The Houston Chronicle reports:
U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee on Thursday distanced herself from a University of Houston graduate student and Texas Obama delegate who falsely identified herself as a pediatric physician at the congresswoman’s health care reform town hall meeting this week.
“I’ve never met her,” Jackson Lee said as she prepared to take questions from doctors and other health care workers in a session at St. Joseph Medical Center.
Roxana Mayer, who warmly embraced Jackson Lee at the close of Tuesday’s session at a Fifth Ward community center, had spoken in favor of the president’s health care package. The Texas Medical Board, which oversees doctors in Texas, has no record of Mayer, 31, holding a physician’s license.
In a West Coast political blog, Patterico’s Pontifications, Mayer admitted she is not a doctor.
When queried by the Houston Chronicle if she held a medical license outside Texas, she responded via e-mail: “If my initial statement to the Houston Chronicle can not be substantiated, then I understand your responsibility to omit it.”
Jared Woodfill, chairman of Harris County Republican Party, on Thursday said Mayer’s misrepresentation “shows you what we’ve known all along.”
“The Democrats,” he said, “will do anything it takes to pass Obamacare, whether it’s misrepresentation, deception, trickery or outright fraud. It appears there are no boundaries to what they are willing to do.”
I don’t know if Jackson Lee had anything to do with Mayer’s attendance. But I do know that Mayer was invited to the event by a radical Obama supporter who ran an Obama campaign office that sported a picture of Che Guevara.
Mayer yesterday told me that she was invited to the town hall meeting by a listserv message sent by Maria Isabel, who ran an Obama campaign office sporting a Che Guevara flag:
Look, Maria Che-Guevara lady, or whatever, I saw her at about three events during the primaries, and she was a county delegate, too. I know she has been very involved with a lot of stuff with the campaign, but I did not get involved in the general election. I am on a listserve where she sent out a message about the town hall. I haven’t coordinated with her, didn’t even say that I was going. She’s a bit over the top, huh?
Yes, she is, Ms. Mayer.

Maria Isabel (identified by Babalu blog) at Obama/Che HQ

Maria Isabel at town hall meeting

Maria Isabel with Obama
But you know what. Ms. Mayer? It’s also a bit over the top to lie about whether you are a doctor to enhance your credibility in a discussion about health care. So I’d say you and Maria Isabel are two peas in an “over the top” pod.
Funny how the two of you ended up sitting together in the front row.
To add to the intrigue, Hot Air yesterday revealed that Mayer was an organizer for Obama’s Organizing for America. So you have two Obama activists sitting in the front together, one of whom invited the other via a listserv. One is a Che Guevara fan and the other lies about being a doctor.
Yes, Mayer says she acted on her own. Given her track record of dishonesty, I am skeptical. Also, note that she has now been “advised” by unnamed people not to talk any more:
In an e-mail to the Chronicle today, Mayer said she’d been advised not to talk further about the matter, but did not say who counseled her.
I have sent her an e-mail to ask her who gave her this advice. But, you know, she has been “advised” not to respond. So she probably won’t.
P.S. What are those similar looking clipboards being held by Isabel and the woman sitting next to her?
UPDATE: As I reported last night, the Lone Star Times was the first to report Ms. Isabel’s presence, and her Che Guevara connection. What this post adds is the fact that Ms. Mayer was invited by Ms. Isabel (who is, by the way, one of Ms. Mayer’s Facebook friends). In addition, most of the photos in this post are from the Lone Star Times site. They have done excellent work on this.