Patterico's Pontifications


National Review on Kate Smith: Right on the Nose, As We Can Now Prove

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:29 am

Good piece. Teaser:

Kate Smith is not a reporter at all. She is an advocate for abortion rights who exploits her perch at CBS to disguise as fact the opinions of the country’s most radical abortion-rights activists. She is Planned Parenthood’s ambassador to CBS, posing as a reporter and constructing articles that more closely resemble press releases for the nation’s most powerful abortion-rights advocacy groups. She has traded her objectivity for access to these organizations, offering them the kid-glove treatment so they will permit her to be the first to publicize their PR campaigns, interview their leaders, and scoop their briefs in court cases.

Read it all.

The piece was written in 2020. Why am I sharing it with you now?

Because of this:

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