all the time, every day, all day and night, every page with no sampling. (I haven't read all the javascript. if I got any of that wrong please correct me.)