Patterico's Pontifications


Two Big Lame Duck Votes: DREAM Act Blocked; Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Soon to Be History

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:54 am

A couple of key votes this morning. First, the blocking of the DREAM Act:

Senate Republicans have blocked a bill to grant hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children a chance to gain legal status if they enroll in college or join the military.

And next, the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell vote:

In a landmark vote for gay rights, the Senate on Saturday voted to advance legislation that would overturn the military ban on openly gay troops known as “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Both links via Hot Air Headlines.

[Update: By Aaron Worthing.]

Don’t ask, don’t tell is repealed. That is, the Senate passed the house law and all that is left is for the President to sign it, which is a virtual certainty.  So go ahead, ask, and tell.  But don’t investigate.

[This update was by Aaron Worthing.]

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