Patterico's Pontifications


Zombie’s “Anatomy of a Photograph”

Filed under: Media Bias — Patterico @ 3:57 pm

This post is one of the most awesome dissections of press bias I have seen in a long time. (Via Power Line via Instapundit.)

19 Responses to “Zombie’s “Anatomy of a Photograph””

  1. Because the whole truth — that the girl was part of a group of naive teenagers recruited by Communist activists to wear terrorist-style bandannas and carry Palestinian flags and obscene placards — is disturbing, and doesn’t conform to the narrative that the Chronicle is trying to promote.”

    That’s the whole truth. That they’re naive. The photos prove it!

    I also liked how the bandanas are ‘terrorist style’ as opposed to ‘billy the kid style.’

    actus (c9e62e)

  2. My guess is the lettering has been redone in photoshop to be more readable, too. Zoom in on the photo, and you can see where the blur tool has been used. Anyone here know what font that is, or is better at forensic photoshop?

    Shredstar (532850)

  3. Are you talking about the photo in the Chronicle??

    If so, I certainly would like to hear from a photoshop expert!

    Patterico (4e4b70)

  4. What’s interesting to me is that the woman in the N. Vietnamese-flag shirt obviously wanted to be seen in a very public place wearing that shirt. That is, as her part in the antiwar protest, she was entirely comfortable being identified with a loathsome totalitarian regime that murdered millions only a few years ago. It’s so brazen as to be shocking for its brazenness.

    But in large part, that’s exactly what the SF Chron was careful to hide.

    Actus, who’s killed more people total, and more people lately? Terrorists or … Billy the Kid? Do you honestly think it would have been appropriate or accurate for the Chron to pretend that these (supposedly spontaneous) protesters were imitating characters from cowboy and Indian tales? Whoever made up the bandanas, do you really think they were trying to send an Old American West message? And I suppose that would be Doc Holiday holding the Palestinian flag, right?

    Beldar (feb030)

  5. “Actus, who’s killed more people total, and more people lately? Terrorists or … Billy the Kid”

    that’s the point. you’re working from that assumption. You’re assuming the connection to terrorists, not proving it.

    actus (5b2f21)

  6. But actus,

    You are working from an assumption that there isn’t a connection to terrorists, and not proving it; when there is a proven connection to terrorists that you don’t want to accept.

    Charles D. Quarles (5d11c1)

  7. By actus’ definition, even people wearing red stars should not necessarily be assumed to be Communist or pro-Communist. Perhaps they’re supporting the Martians (as in “War of the Worlds”)?

    That might have a shot at reality, if the same Left weren’t so rapid to jump on terms such as “criminal elements” as evidence of racism, or assume that attending the Mississippi state fair was actually honoring those who had killed three civil rights workers in 1964.

    Apparently, symbols are self-evident only when they serve the Left’s cause, and unwarranted assumption when they might embarrass the Left’s cause.

    Lurking Observer (20aaf2)

  8. By actus’ definition, even people wearing red stars should not necessarily be assumed to be Communist or pro-Communist. Perhaps they’re supporting the Martians (as in “War of the Worlds”)? Comment by Lurking Observer — 10/2/2005 @ 8:00 am

    It is possible actus thinks the star represents the trademark for Heineken. But I am working from an “unproven assumption.”

    Rogers Brown fan (formerly Gonzales fan) (b6f37a)

  9. “You are working from an assumption that there isn’t a connection to terrorists, and not proving it; when there is a proven connection to terrorists that you don’t want to accept. ”

    Proven connection? I see a palestine flag. And kids wearing bandanas, like jesse james, and anarchist punks wear.

    “By actus’ definition, even people wearing red stars should not necessarily be assumed to be Communist or pro-Communist. ”

    I think she’s wearing a communist flag. I don’t tihnk terrorists wear bandanas that say ‘people of color say no to war.’ They do wear green, but the other bandannas are dark red, not green. I don’t think terrorists carry signs that say F*ck written out in a graffitti font. I don’t think terrorists carry banners that say ‘third world youth against war.’ I don’t think terrorists identify with the third world at all. I think they identify with allah and whatnot.

