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Improve the functionality of VideoCutTool
Closed, ResolvedPublic


IMPORTANT: Make sure to read the GSoC participant instructions and communication guidelines thoroughly before commenting on this task. This space is for project-specific questions, so avoid asking questions about getting started, setting up Gerrit, etc. When in doubt, ask your question on Zulip first!

VideoCutTool is a tool to edit videos in Wikimedia Commons. It's widely used by the volunteers to edit videos on the fly and re-upload back to commons in simple few clicks instead of downloading video from commons and using external softwares to edit and re-upload.
The goal of this project is to improve the tool, fix some existing bugs, add additional functionality and write the unit tests.

You can use these tasks to get familiar with the codebase and the workflow used at Wikimedia:

  • Easy: Fixing React and Node package warnings/errors while building the tool.
  • Easy: Tasks marked as good first task
  • Easy: Adding testing to the tool (T328928)
  • Medium: Improve the user experience of the tool.


  • Fixing the edited video back to commons.
  • Improve the user experience of the tool.
  • Write unit test using Jest + React testing library and integrating it with jenkins-bot/CI.
  • Support to persist the edited video after the tab refresh.
  • Avoid bitrate drop (quality degrading) while editing videos (T262892)

Technology & skills
VideoCutTool is primarily built with the React JS (front-end), Node JS (Back-end), FFMEPG (video en-codings) and Mediawiki Action API. It will require knowledge of JavaScript (JSX), and ideally some experience with MongoDB (specifically using the mongoose ORM).

Mentor(s): Gopa Vasanth (@Gopavasanth), Sohom (@Soda)

Getting started
To explore this project, you'll want to begin by setting up a development environment:

If you need help with setting up the backend wrt to obtaining the required OAuth credentials, feel free to PM the mentors on Zulip.

Communications: for any doubts/questions.

You can also browse the 'newcomer friendly' issues for the tool’s dashboard, which can make good first tasks:

Related Objects

ResolvedBUG REPORTReputation22
ResolvedBUG REPORTReputation22
ResolvedBUG REPORTReputation22
ResolvedBUG REPORTReputation22
ResolvedBUG REPORTReputation22
ResolvedBUG REPORTReputation22

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Hi and thank you for your interest! Please check thoroughly (and all of its communication section!). The page covers how to get started, assigning tasks, task status, how to find a codebase, how to create patches, where to ask general development questions and where to get help with setup problems, and how to ask good questions. Thanks a lot! :)

I am Interested in participating in this project as a GSOC 2023 contributor.

Hi! I would like to work on Improve the user experience of the tool. Can you please assign this to me?

@Vas2002: Hi and welcome! Please see the first sentence of the task description - thanks a lot!

Hey @Gopavasanth @Soda, I would like to work on "Avoid bitrate drop (quality degrading) while editing videos."
can you please assign this to me?

@vinodkuril17 Hi and welcome. Please do read all previous comments (T327582#8679244) - thanks.

NeelPatel01 claimed this task.
NeelPatel01 moved this task from Doing to Done on the VideoCutTool board.
Gopavasanth removed NeelPatel01 as the assignee of this task.
Gopavasanth added a subscriber: NeelPatel01.

Hi @NeelPatel01, we kindly request that you refrain from altering the status, assignment, or claim of this task. We plan to assign this task to the chosen candidate for the Google Summer of Code 2023 after the final results have been announced. Thank you for your cooperation.

Hello everyone,
Ashish Padhy here. I am looking forward to being a part of this community. I have contributed to many web development projects using React, NextJS, NodeJS, and ApolloGraphQl in the backend. Can somebody guide me on how to get to know further details regarding the project?
Thank you.

@shurtu-gal: Hi and welcome. Please see the red box on top of this task. Thanks.

General PSA, we will be using Gerrit for all development work, since both me and @Gopavasanth are more comfortable using that platform for all Wikimedia related code-review

Hey , I know how precious your time is, so I'll keep it brief,

  1. I am Shivang Dwivedi , I am a MERN stack developer.
  2. I am interested in working on the project "Improve the functionality of VideoCutTool".
  3. I'll be trying some microtasks , to explore the project,
  4. I'll get back to you , once I've had some exposure , or after getting a task or two done.

I'd like to contribute as a student contributer (GSOC)

NOTE: The project size is large.

@Soda so, can I Update my timeline to Nov 13? I can now use TypeScript and add type checking.

@Soda so, can I Update my timeline to Nov 13? I can now use TypeScript and add type checking.


Hi! Please consider resolving this task and moving any pending items to a new task, as GSoC/Outreachy rounds are now over, and this workboard will soon be archived.

I think this task is now ready to be resolved/closed, what say @Gopavasanth @Soda

Gopavasanth claimed this task.

Thanks a lot for your contributions @Reputation22 and let's create new individual tasks for the leftover items.