Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes
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Book description
Kubernetes is the operating system of the cloud native world, providing a reliable and scalable platform for running containerized workloads. In this friendly, pragmatic book, cloud experts John Arundel and Justin Domingus show you what Kubernetes can do—and what you can do with it.
You’ll learn all about the Kubernetes ecosystem, and use battle-tested solutions to everyday problems. You’ll build, step by step, an example cloud native application and its supporting infrastructure, along with a development environment and continuous deployment pipeline that you can use for your own applications.
- Understand containers and Kubernetes from first principles; no experience necessary
- Run your own clusters or choose a managed Kubernetes service from Amazon, Google, and others
- Use Kubernetes to manage resource usage and the container lifecycle
- Optimize clusters for cost, performance, resilience, capacity, and scalability
- Learn the best tools for developing, testing, and deploying your applications
- Apply the latest industry practices for security, observability, and monitoring
- Adopt DevOps principles to help make your development teams lean, fast, and effective
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- 1. Revolution in the Cloud
- 2. First Steps with Kubernetes
- 3. Getting Kubernetes
- 4. Working with Kubernetes Objects
- 5. Managing Resources
- 6. Operating Clusters
7. Kubernetes Power Tools
- Mastering kubectl
- Working with Resources
Working with Containers
- Viewing a Container’s Logs
- Attaching to a Container
- Watching Kubernetes Resources with kubespy
- Forwarding a Container Port
- Executing Commands on Containers
- Running Containers for Troubleshooting
- Using BusyBox Commands
- Adding BusyBox to Your Containers
- Installing Programs on a Container
- Live Debugging with kubesquash
- Contexts and Namespaces
- Kubernetes Shells and Tools
- Building Your Own Kubernetes Tools
- Summary
- 8. Running Containers
- 9. Managing Pods
- 10. Configuration and Secrets
- 11. Security and Backups
- 12. Deploying Kubernetes Applications
- 13. Development Workflow
14. Continuous Deployment in Kubernetes
- What Is Continuous Deployment?
- Which CD Tool Should I Use?
- CD Components
A CD Pipeline with Cloud Build
- Setting Up Google Cloud and GKE
- Forking the Demo Repository
- Introducing Cloud Build
- Building the Test Container
- Running the Tests
- Building the Application Container
- Validating the Kubernetes Manifests
- Publishing the Image
- Git SHA Tags
- Creating the First Build Trigger
- Testing the Trigger
- Deploying from a CD Pipeline
- Creating a Deploy Trigger
- Optimizing Your Build Pipeline
- Adapting the Example Pipeline
- Summary
- 15. Observability and Monitoring
- 16. Metrics in Kubernetes
- Afterword
- Index
Product information
- Title: Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes
- Author(s): John Arundel, Justin Domingus
- Release date: March 2019
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781492040712
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