Patterico's Pontifications


If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It . . .

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:42 am

. . . it will just be more expensive with a far higher deductible:

“I was completely happy with the insurance I had before,” Willes said.

So she was surprised when she tried to renew her policy. What did she find out?

“That my insurance was going to be completely different, and they were going to be replaced with 10 new plans that were going to fall under the regulations of the Affordable Care Act,” she said.

Her insurer, Kaiser Permanente, is terminating policies for 160,000 people in California and presenting them with new plans that comply with the healthcare law.

“Before I had a plan that I had a $1,500 deductible,” she said. “I paid $199 dollars a month. The most similar plan that I would have available to me would be $278 a month. My deductible would be $6,500 dollars, and all of my care after that point would only be covered 70 percent.”

Why does this sound familiar?

(Via Hot Air.)

ObamaCare Operator Fired for Telling Truth About ObamaCare Web Site

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:34 am

The truth will set you free . . . from your job working for Obama’s healthcare rollout:

When Hannity explained to Davis that he has been having problems enrolling using the website, Davis explained the system is expected to be down for the next 42 hours. Based on the President’s remarks in the Rose Garden yesterday morning, you would assume that people could then register over the phone, but alas, that is not the case.

“So no one is able to get in, but if they call us we can help them fill out an application as long as they went online to create an account first,” Davis said.

“Well that’s the point, I can’t get online to create an account, so how would I be able to create the account if the website is down for the next 42 hours,” Hannity asked.

“You would have to wait until those 42 hours is up,” Davis replied.

While Davis was sympathetic to the plight of those attempting to signup for Obamacare, all she could offer was a meek word of inspiration.

“Yes, sir, and I understand your frustration,” she said. ”We get calls like this everyday, but we just encourage people to not give up and just try until you get in. But nobody won’t be able to get in until like 42 hours later.”

I listened to the entire interview — at least the part that Hannity made available — and so can you:

She admitted there was a script about the problems with the Web site, and read it to Hannity. Hannity gave her some facts about the cost of the Web site, how the average cost of premiums would rise, and she expressed a noncommittal and polite surprise. Perhaps the most “inflammatory” thing she did was to tell the truth when Hannity asked her if anybody really liked this thing: “Not really.” Hannity started to ask her if she thought government had screwed this up, and then took the question back, saying he didn’t want to get her in trouble.

Too late! Naturally, she has been fired. Here she is talking about her firing on Hannity’s TV show. I can’t seem to embed the TV segment, but you can view it here.

Hannity has treated her well after her firing, and she now considers the episode a “blessing,” so it’s a happy ending. Hannity realized that he was responsible for this in some measure, and gave her money equivalent to what she would have earned in a year at this job, and is working to arrange for a different job for her. It may be tough, though: they need to find her a place where honesty is prized.

Because it’s fairly clear, isn’t it, that if she had simply lied and pretended that everything was hunky dory, she would still have a job?

In other news, Kathleen Sebelius remains employed.

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