[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Note: This post was retitled. Originally it was a round up on pre-resignation news, called “Weiner Links” and the news of Weiner’s resignation broke seconds after I posted it. That post will follow, under the fold, as is, but above the fold we will concentrate on the Weinerfreude.
Also updates will be constant, so keep scrolling down.
Update: Facepalm-facepalm-facepalm, how did I forget to thank Lee for covering this, especially over the memorial day weekend when all of you were out there grilling? The whole body of work was important, but he seems to have extra affection for this post.
Hey, let’s have a musical interlude:
Anyway, sorry for the omission, Lee. Can I plead a too-quickly-moving story and lack of caffeine?
Update: Literally just after I hit “post,” I saw this:
Representative Anthony D. Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat after coming under growing pressure from his Democratic colleagues to leave the House in the wake of revelations of his lewd online exchanges with women, said a person told of Mr. Weiner’s plans.
Read the whole thing, but I am with Emily Miller on this: “I need a press conference of his smug face before I believe it.”
Update: I just got a Cnn breaking news email that confirms it. It’s worth noting that it was believed the final decision would be made when his wife came home, and she came home early from Africa yesterday.
Update: From the tweeter to the blog: Our long national Weiner joke appears to be over.
Update: More from the Times:
Mr. Weiner, a Democrat, came to the conclusion that he could no longer serve after having long discussions with his wife, Huma Abedin, when she returned home on Tuesday after traveling abroad with her boss, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
And let’s give a shout out to everyone who made this possible. Andrew Breitbart, who forced him to admit it wasn’t a hack and of course Patrick who uncovered sufficient evidence to justify a police investigation into his interaction with a teenager. And even though we don’t know him, etc., I guess we have to thank Dan Wolfe, too. And how can I forget Mike, a.k.a. Goatsred? Update: Shouldn’t have forgotten Ace, either.
Update: Iowahawk tweets: Reports: Weiner to Quit #TypingThroughTheTears
Update: Maybee correctly reports that Gennette Cordova’s twitter has gone dark. Maybee alleges it was last night when this happened. If true, would that mean that Gennette knew it was coming? On the other hand, she said several times she planned to deep-six the twitter anyway. So who knows? And even that is not necessarily nefarious. He might have simply emailed her about his decision at his wife’s request so he doesn’t mess up her life any more, and she kept her mouth shut about him.