Build Secure Smart Contracts in Solidity
OpenZeppelin Contracts helps you minimize risk by using battle-tested libraries of smart contracts for Ethereum and other EVM blockchains. It includes the most used implementations of ERC standards.
Start building with Contracts Wizard for Solidity

Total value transferred
via OpenZeppelin Contracts
Secure Code
Reduce the risk of vulnerabilities in your applications by using standard, tested, community-reviewed code

Focused on Security
Using top level standard contracts security patterns and best practices.
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The world’s leading projects build with OpenZeppelin Contracts
- Scroll
- The Graph
- Tally
- The Sandbox
- Avalanche
- MatterLabs
- Optimism
- Taiko
- Origin
- Safe
- Axelar
Extend Contracts with Defender Cloud Services
Deploy, Monitor and Automate Applications with OpenZeppelin’s integrated platform
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