ASTMH 2025 Call for Interest to Serve on the Professor Dominic Kwiatkowski Fellowship Committee

ASTMH seeks applications from members interested in serving on the Professor Dominic Kwiatkowski Fellowship Committee.

The Committee is responsible for the review of applications and selection of the candidate.

All ASTMH Committees seek to promote diversity with regard to gender, race/ethnicity, country and organization (including academia, governmental and non-governmental institutions, and private industry). Please submit your statement of interest (one page maximum) and current CV to Rhonda Schultz, Manager, Board and Fellowships at [email protected]

Application Requirements:

  • Current member of ASTMH.
  • Provide a Statement of Interest (one-page maximum) describing why you would like to serve on the committee, a description of your professional background that aligns with the charge to this committee or prior experience on a committee or activity in a related area.
  • Provide an up-to-date CV.

Read here for more information. 

Application deadline, by close of business 14th of March, 2025. 


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