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Vertical alignment of images broken with Parsoid on export
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Recently, images have had their vertical alignment CSS stripped and replaced with classes like .mw-valign-middle

This breaks some constructs at enWS, such as, which needs vertical-align:middle (and actually does export surprisingly well).

I have worked around it for now by adding the following to the

 * Parsoid vertical alignment classes
.mw-valign-middle {
  vertical-align: middle;
.mw-valign-baseline {
  vertical-align: baseline;
.mw-valign-sub {
  vertical-align: sub;
.mw-valign-super {
  vertical-align: super;
.mw-valign-top {
  vertical-align: top;
.mw-valign-text-top {
  vertical-align: text-top;
.mw-valign-bottom {
  vertical-align: bottom;
.mw-valign-text-bottom {
  vertical-align: text-bottom;
  1. Is this CSS right?
  2. Should Parsoid CSS be injected by the export tool rather than making the individual wikis add stuff to their Epub.css

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Inductiveload renamed this task from Vertical alignment of images broken with Parsoid to Vertical alignment of images broken with Parsoid on export.Jan 22 2021, 12:54 PM

@Inductiveload Thank you for filing this ticket! Is there an example of a particular image in an ebook export that is impacted/displayed improperly because of this change? A specific example would be nice to add to this ticket, if possible. Thanks!

Anything with the {{custom rule}} template at enWS would be broken without the patch in Epub.css:


@Inductiveload Apologies, I don't see any images in the link you provided. Can you clarify exactly where I should be looking to reproduce the issue, from a user perspective? Thanks!

@ifried The diamond-shaped rule segment and the lines around it are the images:

2021-02-01_234304_636x269_screenshot.png (269×636 px, 18 KB)

Note, it'll work at enWS, because there's a patch in the MediaWiki:Epub.css.

@Inductiveload So, if I understand correctly, the link you provided actually would not have the issue because it is from enWS, correct? I was not able to reproduce the issue when I tested, so this may explain why. And, if so, do you perhaps have an example on a wiki that is not enWS, so we could test it and verify the behavior? Thanks!

itWS seems not to (currently) have the patch in their Epub.css

This is an example there:

The code is

<div class="__custom_rule" style="border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0 0; text-align:center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto; background-color:transparent; "><!-- 
 -->[[File:Rule Segment - Span - 50px.svg|middle|link=|alt=]]<!-- 
 -->[[File:Rule Segment - Diamond - 6px.svg|middle|link=|alt=]]<!--
 -->[[File:Rule Segment - Span - 50px.svg|middle|link=|alt=]]<!-- 

and it comes out like this:

2021-02-05_225905_146x23_screenshot.png (23×146 px, 309 B)

Here's the EPUB:

dmaza set the point value for this task to 2.Feb 17 2021, 12:34 AM

Should Parsoid CSS be injected by the export tool rather than making the individual wikis add stuff to their Epub.css

It sounds like importing the whole stylesheet from MediaWiki would be too much, and also might introduce bugs because of some selectors perhaps not being supported by ereaders. So instead, we've added the main alignment styles to WS Export's stylesheet.

I think this is resolved now. See T330949 for more details (perhaps we should've merged these tasks before now, sorry; they are basically the same I think).