Patterico's Pontifications


Trump: World Would Be Better If We Still Had Saddam and Kadhafi

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:27 pm


The world would be a better place if dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Moamer Kadhafi were still in power, top Republican US presidential hopeful Donald Trump said in comments aired Sunday.

The billionaire real estate tycoon also told CNN’s “State of the Union” talk show that the Middle East “blew up” around US President Barack Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, his biggest Democratic rival in the race for the White House.

“100 percent,” Trump said when asked if the world would be better off with Saddam and Kadhafi still at the helm in Iraq and Libya.

I think he’s right.

“Chopped”: A Planned Parenthood Fundraiser Theme Gets Chopped

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:30 am

[guest post by Dana]

In light of the Center for Medical Progress videos, there can be no doubt that depravity, inhumanity and barbarity are the obscene trinity that make up Planned Parenthood. Everything about them reeks of indecency.

Since the first shocking Center for Medical Progress video dropped, Planned Parenthood has been under fire. As a result of the slow drip-drip-drip of subsequent videos, the organization hired a high-profile Washington public relations firm to help with their battered image.

Along with that, Planned Parenthood and its supporters have been holding fundraising events to shore up the organization because clearly taxpayers aren’t giving enough to keep up that “crunchy” goodness needed so mama can get that new Lamborghini. What?? You think that’s a distasteful way to describe it? Of course it is. Now let’s look at the truly distasteful announcement of a Planned Parenthood fundraiser being hosted by a North Carolina bar:


From the e-vite:

Please join us on Saturday November 14th at 12 noon for another exciting round of our Chopped: Bartender Challenge to raise money and offer thanks to Planned Parenthood!

Local bartenders will compete to design craft cocktails from a list of secret ingredients to be assessed by a panel of judges. Proceeds from the one of a kind cocktails will benefit Planned Parenthood so don’t hesitate to try each one!

We’re excited to welcome Planned Parenthood volunteers and supporters for an awesome Saturday afternoon filled with stiff drinks and competition!

Come out and help us support an organization that continues to offer personalized high quality care to our surrounding community — no matter what!

Although the fundraiser’s theme is based on the popular Food Network cooking competition show, Chopped, if you run a chop-shop that is in the business of butchering babies and then harvesting their parts to sell so you can buy a new car, choosing that particular theme and using a graphic that includes a meat cleaver is certainly the very picture of disgustingly bad taste. Of course, Planned Parenthood and their supporters don’t see the dark irony in this, but why would anyone expect them to? After all, these butchers make it a practice to never say the word “baby” in their clinics, but instead refer to them as irrelevant products of conception. So, “Chopped” and a meat cleaver for a Planned Parenthood fundraiser? Big deal.

But, in spite of that, isn’t it interesting that the meat cleaver has since been removed from the flier, and the word “chopped” removed from the e-vite?


Would You Vote for Trump? Reader Poll!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:10 am

I’m curious. I think I know how this will turn out, but let’s check.

Would you vote for Trump?

I love Trump. I would enthusiastically vote for him.
I don’t care for Trump, but he’s better than Hillary. I’d vote for him over her.
I will never, under any circumstances, vote for Donald Trump.

Quiz Maker

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