    But there was a palestinean flag. So that proves something.

    actus (5b2f21)

  10. “…So that proves something.”

    Could that “something” proved be that the so-called Antiwar Demonstration was funded, organized, and managed, by Communist, Socialist, and Progressive organizations aligned with the liberal wing of the Democrat Party?

    And, might that “something” proved also include evidence that apologists and fellow travelers will embarrass themselves making excuses for their terrorist comrades?

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  11. “Could that “something” proved be that the so-called Antiwar Demonstration was funded, organized, and managed, by Communist, Socialist, and Progressive organizations aligned with the liberal wing of the Democrat Party?”

    ANSWER isn’t aligned with the democrats. They were one of teh few organizing protests against clintons war in kosovo. You know, in alignement with teh right wing of the republican party that opposed that war.

    actus (5b2f21)

  12. Actus

    Clinton launched the war in Kosovo in 1999

    ANSWER was organized on Sept 14, 2001 (never lose an opportunity to show how anti-American/anti-Israel one can be, especially when the ‘enemy’ has suffered such a blow).

    From there site, some of their “objectives”

    Stop the War in Iraq
    End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti
    Support the Palestinian People’s Right of Return
    Stop the Threats Against Venezuela, Cuba, Iran & North Korea
    U.S. Out of the Philippines
    U.S. Out of Puerto Rico
    Bring all the troops home now
    Stop the Racist, anti-Immigrant and anti-Labor Offensive at Home, Defend Civil Rights
    Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools and Communities

    IE… the US and Israel have no right to their own national interests and need stop existing as sovereign nations NOW.

    Darleen (f20213)

  13. “ANSWER was organized on Sept 14, 2001 (never lose an opportunity to show how anti-American/anti-Israel one can be, especially when the ‘enemy’ has suffered such a blow).”

    ANSWER is the WWP. The WWP were some of the few who opposed the kosovo war, even organizing against it. Same people. Different corporate name.

    actus (c9e62e)

  14. Then why say ANSWER and not WWP in the first place?

    Darleen (f20213)

  15. “Then why say ANSWER and not WWP in the first place?”

    I use them interchangeably, because they (at the top/decisionmaking level) pretty much are. Sorry for the confusion.

    actus (c9e62e)

  16. actus,

    One sparrow doesn’t make a Springtime.

    If the WWP to which you refer is the Stalinist, Workers World Party, then I must question your assertion that the WWP isn’t aligned with the liberal wing of the Democrat Party. It is, and anyone who cares to examine the issue will see for themselves.

    One can tell quite a bit about our friends on the left side of the political divide by looking at the company they keep, and by the poverty of the arguments they make.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  17. “If the WWP to which you refer is the Stalinist, Workers World Party, then I must question your assertion that the WWP isn’t aligned with the liberal wing of the Democrat Party”

    Last I checked there are no stalinists in the democratic party. At least not any with any elected office, even dog catcher. Except for those trying to destroy our purity of essence with flouridation.

    There are, however, those who occasionally oppose the same wars that the stalinists at the WWP opposes. Just like in the republican party.

    actus (c9e62e)

  18. actus,

    Birds of a feather flock together, and the liberal wing of the Democrat Party is indisputably in bed with WWP/ANSWER. You know, if it walks like a duck…..

    Now, as for your silly attempt to equate apples with oranges, WWP/ANSWER was opposed to Clinton’s war in Kosovo, but for far different reasons than some Republicans. Take note, if you will, that while perpendicular lines do intersect, they actually lead in significantly different directions.

    However, the Democrat Party is on way too many parallel courses with the Stalinist WWP, or ANSWER, or whatever mask is currently in use to hide the socialist agenda. You can say otherwise if you must, but all the double talk and tap dance in the world won’t change the facts, or slow the march of progress.

    Free men will always seek self determination, totalitarian collectivism is doomed to the wastebin of history, it’s as inevitable as the sunrise.

    Repent your craven heresy and Emerge into the bright light of Reason. Submit to the Capitalist Ideal and take your rightful place among the Sons of the Republic. Resistance is futile, you will be absorbed.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

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