Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Go to an item on test Wikidata
- Switch the language to Czech (čeština)
- Add a date to the statements
- Enter the date 01.02.1997
What happens?:
An error pops up even though the date format is valid:
What should have happened instead?:
- There should be no error
- The date should appear in the format of the country i.e. 1 February 1997
Other information:
Here is a visualisation of the issue from @matej_suchanek:
I have made a visualization of how each day is handled. It is interesting to see the patterns and also how they change depending on the input format and year:
year D.M.YYYY 0D.0M.YYYY 1997 2022
Original ticket
The most commonly used date format in the Czech Republic (and in many other countries, I suspect) is as follows:
Or, optionally, without the spaces:
However, inserting this date format swaps month and day, producing an easily overlooked error.