The Land is Our Teacher

Reflections and stories on working with Indigenous Knowledge holders to manage Parks Canada's heritage places

The Land is Our Teacher celebrates the special collaboration that Parks Canada has with Indigenous peoples and especially Knowledge Holders for the management and presentation of heritage places. These reflections and stories are presented through the voices of Parks Canada team members and Indigenous partners. 

The Land is Our Teacher presents a series of  Indigenous Knowledge based projects and describes how Parks Canada works with Indigenous Knowledge Holders to meet its mandate.

As a national and international leader when it comes to collaborating with Indigenous partners in the management of heritage places, Parks Canada believes that in order for Indigenous Knowledge to remain a strong and vibrant part of Indigenous teachings, Indigenous peoples must have:

  • access to places where they can continue to practice traditional activities and transmit their knowledge to the younger generation and to Parks Canada team members.

The Agency is confident that:

  • stronger relationships will lead to better heritage place management and to healthier Indigenous communities.

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