From "[…] i found another diplay problem (do not know if it is connected). In this item Q4118348 the second P625 is displayed to be 36°N, 36°E but when clicking on it, it links to 36.5867, 37.0458. This does not seem to be correct."
- Live test:{"value":{"latitude":36.5867,"longitude":37.0458,"precision":1.1187604885913},"type":"globecoordinate"}
- Cause: bad rounding algorithm in GeoCoordinateFormatter.php
- Expected behavior: 36.5867 and 37.0458 should both be rounded up, display should be 37°N, 37°E
- updates version number and release notes.
- I would love to see in the same release, because it touches the same code, and fixes very closely related rounding issues. But we do not need to block the release because of this. Can also be in a 1.2.3.
- Tag DataValues Geo 1.2.2.
- Make sure Wikibase uses it.
- Possibly update composer.json to require ^1.2.2.