Patterico's Pontifications


Think Progress Hillary Shill Upset That Hillary Not On Sunday Talk Shows…No, Make That Upset That *Other Women* Not On Sunday Talk Shows…(Because Hillary Might Actually Be Forced To Answer Direct Questions About Pesky Issues She Is Working To Avoid And We Can’t Have That!)

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:51 pm

[guest post by Dana]

There was an amusing twitter exchange this morning between Think Progress legal brain, Judd Legum (whom I have previously written about), and CNN’s Jake Tapper:

So, what was Legum’s girl, Hillary, up to? Well, she was making sure no solid reporters worth their mettle confronted her with any substantive questions about any number of current scandals involving her – unless of course, they were about ice cream:

Nothing says freedom on Independence Day like corralling reporters with a rope to keep them away from Hillary Clinton as she marches in a July 4th parade.

Clinton’s advance team used a rope to separate the press from the Democratic presidential candidate as she walked the parade route, at times dragging the cranky reporters down the road.

The decision to lasso the media was a reminder of Clinton’s fraught relationship with the press. Pictures of the reporter-roping took on a life of their own on social media and overshadowed what was supposed to be a news-less holiday photo-op in the early primary state.

Republican candidates marched in 4th of July parades “without obstruction from their staff.”



Greece Votes “No” to Bailout Terms

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:48 pm

The people of Greece were presented with a referendum to accept terms of a bailout: yes or no. They have decisively said “no”:

With almost all the ballots counted, results from the Greek referendum show voters decisively rejecting the terms of an international bailout.

Figures published by the interior ministry showed nearly 62% of those whose ballots had been counted voting “No”, against 38% voting “Yes”.

Greece’s governing Syriza party had campaigned for a “No”, saying the bailout terms were humiliating.

This likely means ejection from the Euro. It will be interesting to see whether their banks reopen. If they revert to the drachma, it will be interesting to see if it fails, or fails miserably.

But hey. They have their pride.

New “Badass Feminist Coloring Book” Blowing Minds Everywhere!!

Filed under: General — Dana @ 10:08 am

[guest post by Dana]




You know what real “badass” women never need? An insipid feminist coloring book to relieve their stress and affirm their relevance and worth. And why is that? Because honest-to-God badass women are too busy naturally being badass as they live out their principles and beliefs in service to others without compulsively needing to draw attention to themselves as women. Instead, they are people with a greater vision and purpose than self, thus rendering the sole promotion of gender, irrelevant. Real badass women don’t need the affirmation of grievance mongers.

But given what the modern feminist is all about, it’s nice that this new coloring book has been created for them to relieve the ever-present stress of struggling to be relevant. I am relevant, hear me roar! Because God knows they don’t seem to be having much success on either front:

Feminists of the world, you know how tiring it can get dealing with the oppression, discrimination and hate that’s all too rampant in our everyday lives. Sometimes you just want to scream, or cry, or rip out all the pages of your favorite feminist manifesto and cover your body in them like a paper fort. Well, here’s another idea. In times of stress, why not whip out your handy feminist coloring book?

“You’re never too old for coloring books & you’re never too young for feminism,” is the motto behind Ijeoma Oluo’s incredible project, aptly titled Badass Feminist Coloring Book. The radical book combines the meditative lull of coloring with the revolutionary spirit of feminism, a combination that will please just about any creative lady.

“I’m a feminist writer and a woman of color, so I spend a lot of time neck-deep in misogyny and racism,” Oluo explained to The Huffington Post.

Drawing these amazing feminists has really helped me feel connected to them and their ideals, and I want other people to have that. We can celebrate and enjoy feminism. It’s a very serious topic, but it’s also beautiful, fun, creative and inspiring.”

Serious people demand to be taken seriously!

Crayons ready?




Mind. Blown.

Am I right?!


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