Patterico's Pontifications


High School Reunion

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:38 pm

So I went to my 20th high school reunion last night. It was fun to see the folks. Earlier in the day we got to meet some of their children.

I went to school with a lot of these people since first grade.

There’s one guy I hadn’t seen in 20 years, but I still remember his birthday, because we were best friends in third grade.

Another friend’s father recently passed away well before his time. I remember spending the night at this friend’s house in second grade, the day after a famous coin trade in which my friend traded three shiny 1943 steel war pennies (worth about a dollar) to another friend of ours for a Morgan silver dollar worth about ten dollars. His mom was saying that they should force him to reverse the trade; the dad was saying no way — the trade was fair and square.

One guy had Googled most of us (there were only 59 people in my graduating class) and had found this blog. He said it was “out of control.” I didn’t get a chance to ask what he meant.

Now we’re off to meet the daughter of my best friend. His first name is the same as mine, and his daughter’s name is the same as my daughter’s.

I got to see my nephew drumming in a band yesterday for the first time. He’s good. So is his band.

We’ve been having good times. If you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting much, that’s why.

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