Patterico's Pontifications


Hot Air Gig

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:50 pm

Allah has broken the news so I might as well elaborate a bit: I’m going to be posting on Hot Air from time to time, likely beginning tomorrow morning. It’s a pretty loose arrangement; Allah says I’ll be “posting regularly but sporadically,” but I think it will be more sporadic than regular. It’s a great site and I don’t want to do anything to break it, so I’ll be posting only when I have a post that I think fits the site. I figure that may happen every once in a while, but probably not daily. (For example, my nonsense about the Sopranos ending and other run-of-the-mill crap won’t make the cut.)

What does this mean for you? Not much, I think. This site will pretty much stay the same, but on occasion, I’ll put up a post that directs you to something I’ve done at Hot Air. (I’m not going to duplicate my Hot Air posts here, but I will link them.) I don’t see any other huge differences on the horizon. I view it as a chance to pitch some posts to a wider audience on occasion. It’s an opportunity I’m looking forward to, and that I hope I won’t abuse.


Filed under: 2008 Election,General — Patterico @ 6:39 am

Is Hillary inevitable? I have been saying so for a while now, so let me now buck the conventional wisdom and say: don’t count out Edwards (or Obama) just yet.

It’s still early.

Where’s the Closure?!?!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:34 am

This schlub wants people to sign a petition asking David Chase to tell viewers whether Tony Soprano is dead.

I like this comment:

While you’re at it, Mo, can you organize a petition to Quentin Tarantino? We have a right to know what was in Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase in Pulp Fiction. Thanks.

Thank goodness the show’s ending wasn’t at the mercy of focus groups.

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