Go to :54.
DICKERSON: Let me ask you last about abortion. What would you do to further restrict women’s access to abortions as President?
TRUMP: Look, look, I just . . . I mean I know where you’re going, and I just want to say: a question was asked to me, and it was asked in a very hypothetical, and it was said, illegal, illegal. I’ve been told by some people that was a older line answer, and that was an answer that was given on a, you know, basis of an older line from years ago, very, on a very conservative basis. But —
DICKERSON: Your original answer, you mean.
TRUMP: My original. But it was —
DICKERSON: About punishing a woman.
TRUMP: — but I was asked as a hypothetical. Hypothetically. Hypothetically. The laws are set now on abortion. And, that’s the way they’re gonna remain, until they’re changed.
DICKERSON: ‘Cause you had said, you wanted, you told Bloomberg in January that you believed abortion should be banned at some point in pregnancy. Where would you do the ban?
TRUMP: Well I, first of all, I would have liked to have seen, you know, this be a states’ rights. I would’ve, I would’ve preferred states’ rights. I think it would’ve been better if it were up to the states. But right now, the laws are set, and that’s the way the laws are.
DICKERSON: But do you have a feeling how they should change? There are a lot of laws you want to change. You’ve talked about them on everything from libel to torture. Anything you’d want to change?
TRUMP: At this moment, the laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way.
DICKERSON: Do you think it’s murder? Abortion?
TRUMP: [Pause] Uh, I have my opinions on it, but I’d rather not comment on it.
DICKERSON: You said you were very pro-life. Pro-life means that it’s abortion. That abortion is murder.”
TRUMP: I mean, I do have my opinions on it. I’d rather, I just don’t think it’s an appropriate forum.
DICKERSON: But you don’t disagree with that proposition, that it’s murder?
TRUMP: What proposition?
DICKERSON: That abortion is murder.
TRUMP: No, I don’t disagree with it.
Aaaaaand . . . the walkback, accompanied by the claim that it is not a walkback:
All he said was: “At this moment, the laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way.” And hours later, that “he will change the law.”
P.S. As a reminder, there ain’t nothing “hypothetical” about what Trump said before. 1:32:
MATTHEWS: Do you believe in punishment for abortion? Yes or no? As a principle?
TRUMP: The answer is . . . that . . . there has to be some form of punishment.
MATTHEWS: For the woman?
TRUMP: Yeah, there has to be some form.
Not hypothetical. Nor was it edited. Even thought they tried to suggest that too:
He thinks you’re stupid. He thinks you can’t understand simple English, and see when he does a 180 within hours.
As to some of you, he’s correct on both counts.