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Flow posting and reply not working: Error: Failed dependency: oojs-ui.styles.icons-__cpLocation
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:
You'll look a error: Error: Failed dependency: oojs-ui.styles.icons-__cpLocation

What should have happened instead?:
That can create posting or reply normally.

Related Objects

Mentioned Here
rEBSEc56a7e860dff: Update patch set 2
rENTI74746dcb6fe4: build: Updating mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer to 43.0.0
rECNOb6140a9994ae: Merge branch 'master' into wmf_deploy
rECMD175501ecb4e0: Localisation updates from
rSMNBad9ca342c38d: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEEVL8e9d73c798bf: Localisation updates from
rETHRe751de4e5d82: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEAFU27a2c80d3375: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEBET7b2d486e3231: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEBHA6e3397b27c29: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rECAMb908fb749bcc: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rECTRe5ac4d6907a8: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rECHI93947df7863f: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rECEDbe90c89fa9e1: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEDSNcf936cb39725: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEDIS5b439d3a1d51: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEEPSbec0d82dddea: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEELAe3b8f5706d85: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEEGUb62898206850: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEFFDdf6e18b6dc0f: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEFILEEXPORT83d3820d2bfe: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGDA76c581859222: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGAD67bd0473429a: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGBLabb6d5dbd501: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGCJ75ca65655324: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGUPb3414afb86cb: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGPRd584e78f65d1: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEIMAd3c90003e87f: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEIWS83b2c276eaf7: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rELST103ca1d63637: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rELINTe3e292f4fc48: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rELGNd010411d4a87: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEMOBcdca1e779cb2: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rENUMa19215661fa8: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEORS57392107659f: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEPIMe098d3aa87dc: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEPAS5aff457c6a25: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
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rEOAUf308774aed29: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEPTH3a77dd737c49: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEPHD01728bad6767: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEGTO174d76d9f24e: Merge "gt.DefineTour: Fix back button, return builder"
rEPOE7d6490677cf4: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rERARa7b1c561aeb1: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEQUIfc3edf55d263: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rESCR189cfc9a1a6c: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rESMXc7f8def382c6: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rESPBa112136e4298: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rETST256ff9885768: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEVIPac59dece0d2d: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEWMBab223cdabaae: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rETLN13624adccf41: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEHIE9b2717270208: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rSCBL8e24199d0fad: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rECLDb3de8900cbec: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rSMOD8a7c0fb49ba0: build: Updating grunt-banana-checker to 0.13.0
rEPFN2e145b0ff661: Rename language codes sr-ec and sr-el to sr-cyrl and sr-latn
rEDTOc31a61de3025: Localisation updates from
rECMIa21aa79e2d74: Localisation updates from
rEIPI371572f857c3: Localisation updates from
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rEFLW3bb51235fb0a: Localisation updates from
rEASRa3b574405ec2: Localisation updates from
rEABFad868d42a469: Localisation updates from
rEBAB2915c013ebd1: Localisation updates from
rECAU80c25d250433: Localisation updates from
rECIR98517e24c77d: Localisation updates from
rECTPad4dfc40b6e0: Localisation updates from
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rEINBe89f8e4fbb47: Localisation updates from
rEUSH136b417ea531: Localisation updates from
rEMAT872ad3717a44: Localisation updates from
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rEWEDbf73167261a9: Localisation updates from
rECIT158d5de22a2c: Localisation updates from
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rSMIN4eaa83afd852: Localisation updates from
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rEJSC5ae1ba8aa675: Localisation updates from
rETBL26e918586b08: Localisation updates from
rSTIMbef544162cf1: Localisation updates from
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rEWBAb6b2370ffc2b: Localisation updates from
rEWLEe35d412a7571: Localisation updates from
rELUAdf7dee0e7c8f: Localisation updates from
rETSAd91bd3aaee0f: Localisation updates from
rEIWA40b501f9d65f: Localisation updates from
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rECOE2257420e8a37: Localisation updates from
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rECTXc4a625056a88: Remove references to jsduck
rESHG4688fe720a7c: Merge "Apply background to pre tags"
rENUK2794f04b357c: Merge "Add more tests"
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rMW5e1ad3087091: Merge "docs: Remove link syntax for non-working links"
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Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from The Flow posting and reply function is not working to Flow posting and reply not working: Error: Failed dependency: oojs-ui.styles.icons-__cpLocation.May 26 2024, 11:13 AM

Find a Flow discussion

Please link to one. Someone who tries to reproduce the problem should not spend time trying to find some Flow discussion somewhere. Thanks.

Michael moved this task from Inbox to Triaged on the Growth-Team board.
Michael subscribed.

Could you tell us how/where you see this error? A screenshot, if possible, might be ideal.

Also, does other wiki functionality, like editing articles, work normally?

Also, could you tell us what browser you are using?

I'm very tentatively also tagging trust-and-safety because this might be a public/free proxy issue (not sure).

(Just FYI I don't necessarily expect T&S to monitor their Phabricator project tag)

To @Michael: Just FYI: on May 27, the user who created this task has been blocked permanently by zh WP (for vandalism) and their IPBE rights have been revoked. Their IP address is also blocked globally. I don't expect him to reply your questions.

Unfortunately closing this Phabricator task as no further information has been provided.

@Gongxiang01: After you have provided the information asked for and if this still happens, please set the status of this task back to "Open" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown. Thanks!