Patterico's Pontifications


Open Thread: What Are You Listening To?

Filed under: General — Dana @ 12:36 pm

[guest post by Dana]

It’s a rainy day here, and the music is on. After reading a few comments on the Weekend Open Thread about The Who’s new release, I thought an open thread about what everyone is listening to these days would be fun. Whether it’s new or old stuff, share it with us – and include a link so readers can give a listen.

Here’s what I’m listening to:

Van Morrison’s 1974 Veedon Fleece (favorite song “You Don’t Pull No Punches, But You Don’t Push the River” at the 16:10 mark). Incredible songwriting.

The National “About Today”. Gorgeous.

Rolling Stones 1971 Let It Bleed (favorite song “Gimme Shelter”)

Nina Simone, any song, anytime, anywhere.

And since I’m going to the ballet tomorrow to watch a performance of Swan Lake, Tchaikovsky.

What are you listening to??


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: I have recently subscribed to a classical music streaming app called Primephonic, so I have been listening to a lot of different music. My current obsession is “Das Lied von der Erde” by Mahler. I have downloaded a live version with Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and a version in which the vocalists are accompanied by piano only, the way Mahler originally wrote it. The selection is fantastic and it’s like being a kid in a candy store for a few bucks a month.

UPDATE x2 BY PATTERICO: In my limited free time (yes, it’s limited; there is a reason I blog so little these days although it’s coming to an end; I’ll tell you the enforced kitchen remodel story one day; all I’ll say now is wow the damage a small water leak can cause!) I have been listening to German lieder while reading word-for-word translations in this book, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite books I have ever acquired. It’s a great and fun way to work on your German if you’re so inclined (this book has French songs too, which has gotten me into Faure songs, which is a whole other story), and a fun aid to memorizing the poems/lyrics of the songs. I think I have “Gute Nacht” (the first song of Winterreise) entirely memorized, as well as “Auf ein altes Bild” by Hugo Wolf, and am working on several others. What a helpful acquisition this book was!

Weekend Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:40 am

[guest post by Dana]

Feel free to talk about anything you think is newsworthy or might interest readers.

I’ll start.

First news item: The Supreme Court to decide:

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear President Donald Trump’s appeal of lower court orders, now on hold, that require his banks and accountants to turn over financial records to the House and local prosecutors in New York.

The cases could yield major rulings on the power of the House to demand records for its investigations and the authority of a president to resist such demands. By granting review now, the justices made it possible for these cases to be heard during the current court term, in March, with a decision by the end of June, just as the general election campaign heats up.

Second news item: Joe Biden jumps on Boris Johnson win to promote himself:

[A]s the scale of Johnson’s victory became clear, former Vice President Joe Biden suggested it was a warning for his party, which is considering centrist and liberal candidates for president.

“Boris Johnson is winning in a walk,” said Biden, the leading moderate in the Democratic race. He predicted headlines that say: “Look what happens when the Labour Party moves so, so far to the left. It comes up with ideas that are not able to be contained within a rational basis quickly.”

“You’re also going to see people saying, my god, Boris Johnson, who is kind of a physical and emotional clone of the president, is able to win,” he added.

Third news item: Tightening the circle:

President Donald Trump’s senior aides have further restricted the number of administration officials allowed to listen to the President’s phone calls with foreign leaders since his July 25 call with Ukraine’s President was revealed and became the centerpiece of the impeachment inquiry,according to multiple White House sources [.]

“Nobody is allowed on the calls,” a White House official said, describing the new effort to limit those with access to the President’s senior-most aides. “The barn door officially closed after the horse escaped.”

Fourth news item: Brainstorming a Trump victory in 2020:

Crushing the Never-Trumpers: They’ve “remade” the state parties in “the president’s image,” per one official — with 42 state party chair elections since the 2018 midterms. The Trump campaign isn’t tolerating anti-Trump officials in state party leadership positions in 2020.

“New math”: Tiny counties traditionally overlooked by candidates helped deliver Trump his 2016 victories in states like Wisconsin (where the smallest 48 counties = 22% of the statewide vote) and Pennsylvania (where the 45 smallest counties = 20% of the statewide vote), senior officials said.

“The DJT Disengager”: This is another focus for the campaign. These are voters who remain enthusiastic about Trump but didn’t vote in the 2018 midterms when Trump wasn’t on the ballot.

Making the best of his unpopularity: Impeachment has been good for business…

Fifth news item: That time the President let a 16-year old get under his skin:

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)

Have a great weekend.


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