Patterico's Pontifications


Betty Calls The Police: The Radio Show

Filed under: General — Stranahan @ 9:50 pm

[Guest post by Lee Stranahan]

Happening at 10west, 11mountain, 12central, 1east

Right here.

– Lee Stranahan

JohnReid9 Would Like to Answer More Questions

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:48 pm

JohnReid9 previously answered questions, here. If he skips your question, consider the possibility that it is a duplicate.

By giving you this opportunity, I express no opinion regarding JohnReid9 and do not vouch for him. As I always say, I tell you what I know and what I don’t. But his answers to questions are news.

Speaking of news, today’s news will likely prompt a new round of questions regarding Jennifer George.

So ask him whatever comes to mind.

Jenny George Files Police Report Accusing Me (Lee Stranahan) Of Making Threats Against Her; A Charge I Deny

Filed under: General — Stranahan @ 6:40 pm


[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan]

I received a phone call at about today from a police detective. He told me that a woman named Jennifer George had come into the station in the past few days and filed a police report claiming that she had received death threats, telling her that she’d be dead before sundown and that she should watch out for her family. (Recently threats were made against bloggers Patterico and Ace from Ace of Spades HQ that used similar language. )

The detective told me that there’s a written report based on what Ms. George said that those threats were made by a specific person who she named — Lee Stranahan.

I categorically and completely deny that any threats were made by me. I believe that Ms. George’s police report is provably false.

More details on this soon.

– Lee Stranahan

UPDATE BY PATTERICO: Lee has clarified that the Jennifer George in question is NOT the one in California with a web site and Twitter feed. So please leave her alone.

Weinergate Caption Contest

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:29 am

The possibilities are endless.

A Couple of Random Quotes

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:24 am

I am working today, and probably cannot post. To tide you over, here are a couple three fun quotes that may or may not have been said by anyone, and/or which may or may not bear on all this. More to follow.

Quote #1:

well i left my cape at home today but i might have my tights on that’s our secret ok?

Quote #2:

Once I had the info, I would undertake whatever steps requiretd to confirm it’s validity, as best I could.

Quote #3:

. . . Steve L. Cope, Gabrielle R. Corrigan . . .

Chew on those for a while.

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