Patterico's Pontifications


AZ Bob Jammin’ at His Retirement Party

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:07 pm

Many of you are familiar with long-time reader and commenter AZ Bob (“Arizona Bob”). Bob has retired from the District Attorney’s Office, and had his retirement party last night at his beautiful home. Mrs. P. and I were fortunate enough to be invited and to watch AZ Bob’s band crank out some tunes. (After the party was over he was kind enough to show me the main riff to Free’s “All Right Now” and let me play that riff on his guitar.) A musical highlight of the night was when a Bureau Director (a high-level administrator in the office, and my boss three levels up) played and sang the Georgia Satellites’ “Keep Your Hands to Yourself.” (It’s a highlight not just because it was good, but because it’s a lot of fun to watch your boss sing!) I have the video but have not yet asked my boss’s permission to post it. I did ask Bob if I could post a video of his band, and he agreed. So here are a few seconds of Bob playing a guitar solo. Join me in congratulating Bob on his retirement. And please note the Arizona shirt he is wearing.

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