democratic party

Joe Biden's star-studded Hamptons fundraisers to feature 'concerned' donors after disastrous debate

"A fundraiser would normally see people go to cheer him on. But at these events people are going to take his pulse and do a blood pressure check."

Taylor Swift urges fans to get out and vote in the presidential primaries on Super Tuesday

"I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power," the pop superstar wrote via her Instagram Story.

'Insanely wealthy and powerful,' Huma Abedin's new beau Alex Soros is 'everything she cares about'

Alex Soros is everything that Huma Abedin has been searching for in a partner, sources told The Post. Their romance could be the start of a very powerful Dem dynasty.

Whoopi Goldberg, ‘View’ co-hosts slam conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is Pentagon psy-op: ‘Tired of dumb people’

Jesse Watters presented the theory on his show Tuesday night, asking his viewers, "Have you ever wondered how or why she blew up like this?"

Jennifer Lawrence says '30 Rock' line changed her mind about being a Republican

The Oscar winner revealed the line from the sitcom that changed her political stance.

Will AOC's powerhouse birth chart lead to the White House or out of office?

The zodiac sign and birth chart for outspoken politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveal a great deal about her future impact on the world.

Rose McGowan accuses Alyssa Milano of being a 'fraud' in ugly Twitter feud

The war of words began when Rose McGowan blasted the Democratic party on social media and questioned its record.

Robin Williams' 'rambling' Joe Biden bit resurfaces 11 years later

The resurfaced bit began circulating this week.

Political insiders ponder possible backup for Joe Biden

Voices say Andrew Cuomo’s a winner.

Top Kamala Harris supporters spotted at breakfast with Cory Booker

Are they moving allegiance to the New Jersey pol?

The Democratic candidates get an astrological assessment

Suzanne White’s astrology comes from Chinese and Western zodiacs.

Democratic donors can't commit to a presidential candidate yet

Would-be candidates cross the country meeting with potential contributors, but few checks are written.

Joe Biden still deciding on a 2020 run for president

Biden will be at a fundraiser in New York to support the Democratic nominee for Ohio governor.

Ex co-worker no fan of Democrat darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Apparently Ocasio-Cortez isn't a great tipper.

Alec Baldwin headlines Iowa Democrats event

Baldwin will be the keynote speaker at the state party banquet in Des Moines on Nov. 27.

De Blasio was allegedly late to his own wedding

The mayor was more than an hour late to his 1994 wedding to Chirlane McCray, according to a political foe.  

Sen. Kamala Harris quiet on presidential run in Hamptons meetings

But an insider who saw her speak told Page Six: “Kamala was really impressive — she clearly is the new voice of the Democrats."

Sen. Kamala Harris to hit Hamptons power circuit

The popular California pol will have a private meeting, we hear, with Hollywood liberal kingmaker Harvey Weinstein and his wife Georgina Chapman.

Dems' rising star meets with Clinton inner circle in Hamptons

­“Kamala is the big Democratic star right now, at a time when they badly need a star," an insider said.

Rep. Tom Suozzi can't escape airport diva moment

Suozzi is getting trolled by constituents over his airport antics.